Symptoms and treatment of adhesions in the lungs

Adhesions in the lungs are overgrown connective tissue strands, which are most often located between the serous membranes of the pleural cavity. Also, adhesions in the lungs are called pleurodiaphragmatic adhesions. They can be either total and occupy all parts of the pleura, or single planar, formed as a result of fusion of the pleural sheets.  

Adhesions can form anywhere where there is connective tissue, so the pleura of the lungs is no exception for the manifestation of this pathological process. Adhesions have a negative impact on the functioning of the respiratory system, making it difficult to work, limiting natural mobility. Sometimes adhesions can even lead to complete overgrowth of cavities, provoking severe pain, respiratory failure, which requires emergency medical care.

Symptoms of adhesions in the lungs

Symptoms of adhesions in the lungs can be as follows:

  • Dyspnea

  • Pain with localization in the chest area.

  • Cardiopalmus.

  • With an exacerbation of the process, respiratory failure may develop. It is expressed in increased shortness of breath, lack of air and requires emergency medical attention.

  • A person is more susceptible to respiratory pathologies, since the natural process of lung ventilation is disrupted.

  • Purulent sputum, increased cough and shortness of breath, and fever will indicate the attachment of infection. Especially a lot of sputum will be observed in the morning.

  • Chronic adhesive lung disease causes disturbances in the body as a whole. He will suffer from oxygen starvation, from intoxication. Often anemia develops with pallor of the skin.

Causes of adhesions in the lungs

The causes of adhesions in the lungs lie in the following pathological processes:

  • In the first place are pleurisy of various etiologies, as well as transferred pneumonia.

  • Acute and chronic bronchitis.

  • Transferred inflammation of the lungs.

  • Infection of the lungs with parasites (amebiasis, ascariasis, paragonism, echinococcosis, etc.).

  • Damage to the lungs with Koch’s stick.

  • Lungs’ cancer.

  • Lung infarction.

  • Congenital malformations of the lungs.

  • Sarcoidosis.

  • Occupational hazards, inhalation of industrial dust.

  • Poor environmental conditions in the area of ​​residence.

  • Lung injury.

  • Allergic reactions of the body and frequent contact of the respiratory organs with the allergen.

  • Smoking.

  • Internal bleeding.

  • Operations on the chest.


The main method for detecting disorders in the tissues of the lungs is fluorography. It must be carried out annually, and for categories of people at risk for pulmonary diseases – twice a year. If there is a suspicion of pleural adhesions, then the patient is sent for an x-ray of the lungs.

A direct sign indicating the presence of adhesions are the shadows that are visible on the x-ray. However, it does not change during exhalation and inhalation of the patient. The transparency of the lung field will also be reduced. Deformities of the chest and diaphragm are possible. In addition, the diaphragm may be limited in mobility. Most often, these adhesions are located in the lower part of the lung.

Treatment of lung adhesions

Treatment of lung adhesions should be built on the basis of the neglect of the adhesive process and on the basis of what led to its development. Surgical intervention is indicated only if adhesions lead to the formation of pulmonary insufficiency and other life-threatening conditions. In other cases, they are limited to conservative therapy, as well as physiotherapy.

If the patient has an exacerbation of the adhesive process in the lungs, then the therapy is reduced to the sanitation of the bronchi and the suppression of the purulent-inflammatory process. For this, antibiotics and bronchoscopic drainage are prescribed. Antibiotics can be administered both intravenously and intramuscularly. It is not excluded endobrochial administration of drugs during sanitation bronchoscopy. For this purpose, drugs from the group of cephalosporins and penicillins are most often used.

In order to improve sputum discharge, expectorant drugs, alkaline drink are prescribed.

When the exacerbation is removed, chest massage, breathing exercises, inhalations, electrophoresis are performed.

It is important that the patient receives proper nutrition, rich in protein and vitamins. Without fail, the menu must contain meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, cottage cheese.

To exclude exacerbation of adhesive lung disease, it is necessary to do breathing exercises, undergo spa treatment.

Surgical intervention is reduced to the removal of the part of the lung that is filled with adhesions. This operation is called a lobectomy. However, most often such operations are performed for health reasons.

As a preventive measure for exacerbations, you should give up bad habits, lead a healthy lifestyle, spend more time outdoors, play sports and breathing exercises, and avoid hypothermia.

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