Symptoms and treatment of thrush in men

Thrush in men – this is a generalized name for fungal lesions of the mucous membranes of the male genital organs. The name is given by a common symptom – a white coating, reminiscent of the appearance and smell of curdled sour milk. In medicine, another name for thrush is also used – candidiasis. It is associated with the generic designation of microscopic fungi Candida, which under certain conditions have a pathogenic effect on the body. Actually, candidiasis is a large group of diseases that have a similar etiology, manifested by damage to the mucous membranes, skin and its derivatives, as well as internal organs.

A wide range of people know candidiasis (thrush) of the mucous membranes of the external genitalia and oral cavity. They often occur in newborns in the form of candidal stomatitis. And among adults, genital thrush is diagnosed most often in women as candidal vulvitis, vaginitis, colpitis or cervicitis.

Do men get thrush?

Candidiasis of the genital organs in men is usually manifested subclinically. The clinical picture of male genital thrush is less common than female. The relative resistance of men to genital candidiasis is associated with the anatomical feature of the structure of the external genital organs: a movable foreskin, the absence of deep folds. The natural immunity of the mucous membranes, the normal microflora under the foreskin, regular hygiene procedures inhibit the rapid growth of saprophytic candida on the mucous membranes of the male genital organs.

The clinical picture of thrush in men is accompanied by inflammatory and other phenomena on the mucous membranes of the external genital organs. Thrush (candidiasis) in men damages the foreskin or glans penis, the foreskin and glans at the same time, the urethra and rarely the prostate gland.

Lesions of the genitourinary organs in men with the participation of a fungal infection are called:

  • Candidiasis postitis – inflammation of the mucous membrane of the foreskin under the influence of various factors with the participation of fungal microflora;

  • Candida balanitis – inflammation of the mucous membrane of the glans penis under the influence of various factors with the participation of fungal microflora;

  • Candidal balanoposthitis is a combined inflammation of the fungal etiology of the two named formations of the male external genital organs.

  • Candidal urethritis – inflammation of the urethra under the influence of various pathogenic and other factors with the participation of fungal microflora.

Thrush in women is often an independent disease that has nothing to do with deep pathologies of the body. On the contrary, a protracted, chronic course of thrush in men always indicates a more formidable pathology.

Its cause may be violations:

  • carbohydrate metabolism;

  • Hormonal status;

  • immune system;

  • bacterial microflora.

Signs and symptoms of thrush in men

The disease is manifested by a white coating on the head of the penis. Before contacting a specialized clinic, the patient discovers the following symptoms:

  • Discomfort during urination (accompanied by burning, pain);

  • Itching of a continuous or intermittent nature;

  • Discomfort during intercourse.

Often, having a distant idea of ​​the nature of the pathology, the sick person diagnoses himself and prescribes treatment. Perhaps even successful, because usually thrush in men does not belong to the group of serious diseases. However, we must not forget that such symptoms can accompany various infectious and non-infectious diseases.

Thrush in men usually occurs in the form balanoposthitis. An accurate diagnosis of balanoposthitis, accompanied by symptoms of thrush, is made by a doctor based on anamnesis, clinical, laboratory studies:

  1. In the anamnesis, hormonal status disorders, obesity, antibiotic therapy preceding the disease, unprotected sexual intercourse are found. Characterized by complaints of an unpleasant sour smell in the perineum, painful urination, thready discharge from the urethra, and other subjective sensations.

  2. Clinical examination reveals swelling of the prepuce and glans penis. When the head is exposed, a white coating is visible on it. In some cases, primary or secondary phimosis (narrowing of the foreskin) is diagnosed. In severe cases, the prepuce and the head of the penis are involved in the pathological process.

    Based on the clinical picture, candidal balanoposthitis is divided into simple (exudative) and complicated (erosive), which occur in acute or chronic form:

    • The symptomatology of exudative (simple) candidal balanoposthitis is characterized by the formation of plaque on the head and foreskin, in some cases, the phenomena of catarrhal, serous, fibrinous or purulent inflammation;

    • Erosive inflammation of the external genital organs is manifested by constant pain, bright red ulcerations, turning into maceration foci and interspersed with each other.

