Sweeteners: harm to health. Video
All sweeteners can be divided into two groups: natural and synthetic. Most of the sweeteners are capable of causing great harm to health and shape, regardless of the technology of their production or receipt.
Sweeteners: harm to health
The list of naturally occurring sweeteners includes fructose, xylitol and sorbitol. Fructose is found in honey and fruits, while xylitol and sorbitol are natural sugar alcohols. The biggest problem with these substances is that they are high in calories and are slowly absorbed in the intestines, which prevents a sharp rise in insulin levels. Such substitutes are often used for diabetes. Among the useful natural sugars, stevia is noted, which is of plant origin and is used not only as a sweetener, but also in the treatment of diseases such as heartburn and obesity.
The negative effect of some sweeteners has not yet been proven, however, at the moment, each substance may have certain side effects that should be wary of.
Abuse of natural sweeteners can cause great harm to the figure and cause various diseases. For example, fructose can disrupt the acid-base balance in the body, and xylitol and sorbitol cause disorders of the digestive system. There are medical studies that suggest that xylitol can cause bladder cancer, although there is no actual data on the extent to which this sugar is harmful.
Sweeteners are found in large quantities in carbonated drinks, gum, jams and other products labeled “Sugar Free”
Today, there are a large number of artificial sweeteners on the market, which, however, can cause great harm to human health if consumed excessively. They are mainly used for weight loss due to their low calorie content, but they often do not cope with their task: many of the substances cause an increase in appetite, which affects the amount of food consumed.
It should be noted that any synthetic sweetener is hazardous to health.
Among the most popular sweeteners, it is worth noting aspartame, saccharin, succlamate, acesulfame. When aspartame breaks down, it releases formaldehyde, which is very harmful, poisons the body and has a negative effect on the digestive system. Saccharin can also harm the body and promote the formation of malignant tumors. Suclamate can cause side allergic reactions, and acesulfan can cause disorders in the intestines, and therefore it is prohibited for use in Japan and Canada.
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