Symptoms, itching and swelling from a midge bite, how to treat?

Symptoms, itching and swelling from a midge bite, how to treat?

The prevalence of midges around the globe is very wide – this type of insect does not live only in Antarctica. That is why so many people are attacked daily by them. It would seem, what harm can a millimetric insect do to a massive person? The answer lies in the toxicity of the saliva of midges in relation to the tissues of the human body. Each of the subspecies of midges has a different degree of toxicity, causing multiple pathological changes.

The scientific name for the reactions of the human and animal body to midge bites sounds like “simulidotoxicosis”.

The most important thing to know about midges (gnats):

  1. The likelihood of midge attacks increases during the hot summer months;

  2. The favorite habitats of these insects are forests and banks of flowing reservoirs;

  3. The attack is possible in the morning and afternoon. Midges sleep in the evening and at night;

  4. The midge waits for its victims on the stalks of tall grasses and always attacks en masse.

Why do midges bite?

Only female midges bite. They have a large fat reserve for laying eggs, but in order to give their offspring enough nutrients to grow, she needs blood. Male midges suck plant nectar. [1]

Does the midge bite hurt?

The midges usually feed within 3-4 minutes and you are unlikely to feel anything at this point. If you have been bitten by a midge, it is best to apply an antihistamine cream. If you don’t have anything handy, try not to scratch the bite site. [2]

Symptoms of a midge bite

The attack of midges always occurs suddenly. In most cases, a person does not even have time to understand what happened to him. This is due to the exceptional aggressiveness of midges. Insects attack so quickly that the skin receptors do not have time to fix the irritation. When they hit the surface of the skin, midges instantly gnaw out part of the surface layers, lubricating the wound surface with saliva (the main difference from mosquitoes). It is saliva, acting as an anesthetic, that allows these insects to go unnoticed for some time. If the moment of the bite was not felt, the midge sucks blood and lymph from the wound surface, which is necessary for the life cycle and reproduction of offspring.

Allergy to mosquito bite

The basis of the allergic reaction is the contents of the salivary glands of the insect, which is represented by hemolyzing substances. There is a pattern – the more painful the bite, the stronger the reaction to it, which consists of the manifestations indicated in the table.

Group of symptoms

How are they manifested

Local changes

  1. The predominant lesion of the upper and lower extremities, less often – the trunk and face;

  2. Redness of the skin in places of multiple bites;

  3. Spot wound in the center of the reddened focus;

  4. Pain and burning in places of bites;

  5. Swelling and itching of the affected areas and adjacent tissues;

  6. Various kinds of rashes from spots to blisters or dense nodules (papules);

  7. Wounds under a black scab in places of scratching.

General reactions

  1. Hyperthermia with an increase in body temperature from 37,1C to 39,3C;

  2. An increase in the size of regional lymph nodes and their soreness;

  3. fast heartbeat (tachycardia);

  4. Decreased blood pressure;

The severity of general intoxication and local reactions depends on several factors:

  • The type of midges and the number of bites;

  • The immune status of the body and the age of the person;

  • Tendency to allergic reactions;

  • Individual intolerance to the components of midge saliva;

  • Infection of bitten wounds with infection when combing.

Symptoms, itching and swelling from a midge bite, how to treat?

The nature of clinical manifestations, their duration and outcome depend on the above conditions and their combination. The most critical consequence of a midge bite can be the development of anaphylactic shock, which requires immediate resuscitation. But, fortunately, this is rare.

Itching from a midge bite

Itching is the main complaint of most affected people. Unbearable itching makes you comb the affected areas, which only aggravates the skin condition. But a regularity was fixed: the stronger the itching and local manifestations, the lower the degree of general toxic reactions. The organism in this way limits the pathological process to the site of localization of the focus of intoxication.

By itself, itching from mosquito bites, as a protective reaction, is twofold. On the one hand, it signals a danger, on the other hand, it becomes the cause of further problems. That is why this symptom can rightfully be called central in the development of local skin changes. People constantly comb the places of midge bites, bringing pathogenic pyogenic microorganisms into the thickness of the damaged skin. This causes the progression of pathogenesis in soft tissues, their suppuration and a long course of the wound process.

