Sweet pepper varieties for open ground and greenhouses: characteristics and reviews, choosing the right ones

It is hard to imagine our table without fresh or canned bell peppers. Various dishes are prepared from it, so it is not surprising that almost all summer residents want to grow this vegetable on their site. When choosing a variety of sweet pepper, it is necessary to pay attention to the timing of its ripening, especially when grown outdoors.

Early varieties

Sweet peppers of early varieties ripen 70-110 days after germination. This means that the earliest of them have the opportunity to fully mature in the short northern summer. In all regions of our country, pepper is grown in seedlings. Only residents of the Lower Volga region, the Krasnodar Territory, the North Caucasus can afford to grow pepper in the open field, everyone else has to use a variety of greenhouses.

The Ivanhoe variety, 110 days after germination, gives tasty fruits with an average weight of 130 g, a wall thickness of at least 6 mm. Its unripe cone-shaped peppercorns are very fragile, white in color, but with an already formed taste. As they ripen, they acquire an orange or even red color of the pulp. It can grow in the garden or under cover.

Sweet pepper varieties for open ground and greenhouses: characteristics and reviews, choosing the right ones

Excellent reviews of the popular variety Belozerka. Its bushes grow up to 70 cm tall and bear fruit well in the open air. Cone-shaped with a sharp tip and slightly marked ribs, the fruits ripen in 110 days. They have a delicate color: from yellowish-cream to reddish. Average weight – 130 g, wall thickness – 7,5 mm. This variety is not afraid of rot, does not give in to diseases, the fruits are well transported, they are stored for a long time.

Sweet pepper varieties for open ground and greenhouses: characteristics and reviews, choosing the right ones

Atlas also bears fruit well in the open field; after 110 days, large (up to 170 g) cone-shaped thick-walled pepper pods look defiant on its modest spreading bushes among small leaves. Their color can be light green or red when fully ripe.

Sweet pepper varieties for open ground and greenhouses: characteristics and reviews, choosing the right ones

The merchant grows in the garden and in the greenhouse, on his bushes 1 m high, very tasty fragrant pyramidal fruits weighing 130 g ripen. They are plucked light green, but if you wait for biological maturity, they will turn bright red.

Sweet pepper varieties for open ground and greenhouses: characteristics and reviews, choosing the right ones

The Big Mama variety has excellent characteristics, large fruits of which weighing up to 200 g are distinguished by universal use. In the garden, the bushes grow up to 70 cm, and in the greenhouse – up to 1 m.

Sweet pepper varieties for open ground and greenhouses: characteristics and reviews, choosing the right ones

Snow White is grown under film shelters, her fruits are small – up to 90 g, greenish at technical maturity, and red when fully ripe.

Sweet pepper varieties for open ground and greenhouses: characteristics and reviews, choosing the right ones

Of the small peppers, Winnie the Pooh is popular with a short branch up to 30 cm and the simultaneous ripening of all fruits weighing up to 50 g. It is grown in open ground and in a greenhouse.

Sweet pepper varieties for open ground and greenhouses: characteristics and reviews, choosing the right ones

Orange Apricot Favorite and Red Tusk are also early maturing varieties, but their large, juicy fruits ripen better under a roof.

Sweet pepper varieties for open ground and greenhouses: characteristics and reviews, choosing the right ones

Violet Big Papa – super early, grown in the garden and under the film, pleases with thick-walled tasty fruits 150 g in weight.

Sweet pepper varieties for open ground and greenhouses: characteristics and reviews, choosing the right ones

An even earlier variety Zdorovye with its large tall bushes, red fruits weighing 40 g, is grown only under cover.

Sweet pepper varieties for open ground and greenhouses: characteristics and reviews, choosing the right ones

Video “Hybrids of sweet pepper for open ground”

From this video you will learn which pepper hybrids to choose for open ground.

Hybrids of sweet pepper for open ground. Tips and secrets. Release 10

The middle-ripening

Thick-walled, fleshy varieties of sweet peppers generally need to grow a little longer, at least 120-140 days. Their harvest is usually not so great, it is used more for harvesting.

Among the mid-season, Swallow is distinguished by good germination, a stable crop, its plump (with a wall of 6 mm) red fruits grow up to 80 g. The variety is resistant to diseases, grown in a garden or under cover.

Sweet pepper varieties for open ground and greenhouses: characteristics and reviews, choosing the right ones

The hero forms a sprawling bush up to 60 cm high. Its very tasty fruits weighing 180 g have the shape of a prism, a bumpy surface, first green and then red, are perfectly transported, used for preparations and fresh salads. Long summer allows you to grow it in the garden, and with a lack of heat – in the greenhouse.

Sweet pepper varieties for open ground and greenhouses: characteristics and reviews, choosing the right ones

The California miracle is grown outdoors or in temporary shelter. Cuboid sweet peppers weighing 150 g of universal use are first dark green in color, and then turn red.

Sweet pepper varieties for open ground and greenhouses: characteristics and reviews, choosing the right ones

Open and protected ground is suitable for the Gogoshary variety with its compact bushes 50 cm high. Small round thick-walled fruits weigh 50–70 g, dark green in color, which changes to red by full ripeness.

