Sweet pepper Merchant: description and characteristics of the variety, photos, reviews, when to sow seedlings

Pepper Kupets is popular among gardeners due to its qualities. It is valued not only for its taste and productivity, but also for its presentation, resistance to low temperatures. You can evaluate all the qualities of a variety subject to the rules of agricultural technology.

History of origin

Specialists from a vegetable station belonging to the West Siberian region worked on the creation of Kupets pepper. The aim of the authors was to develop a variety resistant to low temperatures. In regions with a short cold summer, growing peppers is difficult; it does not tolerate temperature changes well.

For Kupets pepper, the weather does not matter: the plant develops safely and yields under any conditions. When the authors achieved such indicators, they were able to publish a new variety. It was entered into the State Register in 2001.

Description of pepper grade Kupets

The plant is early maturing. Despite the fact that peppers prefer heat and moisture, the Kupets variety easily tolerates frosts without loss of yield.

Externally, the plant is a sprawling bush, reaching a height of 80-85 cm. The main stem of the Merchant pepper is dense and strong, so the culture does not tend to the ground under the weight of the crop. This feature frees gardeners from having to tie bushes.

Sweet pepper Merchant: description and characteristics of the variety, photos, reviews, when to sow seedlings

The leaf plates of the Merchant pepper are large, dark green in color with pronounced veins

Important! The fruits have two stages of maturity: at the first, which is called technical, the vegetables become pale green in color and can be eaten. The second is biological ripeness: the fruits turn red, their skin becomes glossy.

Peppers of the Kupets variety are large, have a pyramidal shape. When grown outdoors, the mass of each vegetable can reach 85-90 g, and specimens ripen in greenhouses up to 130-145 g. The wall thickness of the Kupets pepper varies from 0,5 to 0,9 cm. This indicator depends on the climate and care.

Sweet pepper Merchant: description and characteristics of the variety, photos, reviews, when to sow seedlings

Pepper Kupets tastes sweet and juicy, rich in vitamins and sugars, practically does not contain bitterness and pungency.

The variety is recommended to be grown both for consumption without heat treatment and for preservation. On an industrial scale, a vegetable is often used to create semi-finished products, because after defrosting the pulp does not lose its qualities and shape. The Kupets variety is well suited for stewing and stuffing.

Characteristics of pepper Merchant

It is the study of the characteristics of the culture that allows you to choose the ideal variety for your site. It is necessary to take into account the region of cultivation, the timing of fruiting, resistance to both adverse weather conditions and diseases and pests.

Pepper yield Kupets

This variety is characterized by abundant fruiting. If the summer turned out to be cloudy and cold, then from 1 m2 you can collect up to 3 kg of peppers. If the weather is good, and all the conditions of agricultural technology are met, then this figure increases to 5,5 kg from 1 m2.

Fruiting terms

You can taste peppers as early as 112 days after seed germination. It should be borne in mind that if the summer is cold, then this figure will be 120 days.

Disease and pest resistance

Pepper Kupets is characterized by a strong immune system. He is not afraid of viral and fungal diseases. It should be borne in mind that the plant needs to be inspected once a week to prevent the appearance of harmful insects.

Important! Excess moisture, low temperatures, dense plantings are factors contributing to the development of diseases. Without proper care, the plant becomes vulnerable, so bacteria are dangerous for a weakened bush.

Growing regions

The variety was created for regions with a cold climate, so residents of Siberia and the Urals get good harvests. There, in the conditions of a short summer, the Kupets pepper manages to produce a crop.

Despite regionalization, gardeners from other regions can also achieve good fruiting rates: the variety tolerates droughts and cold snaps without problems, if they are not protracted.

Advantages and disadvantages

The indisputable advantage of the variety is its early ripening period, which allows you to harvest in a short period of time.

Sweet pepper Merchant: description and characteristics of the variety, photos, reviews, when to sow seedlings

All fruits of the Merchant pepper have a marketable appearance: large and fleshy, brightly colored with a glossy skin


  • bush compactness;
  • regular appearance of new ovaries during the growing season;
  • consistently high fruiting rates;
  • good taste of pulp;
  • excellent transportability and keeping quality;
  • versatility of crop application;
  • unpretentious care.


  • maximum yields can only be achieved with proper proper care and a good climate.

Peculiarities of growing

The plant is unpretentious, therefore, its cultivation does not require special conditions. But here it is possible to achieve maximum yields only if the rules of agricultural technology are observed.

When and how to sow Kupets pepper for seedlings

It is impossible to place seeds immediately in the garden, as the fruits will not have time to ripen before the cold weather. All work should begin in late February or early March.

