Symmetric and asymmetric fetal hypotrophy. What is the treatment of fetal hypotrophy?

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The development of a baby in the womb is divided into specific stages, at which a properly developing fetus should reach appropriate height. However, if this does not happen, it is a wake-up call for the doctor and parents.

Fetal hypotrophy, or intrauterine restriction in fetal development, occurs in three to ten percent of pregnancies. Fetal hypotrophy means determining the growth and development of the fetus as abnormal – delayed in relation to its age. Hypotrophy it can occur in one of two types. We distinguish symmetric hypotrophy and fetal asymmetric hypotrophy. What is the difference between these disorders?

Symmetric and asymmetric hypotrophy of the fetus

Symmetrical hypotrophy of the fetus occurs when both the height and weight of the fetus are lower than the norms for a given week of fetal life. It is important that the age of the fetus is correctly determined by the doctor – this allows you to avoid making a mistake hypotrophies or other limitations on the development of the fetus. The fetus is clearly smaller than it should be, but its growth is proportionate: the torso, head and limbs are smaller.

Symmetrical hypotrophy of the fetus may occur up to the twentieth week of pregnancy. It happens in the case of multiple pregnancies and the mother of short stature. In many cases symmetrical hypotrophy of the fetus it is caused by infections such as toxoplasmosis, chicken pox, cytomegalovirus, herpes or rubella, and even the flu. Also, drinking alcohol and smoking while pregnant can be a cause of its occurrence fetal hypotrophy.

Fetal asymmetric hypotrophy occurs when the body of the fetus is reduced and the head and limbs develop normally. With that kind fetal hypotrophy there is a risk of underdevelopment of the heart muscle and other internal organs, including the adrenal glands and the fetal brain. The fetus may be hypoxic and may develop high levels of triglycerides. This can cause serious problems with the development and later life of the baby after birth. Fetal asymmetric hypotrophy it may be caused by maternal malnutrition, anemia, gestational diabetes, defects and diseases of the mother’s heart, as well as high blood pressure.

Fetal hypotrophy may be the result of a genetic disorder or a disorder in the fetal heart. Then, it is sometimes necessary to hospitalize the mother and administer appropriate medications, and in some cases even surgery.

Fetal hypotrophy – treatment

Treatment of a fetus with the diagnosis hypotrophy it is not easy, but it is necessary for proper development and avoiding premature delivery and performing caesarean section. The fetus in which it occurs hypotrophymay even die by around 36 weeks of age.

Treatment of hypotrophy it consists in enabling the best possible blood supply to the placenta and stimulating circulation in the mother’s body. In more severe cases, the mother is given special medications to stimulate circulation. If the life of the fetus is not confirmed, the mother is recommended to lie on her left side, as this position results in better blood supply to the uterus. A mother’s diet is introduced, rich in folic acid, magnesium and vitamin C. If found fetal hypotrophy red meat is prohibited in the mother’s diet. Smoking and drinking alcohol are strictly forbidden during pregnancy – even small amounts of stimulants have a huge impact on the development and health of the fetus and have a negative effect on the mother’s body. Regular consumption of small amounts of alcohol also affects the development of the baby in the womb.

Prevention of fetal hypotrophy

Fetal hypotrophyif it does not occur due to the mother’s use of stimulants and her malnutrition, it is not an illness that we have influence on. For the best health and development of the fetus, a pregnant woman should eat healthy food, take care of rest and her own well-being. If it is found fetal hypotrophy, don’t panic. Following the doctor’s recommendations and following the diet, as well as lying on the left side and being under the constant supervision of a specialist, can enable the child to “catch up” with the developmental norms of the fetus and be born healthy and strong, by the forces of nature.

The PAI-1 4G / 5G mutation also affects the risk of intrauterine growth restriction. It is also associated with the likelihood of miscarriage and gestational hypertension. You can now detect this change in DNA by performing a PAI-1 4G / 5G mutation genetic mail-order test for expectant mothers.

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