How to remove swelling from a midge bite?

Puffiness is one of the main symptoms of multiple midge bites. Usually, skin edema is persistent, causing discomfort for a long time along with itching. The cause of severe swelling is a massive release of substances that cause inflammation in the soft tissues. Sometimes the edema is so extensive and pronounced that it spreads to areas distant from the bite site (head, neck, face). Such manifestations are eliminated using the methods given in the table.

Type of edema

Necessary activities

Local edema

  1. Placing the bitten areas with cold;

  2. Pressing down swollen areas. It can be point (only bites) or with an elastic bandage with widespread edema;

  3. Lotions with semi-alcohol (alcohol with water 1: 1) or hypertonic (saline) solutions;

  4. Rubbing with boric alcohol;

  5. Local application of hormonal ointments with anti-edematous effect (hydrocortisone, sinaflan, trimistin, triderm, kremgen);

  6. Local antiallergic drugs – fenistil gel, tsinovit cream;

General swelling

  • He is treated in a hospital with the introduction of antihistamines, glucocorticoids and decongestants.

The volume of measures aimed at reducing edema depends on the intensity and speed of its increase. In most cases, you have to deal with local swelling, which can be well eliminated with the help of the above local measures. But in the case of a lightning-fast increase in edema by the type of an anaphylactic allergic reaction with spread to the neck and respiratory organs, there is an immediate threat to human life. The response must be immediate. Such patients are provided with free access to air and transported to the nearest medical facility as soon as possible. Fortunately, with midge bites, this rarely happens.

How to protect yourself from midge bites?

According to research, eucalyptus essential oil is the best natural insect repellent. [3].

Therefore, it is recommended to buy a repellant that contains this oil, or use the essential oil separately (just remember that the fumes from the essential oil applied to the face can cause allergies in the eyes).

What to do than treat a midge bite?

Very often, multiple midge bites become a real problem, not only because of unpleasant symptoms, but also because of the difficulties in eliminating it. In most cases, bite marks bother the victims for a long time (2-3 weeks). Such consequences are inevitable if nothing is done or limited to only some of the necessary measures. The approach should be comprehensive, aimed at blocking all links of pathogenesis. This is the only way to prevent possible complications.

In a typical course of the wound process, the sequence of changes looks like this: a bite of midges – rashes – itching – scratching – infection – the formation of a wound with inflammation of the surrounding skin. The same clear sequence of measures should be followed in the treatment of midge bites. The amount of necessary actions is presented in the form of a table.

Type of change

Volume of events

A bite, at the time of receipt, accompanied by pain and burning

  1. Rinse the surface of the skin with clean cold water, preferably with a simple gray laundry soap;

  2. Dry with blotting motions. Do not rub;

  3. Press the bites with fingers or objects for several minutes;

  4. Treat with a water-based or alcohol-based antiseptic solution (furatsilin, chlorhexidine, decasan);

  5. Take an anesthetic and antiallergic drug (paracetamol, imet, diazolin, claritin).

A rash that occurs minutes or hours after being bitten.

  1. Make lotions from a soda solution (1 teaspoon per glass of water);

  2. If antihistamines were not taken immediately, be sure to take;

  3. Wipe the bites with ammonia.

Itching accompanying bites at all stages of the wound process

  1. Locally apply an antipruritic ointment or gel (fenistil, tsinovit cream);

  2. In no case do not comb the bites;

  3. Lightly stroke the affected areas and cover with a wet-drying bandage with novocaine (0,5%), furatsilin, half-alcohol solution.

