Symptoms and treatment of fatty hepatosis of the liver

Chronic fatty hepatosis of the liver manifests itself in the form of fatty, in some cases, protein degeneration of the cells of the organ. The disease proceeds in a chronic form.

The cause of fatty liver hepatosis most often becomes alcoholism, in more rare cases, the disease develops against the background of an endogenous deficiency of protein and vitamins.

Pathology can be caused by chronic intoxication with carbon tetrachloride, organophosphorus compounds, and other toxins that destroy liver cells. Bacterial toxins and metabolic disorders in the body can provoke fatty hepatosis.

The pathogenesis of the disease in these cases is reduced to a change in the metabolic chain of lipids in the liver cells with the formation of lipoproteins. In the development of the disease, toxic-allergic processes also play a role.

Symptoms of fatty liver disease

The disease can occur without pronounced symptoms, while the clinic hides behind manifestations of the underlying pathology, toxic damage to other organs, and gastrointestinal diseases.

In some cases, hepatosis is accompanied by severe dyspepsia, loss of strength, pain in the right hypochondrium, slight jaundice. The liver of patients is slightly larger than normal, the surface of the organ is smooth, palpation in the liver area causes pain.

The level of aminotransferases in the blood is slightly higher than normal, there is high cholesterol and a high level of p-lipoproteins. When making a diagnosis, one can consider the results of bromsulfalein and vofaverdin tests, which show a delay in the elimination of these drugs by the liver in most cases. Great importance in the diagnosis is given to the results of a puncture biopsy of the liver.

The outcome of the disease is relatively favorable. Very often, patients recover completely, especially if the impact of harmful factors on the body is excluded and treatment is carried out in a timely manner. In exceptional cases, the symptoms of fatty hepatosis of the liver can turn into chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, or even sclerosis.

Treatment of fatty hepatosis of the liver

The goal of the treatment of fatty liver hepatosis should be to rid the patient of the effects of harmful factors that caused the development of the disease. It is strictly forbidden to take alcoholic beverages, and the daily diet is enriched with protein foods of plant origin. At the same time, the consumption of animal fats is minimized, especially for refractory fatty acid compounds.

Patients are advised to take lipotropic drugs, such as choline chloride, lipoic and folic acid, vitamin B12 preparations, Sirepar, Essentiale, etc.

[Video] Dr. Berg – 3 types of fats for a healthy liver. How to cleanse the liver of fat:

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