Swimmer’s ear – blue pus stick, treatment, prophylaxis of otitis

A five-star hotel, busy cleaning service, and a stick of blue oil is a souvenir of your stay on these wonderful holidays.

– Bacteria of stars do not count – says otolaryngologist Dr. Michał Wątróbski. Some may even attack us in a very good hotel, and all because our ears do not like swimming pools.

A stick of blue oil

The blue oil rod is a bacterium that lives mainly in water and soil, but also lives on the skin of humans and animals. It is extremely resistant to temperature and disinfectants. In humans, it causes otitis, but sometimes in states of reduced immunity, it attacks other organs – lungs, brain, and then it can be very dangerous. It is the most common cause of nosocomial infections.

The stick of blue oil can be found in swimming pools, but it also lives on our body and under favorable conditions – and wet ears are certainly such – it attacks. Moisture alone makes the ear more vulnerable to various infections, as many microbes love a moist environment. Also, an excessive amount of chlorine in the pool can irritate the skin and change its pH. Skin devoid of an acidic reaction, which bacteria dislike, becomes more susceptible to infections. It can also be previously damaged by e.g. a cotton swab, and even a small wound is an open gate for bacteria. So let’s remember that you cannot scratch and clean your ears with a cotton swab.

Swimmer’s ear

Symptoms of otitis externa include pain, especially when touching the auricle, and itching. Pain often radiates all the way to the teeth. Because the ear swells as a result of an infection, your hearing may be impaired. Often there is also a purulent discharge, yellow or yellow-green, which may have an unpleasant odor. Lymph nodes also grow. If you have such inflammation, you need to dry clean your ears thoroughly. Preferably with a tissue and go to the doctor.

For some people, the infection is recurrent, most often after swimming in the pool. This condition is then called “swimmer’s ear”.

Treatment of otitis

Otitis is treated with antibiotic drops that are poured into the ears. So you need to seek the help of a doctor, preferably an ENT specialist. – In Turkey, if we explain in the pharmacy what is wrong with us, we can buy an antibiotic that kills sticks of blue oil without a prescription. Turks know from experience that tourists in their country become infected with this bacterium. In other countries, we must have a prescription – explains the ENT specialist. She also adds that her patients who have recurrent ear infections are advised to take antibiotic drops on vacation. The drops are taken for at least five days. Ears must not be wet for two weeks.

Otitis prophylaxis

– It’s best not to get your ears wet – says Dr. Wątróbski. This is sometimes difficult, especially for children who love to slide straight into the pool. Then the water will surely get into the ears.

Special plugs to protect against moisture and over-the-counter preparations available in pharmacies to protect the ears can help. – This is an olive oil spray that forms a protective layer on the skin inside the ear. You should also remember to dry the ears thoroughly after leaving the water. This can be done with a handkerchief or towel – says the ENT specialist.

Text: Halina Pilonis

Find out what you can catch in the pool!

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