Sweet temper

American psychologists have found out that the most friendly and sociable people are those who love sweets.

Do not blame the sweet tooth for their weaknesses! Let the lovers of cakes and chocolates not always have iron willpower, but they are exactly those friends and colleagues with whom I would like to be close. A team of American psychologists correlated the food preferences of the participants in the experiment and their character traits. And I found out: the friendliest people are those who like sweets *. Explanations? On the one hand, the first sweet pleasure – the taste of mother’s milk – is associated with another person, with the first social contact (one who in infancy received a satisfactory experience of merging with his mother opens himself to people without fear). But it is also important that sugar – an easily digestible carbohydrate – quickly satisfies the energy needs of the body. Having filled this deficit, the sweet tooth is ready to turn towards other people – and take care of them.

* Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2012, vol. 102, № 1.

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