Symptoms and people at risk of rosacea

Symptoms and people at risk of rosacea

Symptoms of the disease

  • Redness on the face (erythema);
  • Dry and sensitive skin, with a burning sensation;
  • A tendency to blush easily on the cheeks, but also sometimes on the nose, forehead and chin. From flushing, or bouts of redness, are triggered by emotions and temperature changes. They often occur after meals;
  • Small visible blood vessels on the nose and cheeks (telangiectasias or rosacea);
  • Small, red, solid (papules) or pus-filled (pustules) pimples on the nose, cheeks, forehead, and chin;
  • Dry, red and itchy eyes;
  • A red nose, swollen and covered with nodules, in the advanced stage of the disease.


People at risk

  • People with a pale complexion, usually of Irish, Scottish or North European (Scandinavian countries) descent;
  • People whose parents suffered from rosacea, because certain hereditary factors increase the risk of having it;
  • Women, who are twice as affected as men.

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