Symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis (spondylitis) / rheumatism

Symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis (spondylitis) / rheumatism

Symptoms most often begin at the end of growth (15-16 years) until the age of 40. However, there are rarer forms occurring in childhood.

Initial symptoms

Symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis (spondylitis) / rheumatism: understand it all in 2 min

  • The disease usually begins with pain in the spine, pelvis, buttocks… These pains are more intense towards the end of the night and can even wake up those affected;
  • There is a stiffness and a limitation of the flexibility of the back, more accentuated in the morning. These last more or less long and fade after a period of “unlocking”, that is to say of warming the joints;
  • The disease can also start with pain in the heel, knee or ankle, or swelling of a finger or toe (dactylite);
  • Sometimes the disease begins with symptoms that do not affect the joints, for example, inflammation of the eye (uvéite).

Evolution of symptoms

La ankylosing spondylitis is a disease which progresses by outbreaks, interspersed with periods when the symptoms are less marked, and which sometimes disappear. However, even with total remission, relapses are extremely common.5.

The disease can sometimes only result in pain and stiffness Both of you. Other symptoms may be present depending on the case:

  • Reduced ability to move the back and chest, which can sometimes interfere with breathing. Chest pain when coughing or taking a deep breath;
  • Involvement of the joints of the limbs (especially near the attachment of ligaments and tendons to the bone): swelling and pain of the shoulders, elbows, knees and ankles;
  • Fatigue, loss of appetite and weight, fever in rare cases;
  • Inflammation of one eye (red and sore eye);
  • Rigid or hunched posture;
  • Inflammation of the intestine (causing pain, diarrhea…).

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