Symptoms, causes and treatments for pain in the eyes

Pain in the eyes is a symptom that certain changes have occurred with the visual apparatus. Such a feeling of discomfort is most often caused by an eye injury, although there are many other reasons that provoke pain. It, in itself, is not a separate disease, but only indicates problems with vision.

Symptoms of pain in the eyes

Symptoms, causes and treatments for pain in the eyes

Most often, pain in the eyes does not appear on its own, it is accompanied by a number of symptoms, which include the following:

  • Redness of the mucous membrane of the eye.

  • Expansion of vessels inside the eyeball and on the lower and upper eyelids.

  • Lachrymation.

  • Photophobia.

  • Feeling of discomfort in the eye area.

  • Itching.

  • Sometimes there is a discharge of pus from the lacrimal canals.

  • Sometimes peeling can be observed.

  • Swelling of the eyelids.

  • Sometimes redness affects the iris of the eye.

  • Pain sensations.

It is impossible to consider the symptoms of pain in the eyes separately from the cause that caused it, since the pain itself is already a symptom and, in one case or another, can be supplemented by accompanying signs.

Cut in the eyes like sand

Ophthalmologists often encounter such complaints from patients as pain in the eyes, similar to the feeling that sand has got into them. The cause of these symptoms in 30% of cases is conjunctivitis. At the same time, washing the eyes with water does not give a positive effect. Complaints about pain are accompanied by a fear of light, the release of tears and pus, sometimes an increase in body temperature, redness of the eyelids, etc.

It all depends on what caused conjunctivitis and what is the nature of its origin – bacterial, viral, allergic and fungal:

  • Dry eye syndrome – with this pathology, sand in the eye can also be felt. At the same time, changes occur in the properties of the tear film, and it does not fully perform its own functions. The syndrome is accompanied by a sensation of pain, irritation from bright light and the impossibility of straining eyesight, for example, when reading or working at a computer. There are many factors that affect the change in the properties of the tear film – this is wearing contact lenses, and excessive eye strain, and being in a room with dry air, etc.

  • The feeling of sand in the eyes can also be triggered by some diseases of the anterior parts of the eye. This includes the mentioned conjunctivitis, keratoconjunctivitis, blepharitis.

  • Sometimes the feeling of sand in the eyes is caused by taking certain medications from the group of antihistamines, drugs to lower blood pressure, antidepressants.

  • Systemic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, hyperthyroidism, systemic lupus erythematosus at some point can cause a feeling of heaviness and sand in the eyes, accompanied by severe pain.

In order to get rid of this feeling of discomfort, you must first find out the cause of its occurrence. It is impossible to do this on your own, so if there is a feeling of sand in the eyes, you need to seek help from an ophthalmologist.

Cutting in the eyes and tearing

If pain in the eyes is accompanied by tearing, then this may be caused by a number of factors that are not related to each other.

If this phenomenon occurs suddenly, then you should pay attention to:

  • Environmental factors. Sometimes the release of tears, accompanied by pain in the eyes, can be caused by being in the cold and strong winds, or with a sharp change in temperature, or when bright sunlight hits the retina of the eye. This is due to the fact that, in an effort to protect the visual apparatus from damage, the brain sends signals to the tear ducts to narrow and secrete a tear to lubricate the eyes. Therefore, mild pain in the eyes and the appearance of tears under adverse or rapidly changing weather conditions is a natural reaction of the body.

  • A foreign body that has got inside the eye always causes a feeling of pain in the eyes, and the release of tears, regardless of its size. The tear fluid that appears in large volumes is the body’s way of getting rid of a foreign object.

  • An allergic reaction to any external irritants, for example, plant pollen or pet hair, always leads to the fact that tears flow profusely from the eyes, they feel a burning sensation and pain.

  • Acute respiratory diseases cause a feeling of pain in the eyes and the release of tears. This is due to the fact that viruses, when sneezing and coughing, enter the mucous membrane of the eye and irritate it.

  • Wearing contact lenses can cause tearing. This is due to the illiterate selection of the material used to make the lenses, due to the poor-quality solution used to store them.

  • Any overstrain of vision – as a result of prolonged pastime at the computer, reading, poor lighting, etc.

  • Age changes.

  • Eye diseases: conjunctivitis, blepharitis, autoimmune diseases.

Causes of pain in the eyes

Symptoms, causes and treatments for pain in the eyes

There are many reasons that can cause pain in the eyes:

  • An inflammatory process. These diseases include conjunctivitis and keratitis. In any case, they are accompanied by redness of the eyelids, the release of tears and a feeling of pain in the eyes. Purulent discharge may or may not be present. In some cases, there is a runny nose and fever. Bacteria, fungi, viruses, allergens can provoke an inflammatory process.

  • Blepharitis and uevitis are diseases that affect the eyelids. Often accompanying signs are fear of light and the release of tears.

  • Viral diseases. For example, herpes virus, influenza virus, measles virus, etc.

  • Demodicosis. With this disease, the ciliary sacs are affected. Its pathogens are microscopic mites.

  • Poor quality or inappropriate contact lenses.

  • Excessive eye strain.

  • Trigeminal neuralgia. This pathology is accompanied by pain not only in the eye area, but also in the entire face, and even in the oral cavity.

  • Astigmatism is another cause of pain in the eyes.

  • Poor-quality cosmetics can provoke a feeling of pain and pain in the eyes.

  • Glaucoma.

  • Cyclite.

  • Injury to the eye, which includes a fall, blow or hit by any foreign object.

