A symbol of protection is a spiritual element that has powers of protection against the evil eye or bad luck. It often concentrates a strong vibratory power and a deep sense of spiritual accompaniment by the simple fact of having it with you.
In this section, you will find the most important symbols of protection as well as their magical potential beneficial to all human beings.
The eye of Horus

Horus is a divine falcon that originates from Egyptian mythology. According to belief, it is intended to protect the life of the Pharaoh on this earth and in the Hereafter.
As the Egyptian god of sky and light, he is the symbol of spiritual upliftment, clairvoyance and omniscience.
The legend tells of how Horus lost his eye, fighting against his brother Seth the god of evil. It was then by the invaluable knowledge of Toth and the powerful powers of Isis that his organ was reconstituted.
From then on, a magical force emanates from this eye, and protects anyone who decorates their pendant or bracelet with it.
Nothing escapes the eye of Horus. This symbol of protection represented by an eye placed in the center of the sun makes it possible to anticipate the essential actions to bypass bad blows of fate and escape them.
The Eye of Horus is also a symbol of integrity and knowledge. It brings health and fertility.
Hamsa or the hand of Fatma

The Hamsa which literally means “five” in Arabic represents the five fingers of the hand. This amulet is purely the universal symbol of protection, used for several millennia for its enormous powers.
Its origin is very distant. According to the story of the Hand of Fatma, the symbol is common to different civilizations, cultures and religions.
The amulet in the shape of a hand is usually worn on one’s person or hung from a house opening (door or window). It wears in the heart of the palm, a magical and protective repellent eye, responsible for warding off evil.
The legend of this symbol of protection is attached to the maiden of the prophet Muhammad, whose second side is the virgin without sin.
The number five of the fingers of Hamsa is rich in symbolizes:
- For Muslims, the five fingers of Fatma’s hand symbolize the five pillars of Islam;
- For the Jews, the “hamesh” or number five translates the five books of the Torah, or the five fingers on the hand of Miriam, the elder sister of Moses and Aaron;
- For Buddhists, the harmonious and perfectly asymmetrical hand of Fatma is the symbol of the five elements of nature (sound, earth, water, air, fire) and of the five senses of Man.
The Pentagram

The Pentagram is one of the oldest symbols of protection that exudes powerful magical functions. Its origin is traced back to the Middle Ages, where it expresses the outlet force of the five wounds of Jesus.
It is therefore intended to protect whoever wears it from destructive suffering and evil in all its forms. The Pentagram particularly keeps away demonic forces and evil spirits lurking in the shadows.
Known as the symbol of the cycle of regenerative life and of the goddess Venus, its points or tops of the stars represent the four elements (earth, water, air and fire).
The fifth higher point reflects the creative spirit and the surrounding balance. This final point reminds us that the spirit reigns over all forms of matter.
When you wear the pentagram as a talisman or amulet to protect yourself, your body, soul, and spirit are purified from negative energies and made fit to float on positive waves.
Drama wheel

This symbol of protection dates back several millennia. It was discovered even before Buddha was physically represented. The Drama wheel is characterized by a circle with eight spokes.
Each ray symbolizes an essential step of the Eightfold Buddha path to access the truth of existence.
This very ancient symbol introduces in the one who wears it, the spiritual awakening which explains how to behave with wisdom and an irreproachable ethics.
The wheel of Drama indeed constitutes the heart of the teaching of the Buddha exposed in the Four noble truths which speak of the purifying sufferings of the Man.
With this amulet symbol and an irreproachable ethics of life, you will obtain a higher level of consciousness which will develop in you the right understanding of things, the right concentration, the right intentions, the right efforts, the right actions and the means of righteous existence.
The dream catcher

If you are prone to nightmares that haunt your sleep, the dreamcatcher is the symbol of protection you need. Of Native American origin, he is represented by a circle inside which woven threads are arranged in the manner of a spider’s web.
A bead that emits positive vibrations is placed in the center of the circle, while beads, ribbons and feathers are tied on its lower part.
This item has the power to protect against all kinds of malignancies, including nightmares, negative waves, and evil spirits.
It plays the role of an energy strainer that filters dreams. Once asleep, the dreamcatcher activates, warding off nightmares and allowing dreams to pass without negative vibration.
The dream catcher is usually placed on the head of the bed, under the pillow or on the bedroom window. It can also be worn as a piece of jewelry. Some people choose to have it tattooed on a part of their body.
The sign of Mars

In astrology, the sign of Mars represents a powerful and extraordinary energy. This symbol of magical protection inherited its name from the Roman god of war.
It is represented by a circle with an emerging arrow, which points diagonally to the right.
The sign of Mars is characterized by an aggressiveness against evil, because the energy it conveys opposes a boomerang effect to any evil projection, spells and bad spells. It concentrates all the energies specific to combativeness, recklessness and efficiency.
The sign of Mars is therefore the symbol of embodied courage, masculinity and warlike energy that faces conflict and valiantly repels the enemy.
Its use confers the strength of the constructive will, the favorable turnaround of difficult situations and the counter-fate.
The Lotus Flower

The Lotus Flower is a symbol of great importance in Buddhism, imprinted with a high conception of the art of living.
The lotus is an aquatic plant that grows in muddy water, out of the sun. When it blooms, its white and pink flower emerges from the water and opens into daylight.
This characteristic of the sacred plant makes it a symbol of deep purity, because despite its birth in a dirty vase, it succeeds in becoming a perfect flower.
Therefore, the lotus serves as an example to begin a spiritual process of non-attachment and to get rid of the heaviness of the material world.
The mud which irrigates the roots of the lotus represents the material necessities of life. The lotus flower is the emblem of enlightenment, rebirth and elevation of the soul. His amulet has an exceptional vibratory force!
The freshness of its power brings a peace and an inner serenity which distracts man from the frantic and insatiable quest for ephemeral material goods.
In conclusion, know that the forces of evil and negative waves are present in everyday life. They are invisible but very real and capable of influencing your lifestyle and your ability to grow.
To overcome them, it is important to deal with the symbols of protection. So choose from this list, the spiritual element that can better protect you from negative waves.