Sweetened drinks contribute to 184,5 thousand. deaths annually

Up to 184,5 thousand global deaths are caused by sweetened beverages, which many eat almost daily, according to a study by experts from Tufts University in Boston published by the journal Circulation.

American experts analyzed 62 studies conducted on a group of over 600. people in 51 countries. They show that sweetened drinks due to the high sugar content contribute to the development of diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and cancer. On this basis, they calculated that for 133 Diabetes, caused by drinking too much sweetened beverages, is responsible for deaths each year. 45 thousand deaths for the same reason fell on cardiovascular diseases, and 6,5 thousand. – for cancer.

One of the authors of the report, Dariush Mozaffarian of Tufts University, points out that 76 percent. deaths related to the use of sweetened beverages are in the lowest and middle income countries. Mexico is definitely the leader among them, where there are 1 deaths related to drinking these drinks per 450 million inhabitants. However, in second place is the United States (125 deaths).

Dr. Holly Phillips told CBS News that the death toll from drinking too much sugar in a drink will continue to rise as consumption continues to rise. Fruit, energy and other drinks are becoming more and more popular.

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