Sweet pepper varieties for open ground and greenhouses: characteristics and reviews, choosing the right ones

The red shovel grows well in the garden and under film cover. Red sweet fruits weighing 150 g are distinguished by sweetness, characteristic aroma, thick walls.

Sweet pepper varieties for open ground and greenhouses: characteristics and reviews, choosing the right ones

late ripening

The best late-ripening varieties of sweet pepper ripen after 140 days, they are cultivated in the garden only in the southern regions, in the north they can be grown using greenhouses.

Large, red, thick-walled, four-chamber Hercules peppers ripen on low bushes.

Sweet pepper varieties for open ground and greenhouses: characteristics and reviews, choosing the right ones

Yellow Bell is distinguished by large, bright yellow fruits that are in the shape of an inverted bell. They are slightly elongated, thick-walled, with a fresh taste.

Sweet pepper varieties for open ground and greenhouses: characteristics and reviews, choosing the right ones

Marshmallow forms bushes 80 cm high, its fleshy juicy round-spherical fruits change color from dark green to red when ripe.

Sweet pepper varieties for open ground and greenhouses: characteristics and reviews, choosing the right ones

Gamik can grow outdoors. Its compact bushes form many small, plump, tasty green and then orange peppercorns, each weighing 40 g.

Sweet pepper varieties for open ground and greenhouses: characteristics and reviews, choosing the right ones

Anastasia and Albatross, against expectations, can grow in the garden, they delight with a rich harvest until the frost.

Sweet pepper varieties for open ground and greenhouses: characteristics and reviews, choosing the right ones

Best hybrids

Hybrids are created by breeders to fulfill the desires of vegetable growers. These plants are resistant to diseases, indifferent to pests, they have a high yield, large tasty fruits. In addition, they are focused on certain climatic conditions. The only thing to remember when buying seeds of hybrid vegetables is that they do not produce offspring, so that seeds collected by oneself will not bear fruit, you will have to buy seed every year.

Super early Eskimo F1 pepper ripens 60 days after germination. The bush is wide, the leaves are large, the peppers are cuboid, thick-walled, weighing from 150 to 400 g, the color is dark red, glossy. Grows in the garden.

Sweet pepper varieties for open ground and greenhouses: characteristics and reviews, choosing the right ones

Another early hybrid, Gemini F1, is cultivated in the garden and under cover. A powerful bush gives at the same time up to 10 cube-shaped, slightly elongated peppers weighing 400 g. They are surprisingly tasty, bright yellow.

Sweet pepper varieties for open ground and greenhouses: characteristics and reviews, choosing the right ones

Claudio F1 equally loves open or protected ground, it has red fruits of a similar shape, only slightly reduced – 200 g.

Sweet pepper varieties for open ground and greenhouses: characteristics and reviews, choosing the right ones

Several early hybrids of the Star of the East are known: golden F1, white F1, white in red F1. They have tasty fleshy fruits weighing 200–250 g, the name reflects the color. They can be grown in the garden or under the roof, only the White Star of the East F1 grows better under the film, and with a lack of moisture, it suffers from top rot. There is also the Star of the East chocolate F1, but its brown peppers ripen later – after 115 days.

Sweet pepper varieties for open ground and greenhouses: characteristics and reviews, choosing the right ones

Belladonna F1 ripens early, grows in the garden. Greenish, and then yellow peppers weigh no more than 160 g, but their walls are very thick, fleshy.

Sweet pepper varieties for open ground and greenhouses: characteristics and reviews, choosing the right ones

Varieties for the Moscow region

The Moscow region is not the most northern region, but vegetables should tolerate sudden changes in weather well, not every plant is calm about jumping temperatures when its fruits ripen. Therefore, summer residents prefer to grow resistant varieties: Winnie the Pooh, Gogoshary, Belozerka. The Gold Medal has proven itself well in open beds, its powerful bushes grow up to 1 m, hung with red long (13 cm) fruits.

Fruitful hybrids Maria F1, Othello F1, Maradona F1, Rhapsody F1, Denis F1 bear fruit perfectly in greenhouses.

Sweet pepper varieties for open ground and greenhouses: characteristics and reviews, choosing the right ones

Varieties for Siberia

The heat-loving sweet vegetable came to us from the south, but nothing is impossible for true vegetable growers. Modern breeding achievements allow you to get your own crop in seemingly completely inappropriate latitudes.

For the short summer of Siberia, only early varieties are suitable.

Perfectly mature in the open air specially created: fleshy red Moneybags, orange cuboid Golden Calf, brown on the outside and red on the inside Sweet chocolate, dark yellow cylindrical shape on a low bush Goldfinch. Even late-ripening Albatross and Anastasia are not afraid of frost, they delight with a ripened crop.

Sweet pepper varieties for open ground and greenhouses: characteristics and reviews, choosing the right ones

Of course, for greenhouses with constant heating and lighting, you can choose a wider range of varieties and hybrids.

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