Sweet pepper Agapovsky: characteristics and description of the variety, photo, reviews, video

Pepper Agapovsky is a proven variety of culture that most vegetable growers know and love. It enjoys a fairly high popularity and is common in many regions due to the excellent quality of the fruit with relatively simple care. The plant is grown both for personal purposes and on an industrial scale.

Sweet pepper Agapovsky: characteristics and description of the variety, photo, reviews, video

Red sweet Agap pepper is considered a mid-season variety

The story of

Pepper Agapovsky appeared more than two decades ago. Breeders of the VNII SSOK were engaged in the work on its breeding. The variety is zoned in the Moscow region, suitable for growing in unprotected soil. It was entered into the State Register in 1995.

Description of Agapovsky pepper

Compared to other sweet peppers, Agapovsky looks more advantageous. Its strong bushes are literally strewn with beautiful, even, fragrant fruits. They have a high taste rating, slightly fibrous, the stalk is slightly depressed.

The dimensions of the bush allow the plant to be cultivated in a greenhouse and in open areas. The method is chosen depending on the location of the growing region.

Weight, color and shape of fruits

Agapovsky has an attractive presentation. The fruits are large, elongated prismatic, about 16 cm long. Weight on average 100-150 g, but with careful care can reach 0,4 kg. The vegetable is thick-walled, fleshy, smooth with slight waves, the pulp is juicy, its thickness depends on the size of the fruit, sometimes it reaches 1 cm. There are three to four seed nests. The color of the peppers when ripe is bright red, at the stage of technical ripeness it is green, the taste is sweet.

Sweet pepper Agapovsky: characteristics and description of the variety, photo, reviews, video

At the stage of biological maturity, you can collect Agapovsky pepper seeds for future sowing

Height and bushiness

The bushes of the variety are compact, medium in size. Their height does not exceed one meter and is approximately 80 cm, which allows you to grow a crop under arcs to simplify care. The plant is strongly leafy, the leaf plates are large, have a dark green color. The fruits on the bushes are drooping, evenly.

Characteristics of Agapovsky pepper

Despite the fact that at present there are many hybrids of sweet pepper, many of them are inferior in characteristics to the Agapovsky variety. It has not only excellent taste, but also high yield, early ripening, good resistance to diseases and pests.

The product is universal, it is used not only fresh, but also suitable for preparing blanks for the winter.

Agapovsky pepper yield

One of the main positive characteristics of the variety is its high yield. A square meter of plantings can produce up to 10 kg of ripe fruits. When growing Agapovsky pepper in a greenhouse, the yield is even higher, and the fruiting period is longer.

Sweet pepper Agapovsky: characteristics and description of the variety, photo, reviews, video

Thanks to a good harvest in a small area, it is advantageous to use the variety for commercial production.

Fruiting terms

Agapovsky pepper is considered an early ripe variety. The fruits begin to ripen 100-120 days after germination. Approximately 140 days should pass to the state of biological ripeness.

Toward the end of July, when the fruit reaches a length of 8 cm, they can already be plucked. In warm conditions, they freely ripen in 15-25 days.

Disease resistance

Agapovsky is a variety of pepper with good resistance to most diseases. Immune to the most dangerous nightshade ailment – mosaic. Sometimes it can be affected by blossom end rot.

Warning! When grown in open ground, the plant gets sick much less often than in greenhouse conditions.

As for pests, the variety is unattractive to the Colorado potato beetle, sometimes it is of interest to the cotton jay, nematode, aphids and whiteflies.

Growing regions

Despite the fact that Agapovsky pepper bushes are resistant to changes in humidity and temperature, it is recommended to grow it only in the second and third light zones. They include regions from Leningrad to Vologda and from Belgorod to Kursk. Also in the list of regions acceptable for cultivation of the plant are Yakutia and Khakassia.

Advantages and disadvantages

Agapovsky pepper for many years has occupied a leading position in the ranking of this variety of vegetable crops. The variety has a large number of pluses and only a few minuses.

Sweet pepper Agapovsky: characteristics and description of the variety, photo, reviews, video

Ease of care and unpretentiousness allows you to grow a crop even for inexperienced gardeners


  • high yields;
  • early ripening;
  • good immunity to diseases;
  • excellent presentation;
  • taste qualities;
  • versatility in use;
  • compact size;
  • unpretentiousness.


