Sweet potato sweet potato cultivation
Potato sweet potato is a root vegetable that is a valuable food and feed product. Despite the fact that the vegetable is thermophilic, it can be planted and grown even in the northern regions.
Sweet potato yams and their health benefits
There are many varieties of sweet potatoes, which differ significantly in all characteristics. It can be yellow, orange, cream, red; soft, hard, or juicy; slightly bland or very sweet.
Sweet potatoes can be elongated with orange flesh
What is the use of sweet potatoes?
- Improves the condition of the circulatory system. The vegetable contains a large amount of fiber and vitamin B6. These substances help cleanse the blood of cholesterol, improve blood flow, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and lower blood pressure.
- Helps to cope with the problems of the digestive tract. The substances found in the vegetable relieve the inflammatory process and reduce pain in gastritis and ulcers.
- Indicated for diabetes. The product does not raise blood sugar because it has a low glycemic index.
- Rejuvenates the skin. Beta-keratin promotes collagen production, which means that when you eat sweet potatoes, wrinkles are reduced and skin elasticity increases.
- Prevents the development of cancer cells. The vegetable contains a large amount of vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant.
If you feel tired, nervous, anxious, make mashed potatoes. The dish will help replenish the body with potassium, which is lost during stress.
Growing sweet potato potatoes
Sweet potatoes have a long growing season, so you need to plant potatoes not with tubers, but by seedling. This should be done when the danger of frost has passed.
Start sprouting tubers at the end of winter. Sprouted shoots that have reached a height of 11-14 cm, separate from the tubers and transplant to a warm greenhouse place. One tuber can produce 22-29 sprouts. For landing in open ground, a sunny, wind-protected place is suitable.
The soil should be fertile, loamy with an admixture of sand is suitable. Dig the soil to a depth of 20 cm. If you dig a hole that is too deep, the roots may develop thin and long. This will have a bad effect on the quality of the fruit.
Plant the seedlings to a depth of 7-8 cm. Keep the distance between the rows 65-79 cm, and between the plants 55-65 cm
This plant tolerates drought well, but it should be watered regularly. Stop watering 2 weeks before harvest. Feed the plant with complex fertilizer at least three times per season.
Sweet potatoes are a wonderful vegetable crop that has a beneficial effect on the body. With proper and careful care, the sweet potato will become a full-fledged inhabitant of the garden, like familiar vegetables.