Swine flu 2016: prevention, treatment

На этой неделе в России было зафиксировано 27 смертей от гриппа! С каждым днем нарастают паника и очереди в аптеках.

Is the virus so terrible, how can you protect yourself from it? The editorial staff of Woman’s Day asked these questions to the therapist, member of the Russian Society of Cardiology, Denis Prokofiev.

The ARVI group includes more than 200 types of various infections, including the influenza virus. Every year around 100 million people in the world become infected with acute respiratory viral infections. Now, not a new one is walking in our country, but the same influenza virus that many got sick with last year. The only difference is that the strains are constantly mutating, becoming more resistant to antiviral therapy. In other words, a well-known guest came to us, just in new “clothes”. If you’ve worried about yourself in advance and gotten a flu shot, don’t worry – you won’t get sick. Healthcare guessed 100% of the strain that was used for vaccination.

Do not expect that you will be suddenly struck by an unknown ailment, the temperature will rise under 40 and you will have to call an ambulance. Influenza appears on the sly. It all starts with a banal sneezing or sore throat, then aches appear throughout the body, headache, muscle pain, and only after the temperature rises. At the next stage, against the background of a weakened immunity, a bacterial background joins and pneumonia, tonsillitis or sinusitis develops.

В стране нет эпидемии, но случаи летального исхода действительно зафиксированы. Почему банальное ОРВИ для кого-то закончилось смертью? Органом мишени при гриппе являются легкие, в которых развивается пневмония. То есть человек умирает не от гриппа, а от интоксикации, которая развивается на фоне пневмонии. Причиной таких серьезных последствий от современного гриппа являются две проблемы: переохлаждения на фоне резких скачков температуры и как следствие снижение иммунитета, вторая беда – самолечение. Люди не идут к врачам, они видят рекламу чудо-порошка, покупают его и думают, что попьют и поправятся. Самая большая ошибка – это прием противокашлевых препаратов. От дискомфорта в горле вы, может, и избавитесь, но таким путем усугубите пневмонию. Запомните, обычный человек не сможет определить, есть или нет у него хрипы в легких. Поэтому нужно обязательно посетить врача и удостовериться, что вы не носитель «бомбы» замедленного действия.

Everything is simple here, since the virus spreads by airborne droplets, stay away from sneezing and coughing people, keep a distance of at least a meter. Nobody canceled the rules of hygiene either, wash your hands, regularly wipe the door handles, your desk. Why do this if the virus travels through the air? Then, grabbing the edge of the table, on which someone accidentally sneezed, you can then scratch your eyes with the same hand, cover your mouth while yawning – and that’s it, the virus is in the “house”.

For prevention, it makes no sense to drink an antiviral drug; it is better to create a protective barrier by treating the nasal passages with oxolinic ointment or Viferon. Still sick? Then run to the pharmacy, the antiviral drug must be taken no later than 48 hours from the moment the first symptoms appear, later it does not make sense. If the flu overtook you late in the evening, when everything is already closed around, take an ordinary alcohol napkin and inhale its vapors through your nose, viruses do not like alcohol. The most important rule this flu season is if the illness persists by day 3-4, be sure to get an X-ray of your lungs!

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