Swing with your own hands. Video

Swing with your own hands. Video

Most children love to be on the move – both outdoors and at home. You can bring a fresh stream to children’s rest and diversify the games with the help of a homemade swing. Such a swing, installed in the country or even in the house, will bring your children a lot of pleasant and joyful minutes.

Swing with your own hands

Since childhood, many are familiar with a simple swing that is suspended from a sturdy tree branch or mounted on a crossbar between vertical posts. Choose a suitable tree with a thick horizontal branch in your garden or near your home.

It is desirable that the bough is at a height of at least one and a half to two meters from the ground and has a diameter of about 15-20 cm

Take two pieces of sturdy rope and fold the loops at the ends. It remains to throw the ropes over the branch of the tree, pass them through the loops and tighten them firmly on the branch. Pass the remaining ends of the ropes through the holes in a well-trimmed plank of suitable size. In this case, holes should be made in the corners of the board.

Tie the ends of the ropes passed through the board under the seat with a strong double knot, having previously adjusted the future swing in height. The construction is ready.

To swing comfortably and safely, the swing should be positioned close enough to the trunk, but not too much, otherwise the board will hit the tree

What if you want to arrange a swing at home? The absence of a tree shouldn’t bother you. To create a home swing for a small child, you will need:

– thick fabric; – tape to trim the edges of the fabric; – four rounded wooden sticks; – strong rope (e.g. nylon); – a small sheet of plywood.

Make two elongated rectangular pieces out of thick fabric and arrange them crosswise. The common part of the resulting cross forms the seat. Lift the outer sides of the cross-folded parts up, bending their edges.

Now you need to have a knack for sewing. Connect the rectangles with threads so that the central square part of the cross is trimmed around the perimeter. Sew the bent upper edges of the rectangles: wooden sticks will be inserted into them. As a result, you will get something like a cloth basket. On one side, make rounded holes for the baby’s legs.

Tape the edges of the fabric on all sides.

In the next step, you will probably need the help of a man. Round sticks should be slightly longer than the width of the fabric rectangles in length, and holes for the ropes should be drilled along their edges. Insert a piece of thick plywood between the two layers of fabric in the seating area. It remains to thread the cord through the holes in the sticks and attach the structure to the interior door frame. A home gymnastic bar that extends to both sides of the doorway is best suited for this purpose.

In the next article, you will read about how to starch a medical cap.

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