Symptoms and what to do with a stretched arm
We will tell you about the symptoms and rules of first aid.
Injuries are always unpleasant. But it is especially sad when the hand has suffered. It is problematic to live fully without a working limb. Therefore, it is important to learn what to do when stretching your arm and how to get back into action as soon as possible, without experiencing pain.
Unfortunately, it is very easy to get this injury in everyday life. It is enough to fall or bump unsuccessfully. This is often also accompanied by dislocations. However, it is difficult to earn serious sprains: for this you need to exceed your own physical capabilities many times over.
An arm sprain is very easy to distinguish from normal muscle pain after exercise.
Stretching symptoms:
Strong pain at the site of injury.
Inability or severe limitation of movement of the injured arm.
The appearance of edema.
The manifestation of a hematoma is possible due to damage to the ligaments and muscles.
Inflammation is very rare.
It is important to immediately respond to the injury and start treating it in time.
If the symptoms are acute enough, a large hematoma appears, and even more so if inflammation has developed, self-medication is unacceptable. It is necessary to visit a traumatologist to rule out a fracture, rupture of ligaments / muscles or dislocation, as well as to prescribe adequate treatment.
Stretching the arm: what to do to relieve the condition
It is necessary to immediately provide first aid if such an injury occurs. It includes:
the imposition of a tight bandage on the hand, joint and forearm. Use an elastic bandage. You need to wear it for a week;
cool the damaged area. Best of all with special medical compresses. But if not, ice or frozen meat will come off. The main thing is without direct contact with the body. You can use cold for no more than 12 hours;
immobilize the hand. Make a bandage, as for a fracture, and do not move the injured limb.
If it is not possible to move the hand, this is a possible symptom of a fracture of the radius or ligament rupture. It is important to immediately contact a traumatologist for an X-ray examination and identify the cause of the immobility of the hand.
A sprained arm can be healed more quickly by using special warming ointments. They will speed up the recovery process. Pain syndrome is relieved with the help of painkillers, also in the form of ointments. Special warming compresses also help well. They improve blood circulation and tissue regeneration.
It is important to release the injured limb from stress for at least 2 weeks after removing the bandage.
A sprain is often confused with a dislocation. To prevent this from happening, traumatologist Artur Fomichev spoke about the main symptoms of damage.
Expert Opinion
Traumatologist, clinic “Family”
– Unlike a fracture, dislocation does not impair the integrity of the bones. Dislocation occurs in the joints, while the basic position of the bones relative to each other is disturbed. Very often, dislocations are adjusted on their own, even imperceptibly for the patient himself. – The main symptoms are a violation of movement in the dislocated joint, pain, as a rule, constant and more often of a dull nature, visible deformation (for example, with an anterior dislocation of the shoulder under the skin, the head of the humerus is felt and visually determined, etc.) desirable! It is necessary to fix the dislocated joint in this position and call the ambulance team or contact the nearest medical institution to the orthopedic traumatologist. It is very important to fix the dislocated joint after reduction (with plaster, bandage or orthosis), thus it will be possible to avoid surgical intervention in the future.