Pharyngitis has various symptoms. It can be pain all over the body, and joint pain with sudden movements, and a cough with yellow, light brown or green phlegm. The obligatory symptoms of pharyngitis will be shortness of breath, difficulty swallowing and dry and sore throat, which means a hoarse voice.
Depending on the cause and severity of the infection, the symptoms of pharyngitis can appear both individually and all at once. Sometimes with pharyngitis, there is an increase in lymph nodes. In this case, the tonsils can cover white spots. In severe cases, a symptom of pharyngitis can be fever or chills, and the temperature can rise to 39 degrees Celsius.
If in the first few days the treatment of pharyngitis is not given due attention, the symptoms can develop so much that they can be life-threatening. For example, in rare cases, pharyngitis can lead to rheumatic fever or sepsis (called a bacterial infection of the blood). In addition, a patient with pharyngitis may experience attention disorders, a decrease in reaction, or even a short-term loss of consciousness.
How to start treatment for pharyngitis?
First, use sucking tablets, which should be found in every pharmacy. Such pills turn treatment into pleasure, because they are, in fact, sweet candies, or, more correctly, lollipops with healing properties. Treating pharyngitis with these soothing pills is one of the easiest and most economical ways to relieve sore throat and stop coughing. They contain menthol and honey, and this, of course, is not a complete list of the medicinal ingredients in these lozenges that work against pharyngitis.
Secondly, during the treatment of pharyngitis, as well as, for example, with a cold or flu, you need to drink as much of any liquid as possible. Ordinary water is very effective in this case. And if you are hungry, eat – or rather drink – chicken broth.
The idea of using fluids in the treatment of pharyngitis is to soak the secreted phlegm that forms in the throat when coughing, and thus accelerate its exit from the body. Plus, consuming fluids on a regular basis keeps your throat from drying out, preventing a dry cough that aggravates the symptoms of pharyngitis.
For thousands of years, sore throat and other throat ailments have been treated with hot liquids, the same tea. And for the treatment of pharyngitis, this method will be effective. Moreover, for these purposes, you can use not just black tea, in any supermarket or in special grocery stores that sell healthy food, not to mention pharmacies, you can find herbal teas that are specially designed to treat pharyngitis and other throat ailments. By the way, you can fight cough not only with “hot therapy”, but also with cold – to temporarily numb the sore throat, you can suck on ice cubes.
Pharyngitis treatment does not require a doctor’s prescription. In most cases, pharyngitis will resolve on its own within a few days. For those who are safer on medication, medications can be advised that combat pharyngitis symptoms, such as mild pain relievers or throat sprays that contain ingredients with a freezing effect. These medications will relieve a sore throat and may temporarily make swallowing easier.
What is acute pharyngitis
Acute pharyngitis is called pharyngitis itself, which occurs immediately after the effect of the infection on the mucous membrane. Almost any infection transmitted by airborne droplets affects the throat, because this is the main part of the respiratory tract. Moreover, any invasive infection causes a sore throat – measles, mumps, possibly chickenpox, infectious mononucleosis, pharyngitis.
Diseases due to anxiety
The symptoms of strep throat begin with a sore throat. The back of the throat turns red, and small protruding areas of lymphoid tissue become visible. The phlegm becomes thick. It may be difficult for someone to speak. The lymph nodes in the neck area swell, and touching them causes pain. Symptoms of acute pharyngitis can also appear on the tonsils.
Chronic pharyngitis treatment
Chronic pharyngitis is usually called the consequences of untreated acute pharyngitis. Antibiotics are commonly used to treat chronic pharyngitis. At the same time, the doctor prescribes antibiotics for the treatment of sore throat only if he has confirmed that the disease is caused by a bacterial infection. In addition to antibiotics prescribed by a doctor, the treatment of chronic pharyngitis does not differ from the treatment of acute pharyngitis: you need to drink plenty of fluids to remove phlegm and avoid the use of caffeine and alcoholic beverages, which increase irritation and contribute to dehydration.
Home recipes
Treatment of pharyngitis with folk remedies begins with the traditional remedy for a sore throat – honey. In some cases, especially when suppressing coughs, it works even better than the drugs we buy from pharmacies. One of the popular folk remedies for pharyngitis is a mixture of honey and lemon juice: mix two tablespoons of honey and a teaspoon of lemon juice in a glass of hot water. The resulting mixture should be drunk several times a day. Remember that honey is not recommended for children under one year of age.