Symptoms come and go. This is how COVID-19 may work for some
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COVID-19 was diagnosed in Joe Biden on July 21. It was then that the test was positive for the first time. And although the test was negative five days later, the presence of the coronavirus was again confirmed to the president on July 30. Biden obtained another positive result on August 4. Where does this quite unusual course of COVID-19 come from? The American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) already sensitized doctors to this in May.

  1. Positive test, negative after recovery, and again positive after a few days? It turns out that in the case of COVID-19, such a scenario is not only possible, but also not uncommon
  2. The CDC warns doctors that symptoms of COVID-19 sometimes come back. It is possible that this is how coronavirus infection occurs in some people
  3. Doctors were warned that symptoms may recur two to eight days after recovery
  4. More information can be found on the TvoiLokony home page

Why are COVID-19 testing positive again?

Many people wonder why the US President tested positive for COVID-19 again a few days after his recovery? “It was not too surprising,” commented Dr. Kevin O’Connor when the study again revealed coronavirus in Joe Biden on July 30. The presidential physician noted that relapse was “seen in a small percentage of patients treated with paxlovid.”

According to CNN, the Pfizer company producing this preparation reports that research shows that relapses are rare and occur both in people taking the drug and in those who took a placebo. “Because researchers saw this in both groups, the company doesn’t believe it has to do with the drug,” notes CNN.

It is worth recalling that in May, the CDC (American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a leading global organization fighting epidemics) issued a health alert for doctors. Patients have been reported with a recurrence of COVID-19 symptoms or a positive coronavirus test after a negative test two to eight days after recovery. So it is possible that this is how an infection occurs in some people (regardless of whether they are vaccinated or treated with drugs such as paxlovid). According to the CDC, most COVID-19 relapses are mild and there are no reports of serious cases.

The onset and disappearance of symptoms is not unique to COVID-19.

Joe Biden has COVID-19. Changes in the results of subsequent coronavirus tests

On July 21, 79-year-old US President Joe Biden tested positive for COVID-19. Five-day isolation and treatment with the use of a drug that inhibits the multiplication of coronavirus (paxlovid) has begun. Just six days later, White House physician Dr. Kevin O’Connor announced that the president had completed treatment and that “the symptoms of the disease were almost completely gone.” It is also known that on July 26, Biden tested negative for the presence of the coronavirus.

While the tests carried out in the following days were also negative, the test carried out on July 30 turned out to be positive. Joe Biden began another five-day isolation. “I have no symptoms, but I intend to isolate myself for the safety of everyone around me,” he said on Twitter, stressing that “he is still at work”.

On August 4, at the end of the president’s second isolation, another COVID-19 test was carried out. The result was positive again. “The president will continue strict containment measures,” reported Dr. O’Connor. White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre said the president would remain isolated until his tests were negative. Dr. Kevin O’Connor would decide whether two more negative tests would be needed to complete Joe Biden’s isolation, she emphasized.

Check if it’s the coronavirus!

At you will find home tests for SARS-CoV-2:

  1. COVID-19 Rapid Test – Antigenic Test for Self-Control
  2. COVID-19 antigen test – SGTi-flex COVID-19 Ag
  3. Home COVID-19 Ag SGTi-flex cartridge test
  4. COVID-19 – Rapid Saliva Antigen Test

COVID-19. How is President Joe Biden?

According to doctor Joe Biden, during his first fight against COVID-19, the president experienced mild symptoms including a runny nose, fatigue, high temperature, and coughing. Biden himself reported that he was going through a series of tests every night and “so far everything is fine.” The White House insisted that the president was vaccinated and after two booster doses, therefore the symptoms of the disease were mild.

When the test was positive after a few days’ break, it was reported that Joe Biden had no recurrence of symptoms and was feeling quite well. The president confirmed this in a social media post.

After another positive coronavirus test, Dr. Kevin O’Connor said Joe Biden was “still fine”. «Still experiencing the occasional cough, but less often than yesterday. He has no fever and is in a good mood »- quotes the doctor ABC News. Heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, and oxygen saturation also remain normal.

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