Swelling of the hand in adults
Edema of the hands occurs quite often, and can be a manifestation of physiological changes or one of the symptoms of pathology. When should edema alert and where to address the problem?

Hand swelling is a cause for concern if it occurs frequently or almost daily, is accompanied by additional symptoms, gets worse, or is not relieved by simple methods.

Why does the hand swell in adults

Swelling of the arm or both at once may be physiological or be a sign of pathology. It may be localized or spread to surrounding tissues. With swelling, the limb increases in volume, discomfort, soreness, and inconvenience when performing precise finger movements may be felt. It is difficult to remove the rings from the fingers or the watch from the wrist.

Swelling on the right or left arm occurs if the blood or lymphatic vessels are compressed by elements of clothing during sleep. Swelling of the fingers and hands, which is especially noticeable if you remove rings or watches, occurs after alcohol or excess salty foods, fluids at night.

Right hand

A small local edema, if the mobility of the limb is preserved, is possible with bruises. In the area of ​​​​edema, there may be soreness, redness, bruises or abrasions may appear. If it is a hematoma, the edema will be more pronounced, a seal is determined under the skin, in the center of which fluctuation (fluid movement) is felt. Swelling is typical for sprains in the area of ​​the carpal, elbow or shoulder joint, with torn ligaments or their rupture. Severe pain is characteristic, which increases with movement, if the ligaments are torn, it is almost impossible to move the arm.

Edema is possible with fractures of bones, dislocations of the joints. Then there is pain, limb deformity, complete impossibility of movement.

Edema can appear with frostbite of the fingers, burns, infectious processes in the area of ​​the hand, forearm or shoulder.

Left hand

Swelling of the finger of the left hand (as well as the right one) is possible with panaritium – suppuration in the phalanx. If it is a deeper lesion, the edema passes to the hand. Carbuncles or boils on any part of the arm can also lead to swelling. In this case, cyanosis or a purple area with suppuration is visible in the center of the inflamed focus. Edema is possible with suppuration of wounds, erysipelas, purulent arthritis and osteomyelitis.

Joint damage in other forms of arthritis also leads to tissue swelling. With rheumatoid arthritis, the joints of both hands are symmetrically affected, with gout, the fingers swell, with psoriasis, the joints of the fingers and hand.

Edema is typical for joint lesions – thrombosis. In addition to edema, a feeling of fullness, pain, thickening of tissues, discoloration of the skin, crawling, and a change in sensitivity are typical.


Lymphatic edema is possible after operations to remove the mammary gland, if the axillary lymph nodes were excised. Puffiness may increase or appear in the morning with malformations of the lymphatic capillaries, with post-burn scars, thrombophlebitis, lymphadenitis. Without treatment, swelling can become permanent.

Also, swelling of the hands occurs against the background of heart failure. In the morning they are minimal, intensify in the evening. In contrast, renal swelling of the hands is most pronounced in the morning and decreases or disappears during the day.


Puffiness in the fingers or hands is due to hormonal changes, especially as the pregnancy progresses. In the first trimester, a slight swelling of the fingers is typical, which is almost not noticeable. By the third trimester, swelling can be pronounced, making it difficult to wear rings, watches, bracelets. Puffiness gradually disappears in the first days after childbirth.

However, in pregnant women, pathological edema associated with hypertension, overweight and the development of preeclampsia is also possible. Then the appearance of protein in the urine, a pronounced weight gain per week, severe swelling of the arms and legs, face, and body are typical.

How to remove swelling of the hands in adults

At home or for first aid, you need to give your hand an elevated position.

If this is an injury, the hand must be fixed motionless with a bandage or splint, a cold compress should be applied to the affected area, and an anesthetic should be taken.

If these are diseases of the joints, you need the use of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs locally and inside. If the swelling develops quickly, with severe pain and dysfunction of the hand, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Doctors can use two options for treating edema – conservative and surgical. It depends on the cause, the severity of the condition, and possible complications.
Andrey GrachevDoctor of Medical Sciences, cardiologist, academician of RAMTS

In case of injuries, emergency care, bandages, anti-inflammatory drugs, anesthesia are indicated. With vascular edema, antispasmodic, angioprotective and phlebotonic drugs are used.

Physiotherapy, gymnastics, massage or manual therapy are also prescribed.

If the injury is serious or severe lesions of blood vessels, bones, joints are detected, the edema is not eliminated, surgical interventions are used.

Popular questions and answers

Edema can be a short-term phenomenon and does not threaten anything. But sometimes they are symptoms of dangerous conditions. Helped us figure out the problem cardiologist Andrey Grachev.

What is dangerous swelling of the hands?

Swelling is often a sign of a serious infection, cancer, heart or kidney problems. And if the swelling is persistent, then the disease has worsened or is rapidly progressing. Edema can be complicated by tissue malnutrition, skin inflammation, stretch marks, and discoloration.

When to see a doctor for swelling of the hands?

In any situation when you notice swelling of the hands – in the morning, in the evening or during the day, you need a doctor’s consultation and at least a minimal set of tests and examinations. Edema itself is a symptom of problems in the body, and you need to find out what caused it.

Is it possible to remove the swelling of the hands with folk remedies?

There are a number of diuretic decoctions and infusions, but it is extremely dangerous to use them on your own, not knowing what the causes of edema are. This can lead to a worsening of the situation, an electrolyte imbalance, a sharp decrease in pressure, dehydration and malaise.

In addition, various traditional medicines can cause allergies, worsen the condition, negatively affect the effects of the drugs taken, and have a number of contraindications for taking. Folk remedies are not equal to the concept of “safe”.

What to do if only one arm is swollen?

Swelling in one arm should be referred to a surgeon or physician, depending on the suspected cause. At the time of the examination, it is worth disturbing the sore arm less, giving it an elevated position so that the fluid flows more easily, do not sleep on this side, do not press the arm to the body. Also, do not massage the swollen hand, carry out any activities without the permission of the doctor.

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