Symptoms and treatment of putrefactive dyspepsia

Putrid dyspepsia is a consequence of increased putrefactive processes in the large intestine and some parts of the small intestine. In case of violation of the secretory function of the gastrointestinal tract and a decrease in the bactericidal properties of gastric juice due to the low acidity of the contents of the stomach, the upper section of the small intestine is populated by pathogenic microflora from the lower sections of the digestive tract.

Symptoms of putrefactive dyspepsia

Of great importance in the development of the pathological process is an increase in the secretion of intestinal juice, which contains many proteins. It is proteins that serve as the main substrate for decay. The cause of hypersecretion in the intestine is most often an inflammatory process that affects the walls of the organ. Putrefactive dyspepsia can occur in acute and chronic form. Most often, the symptoms of the disease are observed in patients with gastritis, accompanied by a decrease in the secretion of hydrochloric acid, and enterocolitis. A low concentration of hydrochloric acid in the stomach or its absence causes insufficient food processing and its rapid movement in the intestines, which contributes to the development of fermentation, putrefaction and provokes inflammation of the intestinal mucosa. First of all, the digestion of protein foods is disturbed. Protein degradation occurs both in the descending intestine and transverse colon, and in the caecum, as well as in the lower ileum. Pathology is accompanied by the formation of a large number of organic acids and aromatic components that irritate the mucous membrane. The process is associated with a high intake of fluid and mucus into the intestine, on which microorganisms multiply. In most cases, putrefactive dyspepsia is the result of eating stale foods of protein origin.

Symptoms of putrefactive dyspepsia very often become nausea, loss of appetite, headache, patients feel dizzy, and bloating is noted.

Treatment of putrefactive dyspepsia

Treatment of putrefactive dyspepsia is recommended to begin with a complete refusal of food for one day. During this period, the patient is prescribed hydrochloric acid, pepsin, pancreatin, sulfonamides. Apple days are also effective, when a patient eats up to 1,5 kg of fresh pureed apples for several days, and sugar days, on which patients need to eat up to 300 g of sugar. Gradually there is a transition to a diet with a higher content of carbohydrates. At this stage of treatment, white bread, semolina porridge, rice porridge on the water are included in the patients’ diet. After 10-15 days, the dishes of patients with putrefactive dyspepsia may contain protein in normal quantities.

As part of the treatment of putrefactive dyspepsia, days can be recommended on which the patient eats only fresh berries (up to 2 kg per day), the acidophilic mass (500–800 g per day) also has a beneficial effect, which increases the concentration of gram-positive flora and reduces the flora, causing decay.

[Video] Dr. Zaur Orudzhev – What is Dyspepsia? (Indigestion):

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