    Exudative and erosive candidiasis have different symptoms in acute and chronic course:

    • Symptoms of acute candidal balanoposthitis are inflammatory phenomena, including redness, soreness, swelling, fever, sexual dysfunction. Often, an acute course is a consequence of an injury. In the acute phase, an increase in inguinal lymph nodes is palpated;

    • Symptoms of the chronic course of candidal balanoposthitis are often combined with symptoms of diabetes mellitus, phimosis, dysbacteriosis and immunodeficiency. In chronic forms, thrush in men is sometimes accompanied by symptoms of damage to the urethra (urethra), bladder and kidneys. In especially severe cases, the disease occurs with symptoms of damage to internal organs.

  3. Laboratory diagnosis of candidiasis is based on the visual detection of Candida fungi and their species differentiation.

    For diagnosis use:

    • Microscopy of an unstained smear of preputial contents. The diagnostic value of the method reaches 75%;

    • Microscopy of a stained smear of preputial contents. The diagnostic value of the method reaches 92%;

    • Sowing the discharge on Sabouraud’s medium (other similar media) to differentiate fungal colonies.

The presence of fungi in the studied laboratory material is not a determining factor in the diagnosis. The results of the studies are interpreted according to the totality of the anamnesis data and clinical symptoms (leading and auxiliary). In some cases, despite the vivid clinical picture, the diagnosis is difficult. Genital candidiasis in men is very common – only minor diseases. The main pathologies that caused thrush remain unidentified.

Causes of thrush in men

Single-celled benders of the genus Candida are commensals (symbionts) and are widely distributed in nature. In a state of harmless cohabitation, these are permanent inhabitants of the human body that do not adversely affect health. Theoretically, the fungus is isolated from 100% of the people inhabiting the planet. In a certain part of the population, candidiasis takes the form of a disease, but proceeds subclinically. According to various sources, this course occurs in 5-30% of people. With extreme exposure to pathogenic factors, thrush manifests itself clinically.

Causes of thrush associated with a change in the physiological status of the mucous membranes of the genital organs:

  • In a healthy body, the pH of the mucous membranes is close to neutral, changing it to the acid side to pH values ​​of 5,8-6,5 significantly increases the pathological activity of the fungal flora;

  • The increased moisture of the mucous membranes, caused by the effusion of transudate and exudate, is a factor provoking the rapid growth of candida in a humid and acidic environment;

  • The English word “Candy”, consonant with the Latin “Candi”, which formed the basis of the generic name of fungi, is used to denote sweetness. In the very term “candidiasis” there is an indication of the cause of the rapid growth of fungal flora in glucosuria (the presence of glucose in the urine);

  • Unicellular fungi multiply rapidly and grow under conditions that exclude mechanical action on fungal colonies. Therefore, the presence of constrictions, pockets, inflows, bedsores, ulcers and scars on the mucous membranes and skin is also the cause of thrush.

Causes of thrush associated with a change in the physiological status of the body:

  • Dysbacteriosis is one of the main causes of the clinical manifestation of thrush. Lactobacilli are natural antagonists of the fungal flora, they restrain the rapid reproduction of the latter. The underlying mechanism of interaction is complex and not yet well understood. However, it has been proven that the irrational use of antibiotics, especially without medical supervision and without correcting the effects of antimicrobial therapy, is the cause of clinical exacerbation of thrush;

  • A change in hormonal status is also the cause of thrush. The body of a healthy person is balanced and functions without additional intervention. Hormonal failures can be endogenous and exogenous. In endogenous disorders, such as diabetes, the use of hormones is often the trigger for the appearance of thrush. With exogenous influence under the influence of high doses of hormonal contraceptives or glucocorticosteroids, the risk of developing thrush sharply increases. An unbalanced hormonal system during adolescence, during pregnancy and in the process of aging can provoke thrush;

  • A change in the immune status of the body is the cause of thrush. The immune system plays a regulatory role in the body. Through the natural resistance of the skin and mucous membranes, as well as humoral and cellular immunity, complex protective reactions occur in response to the antigenic attack of fungi. The immune system is negatively affected not only by biological agents – viruses, bacteria, fungi, helminths, but also by pharmaceuticals. Glucocorticosteroids, chemotherapy drugs, as well as ionizing radiation, past infections and an allergic predisposition to fungal metabolites suppress the immune system;

  • Decrease in the protective status of the body during the subclinical course of a concomitant disease. Many diseases, including sexually transmitted diseases (affecting the organs of the genitourinary system) occur at the subclinical level, but are accompanied by candidiasis, which has a vivid clinical picture. Treatment of thrush without diagnosing the underlying disease in this case does not make sense. Genital candidiasis of men, occurring against the background of sexually transmitted diseases in a subclinical form, can have a severe course and unpredictable consequences for the body.