Scratches in the superficial layers of the skin

  1. Glucocorticoid ointments (prednisolone, hyoxysone);

  2. Antiseptic ointments (tetracycline, oflokain);

  3. Preparations based on iodine (betadine);

  4. Lotions with boric acid

Skin infection with wound formation

  1. Daily toilet wounds with soapy water;

  2. Washing with 3% hydrogen peroxide;

  3. Lotions or washing with water antiseptics (chlorhexidine, decasan). Alcohol solutions can only be used to treat intact skin, as they cause burning during strong scratching;

  4. Wound closure with ointment antiseptic dressings (levosin, levomekol, oflokain);

  5. In case of a pronounced temperature or local inflammatory reaction, antibiotics are prescribed (augmentin, azithromycin, ciprofloxacin)

Covering wounds with black scab

  1. Surgical removal of the scab, under which pus may accumulate;

  2. Treatment of wounds according to the above scheme;

  3. Topical application of hormonal ointments to reduce inflammation;

  4. Antibiotic therapy.

wound healing

  1. Daily dressings with antiseptics;

  2. Wound healing ointments and gels (methyluracil, actovegin, solcoseryl, bepanthen, panthenol, cynovit cream)

A simple way to help relieve itching from insect bites

There is an easy way to get quick relief – and all you need is a hair dryer. Just turn it on and place it as close to the bite as possible, set the heat to high, and wait at least a few seconds, preferably up to 30. You will be amazed at how it provides instant relief that lasts for several hours, allowing you to sleep peacefully at night and continue your day. [4]

What you should never do after being bitten by midges:

  • Treat the skin with hygiene products from the category of household chemicals. This can provoke an aggravation of allergic reactions;

  • Comb the affected areas;

  • Apply hormonal ointments directly to wounds. This will cause a burning sensation and slow down their healing. They are applied strictly around the wounds in the area of ​​redness;

  • Neglect the use of antibiotics or antiallergic drugs if indicated;

  • Self-prescribe medications. Seeking help and medical supervision are required!

How to remove a tumor from a midge bite?

Symptoms, itching and swelling from a midge bite, how to treat?

The midge, or midge, is a blood-sucking insect common in many regions. It feeds on the blood and lymph of the objects of its attack; when bitten, it anesthetizes the site of skin damage. Often this area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe skin becomes inflamed, reddens, other, more serious symptoms join the unpleasant consequences of the bite. To take timely measures, you need to know how to remove the tumor after a midge bite.

First aid and prevention

  1. The first thing to do is to disinfect the bite site with alcohol or an antibiotic solution (Chlorhexidine, Miramistin).

  2. Then an antihistamine ointment is applied to the skin to prevent the tumor. If there is no ointment, you can treat the wound with brilliant green or a solution of baking soda.

  3. If itching is severe or does not stop for a long time, you need to take an antihistamine tablet, even if you have never had an allergy before. This precaution will help reduce the size of the tumor after the bite or prevent its occurrence. It is better to choose drugs of the 2nd generation, they, unlike their predecessors, are devoid of a sedative effect and are better tolerated by patients.

  4. For severe swelling, hormonal ointments, such as hydrocortisone ointment, should be used. Hormonal preparations of this group have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

To prevent the swelling from a midge bite from spreading, you can apply ice wrapped in a plastic bag and a clean napkin to the bite site.

What can be done at home to relieve a tumor from a midge bite?

Most home remedies effectively relieve swelling after a midge bite:

  • Lubricate the bite site with thick foam from laundry soap.

  • Apply onion gruel to the swelling after the bite.

  • Fix a compress of grated raw potatoes on the site of the tumor.

If the midge has bitten in the eye

A midge bite in the eye can provoke allergic manifestations, manifested by severe swelling of facial tissues, dizziness, and shortness of breath. This type of bite is the most dangerous, especially if a child or adult with reduced immunity has been injured. If it is temporarily impossible to get medical advice, emergency measures should be taken:

  • Apply a cold compress, ice in a sterile napkin;

  • Take an antihistamine;

  • Use eye ointment with anti-allergic action;

  • Do not scratch the eyes, so as not to provoke the development of the inflammatory process.

You should carefully study the instructions for medications, take into account possible contraindications and side effects.

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