For seedlings, you need to pick up containers and soil. The earth can be prepared independently or purchased soil mixture.

Seeds are best purchased from trusted manufacturers. Before sowing, they need to be checked: lowered into a glass with saline. Floating specimens must be removed. Treat the remaining material with potassium permanganate.

Sweet pepper Merchant: description and characteristics of the variety, photos, reviews, when to sow seedlings

Pepper seeds Merchant are large, pale yellow in color, dense to the touch

Before planting, the treated material is recommended to soak for 2-3 days. As soon as sprouts appear, the seeds should be placed in the soil to a depth of 1 cm and sprinkled with earth on top. The last stage of work is watering. Containers with landings must be closed with film or glass and transferred to a warm place. After the emergence of seedlings, it is necessary to wait until 2-3 leaves appear, after which it is required to carry out a pick.

Pepper Merchant should be planted in separate pots. It should be borne in mind that the culture does not tolerate any transplants well, so gardeners recommend immediately sowing pepper in individual containers, or trying to keep the earthen ball with roots as much as possible.

Dive seedlings need to provide good lighting for 11-12 hours. Watering and airing the plant should not be neglected.

Sweet pepper Merchant: description and characteristics of the variety, photos, reviews, when to sow seedlings

A strong stem and an abundance of leaves are indicators of good seedlings of Kupets pepper

Important! An obligatory stage of growing a crop is the hardening of plants. They need to be taken outside, gradually increasing the time spent outdoors.

Transplantation in open ground

In the Middle lane, seedlings should not be transferred to beds before mid-May. Warm weather should be established, the risk of night frosts will decrease. You can transfer seedlings of Kupets pepper to the greenhouse in mid-April.

Sweet pepper Merchant: description and characteristics of the variety, photos, reviews, when to sow seedlings

Up to four plants can be placed per 1 m2

It should be borne in mind that the depth of the holes in the beds should be no more than 15 cm. This is due to the fact that the Merchant pepper does not develop a powerful root system.

Important! Within two weeks after planting, it is forbidden to loosen the ground. It is during this period that the rooting of seedlings occurs.

Further Care

The agrotechnics of the variety is traditional: watering, loosening and weeding. It is recommended to moisten the soil under the bushes no more than twice a week. With the onset of drought, the number of procedures should be increased.

When watering, it is recommended to avoid getting moisture on the leaves. Water should be warm and clean. Watering should be carried out in the evening or morning hours.

In the first month after planting, feeding the crop is not required. After rooting, it is recommended to add nitrogenous fertilizers to the soil to increase the green mass. If the soil is fertile, then three procedures per season are enough. If the soil is depleted, then fertilizing with complex fertilizers should be carried out every two weeks.

Sweet pepper Merchant: description and characteristics of the variety, photos, reviews, when to sow seedlings

An obligatory stage of caring for pepper Merchant is loosening the soil to ensure air flow to the roots

For a good harvest, shaping should not be neglected. You need to pinch the top of the main stems and cut off the crown buds. A full-fledged adult bush should have 5-6 shoots, and the rest can be removed.

Pest and disease control

If, with proper care, Kupets pepper is not afraid of diseases, then pests can reduce yields by several times.

Most often you can find aphids and the Colorado potato beetle on the bushes. They successfully gnaw the leaves, which leads to the fall of the ovaries, the gradual death of the Kupets pepper. They should be controlled with fungicides. The most effective are drugs such as Mycoafidin and Basamil.

Sweet pepper Merchant: description and characteristics of the variety, photos, reviews, when to sow seedlings

A small white translucent bug on a pepper is an aphid

The best prevention of any diseases and pests is proper planting, adherence to the principles of agricultural technology.


Pepper Kupets is a high-yielding and unpretentious variety. The crop can be grown in regions with cold summers, and the harvested crop has a universal application. Gardeners who adhere to the rules of agricultural technology achieve maximum fruiting rates.

Reviews of gardeners about Bulgarian pepper Kupets

Ignatieva Irina, Irkutsk
It is difficult to grow bell pepper in a short summer. But the Kupets variety has been pleasing our family for several years. Seedlings quickly take root, are not afraid of either heat or cold. If you mulch the soil in the garden, then all the care is watering, fertilizing and shaping. For all the years of growing pepper, Kupets did not encounter pests.
Popova Anastasia, Sochi
This variety is dearly loved by our family for beautiful, large, thick-walled fruits. They are sweet, juicy, so they are great for salads and stuffing. Another undoubted advantage of a vegetable is the possibility of freezing. The thawed pulp does not lose its shape, retains its taste, so the remaining pepper at the end of the growing season is simply chopped and sent to the freezer.
Sweet pepper KUPETS is my favorite variety.

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