  • the need for regular watering;
  • susceptibility to blossom end rot;
  • requirement for lighting.

Recommendations for growing

The maximum crop yield can be achieved with careful observance of agricultural technology. Among the features of growing Agapovsky pepper, several facts should be highlighted:

  • the plant requires a garter and support;
  • shows the best results indoors;
  • requires the removal of a flower in the first branching of the shoot;
  • needs timely harvesting.
Important! At the end of July and in the second half of August, all stems are pinched off the pepper, flowers and buds are removed.

When and how to plant seedlings

Agapovsky pepper is grown in seedlings. Seeds begin to be sown in the last days of February until the second half of March. They must first be treated with potassium permanganate. The soil is taken porous, with a sufficient content of humus or peat. After sowing, the boxes are covered with foil or glass. 15-20 days after the appearance of sprouts, seedlings of Agapovsky pepper dive in separate containers and provide it with comfortable conditions – daytime temperature in the range of + 20-24 ° С, nighttime about +17 ° С. When the earth is warmed up to +15 ° C, young plants can be planted in closed ground.

Sweet pepper Agapovsky: characteristics and description of the variety, photo, reviews, video

Agapovsky pepper does not give long shoots and needs a single pick

Transplantation in open ground

If a variety begins to be planted in a greenhouse already in the middle or towards the end of April, then the moment when Agapovsky pepper can be moved to unprotected ground comes in early May.

Important! When planting a crop in a permanent place, it is worth focusing on weather conditions.

Before planting, the soil is pre-spilled with a solution based on copper sulphate to prevent fungal diseases. No more than three pepper bushes are planted per square meter with a minimum interval of 40 cm. After transplanting, the beds are mulched with straw or peat.

Comment! Agapovsky pepper quickly adapts to new conditions and continues to grow rapidly after a few days.


Culture is easy to care for. For a good result, you should follow a few rules:

  1. Carry out regular watering. Moisturizing the earth should be carried out as soon as it dries completely. Usually two irrigations per week are enough, since Agapovsky pepper does not like waterlogging.
  2. Loosen and weed the beds. It is advisable to carry out the procedure after each watering.
  3. Mulch the soil. As a material, it is better to give preference to straw, hay, sawdust.
  4. Apply fertilizer. Fertilizing begins three weeks after planting the seedlings – with ammonia additives and at the flowering stage – with organic and potassium compounds, ash.
Warning! At the time of fruiting, fertilizers are not applied.
Sweet pepper Agapovsky: characteristics and description of the variety, photo, reviews, video

Agapovo pepper is suitable for all types of culinary preparations

Disease and Pest Prevention

Due to the high immunity, the variety does not need preventive spraying. But in order to protect the beds as much as possible, gardeners try to adhere to the following rules:

  • in time to remove weeds;
  • not to thicken the landing;
  • treat seeds before planting;
  • provide good ventilation in the greenhouse.

To protect pepper from pests, you can treat the beds with tobacco dust, infusion of garlic or wormwood, wood ash.

Advice! Insects are well repelled by marigolds or calendula planted nearby.


Agapovsky pepper is a wonderful productive variety that has earned a lot of positive feedback from gardeners and farmers. It is easy to care for him, does not need to be treated for diseases. Fruits ripen tasty, juicy, beautiful, with a high content of vitamins and nutrients.

Reviews of gardeners about Bulgarian pepper Agapovsky

Yermolaev Sergey, 43 years old, Khabarovsk
I have been planting Agapovsky pepper in a greenhouse for a long time, more than five years for sure. First of all, I prefer this variety for a stable good harvest, I also like its taste. It is convenient that the bushes of the plant are small, it is easy to care for them.
Smirnova Zinaida, 60 years old, Ryazan
I like Agapovo pepper because of its appearance and taste. The fruits are sweet, beautiful, large. I tried to plant in open ground, did not go. I only cultivate in a greenhouse.
Dishkavtsova Ekaterina, 55 years old, Saratov
Of all the varieties of red pepper, I love Agapovsky. In my opinion, it is the most unpretentious and stable, the only drawback is that it requires support. Due to the fact that the fruits are large, and my record is a 360 g pepper, the bushes break without a garter.
Sweet pepper Agapovsky. Your Household

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