Swelling during pregnancy: how to get rid of? Video
During pregnancy, the body’s need for water increases significantly. This is mainly due to the fact that the blood volume increases, its viscosity decreases, and the amount of amniotic fluid in the woman’s body also increases. And due to the fact that the pregnant woman drinks a lot of water, edema occurs.
Swelling during pregnancy: how to fight?
Swelling during pregnancy can be overt or latent. To notice the obvious, you do not need to have a medical education: they are visible to the naked eye. But hidden edema during pregnancy is not striking. Only an experienced doctor can identify them, paying attention to uneven or too much weight gain.
Usually, in women who do not suffer from renal pathology or problems in the work of the cardiovascular system, edema appears only in the second half of pregnancy
Swelling during pregnancy can be determined by the following signs:
- for no reason, the worn-out shoes began to reap
- the wedding ring squeezes your finger too much or is difficult to remove, etc.
Treatment of edema during pregnancy
Before starting treatment, you should find out what is the cause of the edema. If it is “normal” edema, it is treated with dietary adjustments, water loading and lifestyle changes.
If edema during pregnancy occurs against the background of preeclampsia, their treatment is prescribed by a qualified doctor. Such treatment includes constant weight control, taking diuretics, weight correction with diet, fluid therapy, etc.
The dietary food of pregnant women should include a sufficient amount of protein, therefore, women during this period of life need to enrich their diet with fish, meat, dairy products, liver, etc.
Also, in the menu of a pregnant woman, it is necessary to include pumpkin dishes (it has a diuretic effect)
Herbal infusions, in particular from lingonberries and mint, also help relieve puffiness. To prepare such a medicinal drink, you need to take 2 tsp. each component and pour a glass of boiling water, and then leave the solution for 13-15 minutes in a water bath. The prepared drink should be drunk during the day, divided into 3-4 doses.
No self-medication: all appointments should be made by an experienced doctor
Prevention of edema during pregnancy
Edema can be prevented by limiting fluid intake. In the second half of pregnancy, the daily fluid intake is 1000–1200 ml (it includes the fluid contained in juicy fruits, vegetables, soups, etc.).
In addition, in order to avoid edema during pregnancy, it is advisable that the food is not salted, since salt retains fluid in the body.
The daily salt intake for pregnant women is 8 g. Also, from the same considerations, you need to exclude smoked meats, spicy, fried and spicy foods from your diet.
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