Sweet Stout

Other names are “creamy stout”, “milk stout”. In England, they are used informally, but are found in other countries. Appeared at the beginning of the XNUMXth century as a special variety with the addition of lactose for nursing mothers. The drink had a higher calorie content and a sweeter taste, often a pint of sweet stout was prescribed to patients for recuperation.

The density of the ale depends on the version: export brands will have higher gravity. Taste and strength are largely left to the discretion of the manufacturer.

Distinctive features of the style are a very dark color, full body, intense aroma with hints of coffee, roasted beans, chocolate, fruit, cream. The hop profile can show up as earthy or floral notes, but it doesn’t have to be. In the glass, the drink forms a dense, stable brown foam.

In the bouquet, the taste of chocolate and / or roasted grain comes to the fore, hop bitterness is balanced by sweet malt and additional sweeteners. The drink has a creamy texture, thanks to the non-fermentable sugars included in the composition, it retains a sweet aftertaste for a long time.

A sweet stout is made with light malts, dark varieties or roasted barley. Acquires a sweet taste from lactose, non-fermentable dextrins, malt sugar and other additives.

Of the entire line of stouts, it has the sweetest taste, the characteristic roasted accent is softer.

Sweet Stout

Strength: 4.0-6.0%.

Density: initial 1.044-1.060, final 1.012-1.024.

Bitterness Index: 20-40 IBU.

Color: 30-40 SRM.

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