  • Burns of various origins. This includes burns of thermal origin, such as: from steam or hot water, as well as chemical origin, for example, from contact with the mucous membrane of the eye of household chemicals or a reagent.

  • Pathologies of the thyroid gland and diseases associated with it can cause pain in the eyeballs.

  • Exposure to tobacco smoke.

  • Increased intraocular pressure caused by problems in neuralgia or of ophthalmic origin.

  • Violations of the sebaceous glands.

  • Corneal ulcer, although rare, is still a common occurrence.

Methods for treating pain in the eyes

Symptoms, causes and treatments for pain in the eyes

Do not ignore such a symptom as pain in the eyes, even if it causes minor discomfort. Improper use of eye drops can eventually lead to serious vision problems. Therefore, if there is pain in the eyes, first of all, you should consult an ophthalmologist. Depending on the cause of the discomfort, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Most often, an examination with an ophthalmoscope is sufficient to determine the pathology. In some more complex cases, a sample or swab is required from the surface of the eye, or a scraping from the eyelids. After that, treatment is prescribed.

  • Tetracycline ointment. A remedy such as tetracycline ointment has a wide spectrum of action and its use is indicated for corneal burns, conjunctivitis, minor domestic injuries, and diseases caused by bacterial microflora sensitive to the components of the ointment. The doctor decides how long the treatment will last. This tool can be called universal, as it has no contraindications and side effects.

  • Levomycetin It is a broad-spectrum antibiotic and is able to destroy pathogenic bacteria. It is used to treat bacterial conjunctivitis. 

If the causative pain in the eyes is a symptom of a dry eye, then the patient is prescribed special drops that replace a natural tear. They are buried in the conjunctival sac several times a day. It is important to consume enough liquid. These funds include:

  • Cationnorm – a unique cationic emulsion that restores all three layers of tears and prevents dryness and redness of the eyes. Cationorm helps with severe symptoms of dry eye, which appears already in the morning, and quickly relieves redness. Drops can be applied directly to lenses. Suitable for people with glaucoma, blepharitis, allergic conjunctivitis and people using hormone replacement therapy (menopausal hormones, oral contraceptives).

  • Okutiarz – eye drops based on hyaluronic acid (a natural component of human tears) with an ultra-high molecular weight help to quickly relieve dryness and redness of the eyes that occur episodically after prolonged visual work (computer syndrome in office workers, motorists / motorcyclists, frequent flyers, travelers, students ). In addition, drops are suitable for people after ophthalmic operations and for people who have recently worn contact lenses (to facilitate the removal and putting on of lenses). Do not contain preservatives, can be in direct contact with lenses.

    Oftagel drops are suitable for eliminating ordinary dry eyes.

  • Oftagel – eye gel with carbomer in the maximum concentration for a long time moisturizes the ocular surface, eliminates lacrimation and redness of the eyes, and does not require frequent applications, it can be used once a day as an additional moisturizing agent for the eyes. Suitable for people who do not have the opportunity or desire to use drops during the day.

  • Lacrisin

  • Clergy

  • Oxyal

  • Vidisik

  • And others.

Moisturizing gels, such as Korneregel, can also be prescribed. If it is required to restore processes at the cellular level, then it is advisable to use Actovegin eye jelly.

An effective remedy for viral damage to the eyeball, as well as for the treatment and prevention of dry eye syndrome, is the drug Oftalmoferon. It can be used both in adult patients and in children, it has no side effects.

If it is determined that pain in the eyes is caused by wearing lenses, then it is worthwhile to more carefully approach their choice. Sometimes, with the development of dry eye syndrome, a person has to completely abandon them and improve their own vision with the help of glasses. Do not neglect this recommendation, as wearing inappropriate lenses will only aggravate eye problems, up to a sharp loss of vision. As an alternative – the use of lenses from modern materials.

There are conditions that require a patient with pain in the eyes to be in an ophthalmological hospital, for example, with serious injuries and burns of the eyes, with a corneal ulcer. In such cases, an integrated approach and, sometimes, surgery is required. This is a complex procedure that requires prompt removal of the damaged area and its replacement with a new one taken from an eye donor. Most often, it is in this way that a person manages to save his sight.

In order to protect the eyes as much as possible from all sorts of problems, it is necessary to observe certain precautionary and preventive measures, among the main ones are:

  • Compliance with the basic rules of personal hygiene, timely hand washing.

  • Visiting an ophthalmologist for an eye examination. As a preventive measure, it will be enough to get an appointment with the doctor once a year.

  • Removal of all cosmetics from the face and eyes before a night’s rest.

  • You need to give your eyes a rest. This is especially true with excessive eye strain. If possible, every hour you should do gymnastics for the eyes.

  • Protect your eyes from bright sunlight by wearing a hat and dark glasses. The same rule applies not only to sunlight, but to artificial light. Do not look at incandescent lamps, at headlights at night, at the operation of a welding machine, etc.

  • It is necessary to blink as often as possible. 

  • From an early age, it is important to wean children from touching, and even more so from rubbing their eyes with their hands.

  • Take vitamins, especially useful for vision vitamin A and B2.

  • Night rest should be complete and consist of at least seven hours.

  • If after working at a computer you feel pain in your eyes, it would be advisable to use drops that replace natural tears.

  • If you experience an inexplicable feeling of discomfort, decreased vision or the appearance of pain in the eyes, it is important to get an appointment with an ophthalmologist as soon as possible.

Video: pain and pain in the eyes in the morning.

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