The consequences of thrush in men

Banal candidiasis, not complicated by concomitant diseases, is treated quickly and disappears without a trace. Another thing is chronic fungal diseases of the genitourinary organs. The consequences of candidiasis can be close and distant.

Early consequences manifest during the acute course of the disease, these include:

  • Problems in intimate life. Candidiasis associated with erosions on the genital mucosa is accompanied by pain and discomfort during sex;

  • The predisposition of patients with candidiasis to sexually transmitted diseases in the presence of “open doors for infection” – erosion, cracks in the mucous membranes of the genital organs.

Later consequences in the chronic course of the disease, they manifest themselves in the form of ascending infections of the genitourinary system, such as:

  • Urethritis – pathologies of an inflammatory nature in the urethra;

  • Cystitis – inflammation of the walls of the bladder;

  • Nephritis, glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis – inflammation of the structure of the tissues of the kidneys;

  • Severe forms of candidiasis pass to the prostate gland, causing its inflammation. Candidiasis is one of the many factors in the development of impotence and infertility in men.

Treatment of thrush in men

Before starting the treatment of thrush in men, it is necessary to conduct a laboratory diagnosis. Simultaneously with thrush, other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) with similar symptoms can also appear. To identify them will help conduct tests to determine the causative agent of the disease. If you self-medicate candidiasis, these infections will remain in a latent (latent state).

If a man with signs of thrush has a permanent partner, during sexual intercourse with whom he did not use a condom, she also needs to be examined and treated.

Treatment of only candidiasis, without signs of STDs, is carried out in a complex way – with the use of antifungal drugs and topical agents (ointments and creams with an antifungal effect). In some cases, treatment is limited to topical preparations. The choice of treatment tactics depends on the severity of symptoms, the duration of the disease, the intensity of the inflammatory process.

Antifungal agents. Medicines for the treatment of candidiasis in men are produced in the form of tablets, sprays and creams for topical use:

  • Miconazole;

  • Ketoconazole;

  • Econazole;

  • Clotrimazole.

Personal hygiene. Another important factor for a speedy recovery is following hygiene rules and observing intimate hygiene. It is important to wear cotton underwear, wipe dry after washing the genitals, so as not to create favorable conditions for the reproduction of the fungus. It is best to replace the underwear with new ones or boil them while washing.

It is advisable to refrain from sexual intercourse for the duration of treatment, take a shower instead of a bath, use the hygiene products recommended by the doctor to wash the genitals, and not cosmetic products.

Food. Improper dietary intake is one of the most important causes of thrush. Its appearance is provoked by foods containing fast carbohydrates: confectionery, pastries and bread made from refined flour, chocolate. Simple carbohydrates are the main food for fungi of the genus Candida.

Treatment of thrush will occur in a shorter time if you replace sweets with vegetables or sour-milk products. It is advisable to limit alcohol, marinades and pickles, smoked meats.

Normalization of bowel function. Intestinal dysbacteriosis is a factor provoking the intensive development of thrush. Pathology of the digestive system occurs as a side effect after taking antibiotics, eating disorders, the effects of stress or poisoning.

Constipation, flatulence, dyspepsia, diarrhea in combination with genitourinary infections are the reason for laboratory studies of feces for manifestations of dysbacteriosis. If the assumption is confirmed, the gastroenterologist will offer to take a course of taking pro- and prebiotics.

Prevention of thrush in men

As a prophylaxis of candidiasis, it is recommended:

  • Observe the rules of personal hygiene;

  • Observe precautions in intimate life, exclude promiscuity;

  • Carry out regular self-examination of the external genital organs, if there are suspicions of candidiasis, seek qualified help from a specialist;

  • Organize proper nutrition, reduce the content of flour and fatty foods in the diet;

  • In the case of the appointment of treatment for candidiasis, strictly follow the recommendations of the doctor.

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