Sun-dried pumpkin is a product that is widely used in baby and diet food. Drying is one of the most popular ways to keep all the useful and nutritious substances in a vegetable until spring. When fresh, the shelf life is also large, but large sizes make it difficult to prepare a large amount. In dried form, it is used as an ingredient in salads, meats and desserts.

Sweet dried pumpkin in the oven

How to make dried sweet pumpkin

Autumn pumpkin varieties should be selected that are fully ripe, do not have spots indicating spoilage, with a thick skin. Before starting preparation, the fruits must be thoroughly washed, divided in half and the seeds and entrails removed. Only then can you remove the peel with a sharp knife and cut into the necessary pieces.

Important! Do not chop the vegetable too much, as it dries out when dried.

Many pumpkins are simply cut and dried outdoors. But this method has some drawbacks:

  • a lot of time is wasted;
  • a large amount of space is required;
  • dry sunny weather is required, which is difficult to wait for in the autumn;
  • it is impossible to ensure that insects do not sit on the fruit, that is, the level of sterility may suffer.

To get a quality product, dried pumpkin is cooked in a special dryer, gas or electric oven. The temperature can vary from 50 to 85 degrees. The main factors affecting this indicator are the pumpkin variety, the size of the pieces and the model of the unit.

Before drying, blanching is a prerequisite, which helps to soften the product a little and fill it with moisture. Depending on the method, water is either salted or sugar is added. The vegetable is dipped in boiling liquid for a maximum of 10 minutes. The finished product should not stick to the hands, but should retain elasticity.

Sun-dried pumpkin is a whole ready-made dish that can be used without additional heat treatment.

How to dry a pumpkin in the oven

There are two popular ways to cook sun-dried pumpkin in the oven. It is worth studying each and making your choice:

  1. After blanching, immediately transfer the vegetable pieces to ice water for a couple of minutes. Let the liquid drain, pour into a colander. In a preheated oven to 60 degrees, put a sheet on which to place the prepared pumpkin strips. Do not close the door tightly, leave for 5 hours. Then increase the temperature to 80 degrees. After a couple of hours, take out and cool.
  2. The second way is faster. Prepare the pieces, sprinkle them on a baking sheet. This time, preheat the oven to 85 degrees and put it on for 30 minutes. Get and hold at room conditions for the same time. Make the next call, but at a lower temperature – 65 degrees for 40 minutes. After cooling, repeat the procedure.

In any case, the baking sheet must be lined with baking paper to avoid sticking.

How to dry a pumpkin in an electric dryer

Sweet dried pumpkin in the oven

The quality of the finished product dried pumpkin in an electric dryer is not much different from using an oven.

The vegetable must first be prepared, spread out on pallets and turned on in the maximum temperature mode. Wait for the pieces to dry out. Only after that lower the temperature to 65 degrees and leave until fully cooked.

Attention! For each model, when buying, you can find instructions in the box, which you should definitely study, since the modes and exposure times may vary.

Pumpkin dried in the oven with sugar

Sweet dried pumpkin in the oven

Preparing the product for this process is very important. You should study all the nuances necessary to get sweet dried pumpkin slices in the oven.


  • 300 grams of sugar;
  • 1 kg pumpkin.

Cook according to the instructions:

  1. Remove the peel from a clean vegetable, separate and remove all the insides.
  2. Cut into large strips and put in a large bowl (preferably an enameled basin or pan).
  3. Pour the pieces with granulated sugar, observing the proportions.
  4. Place a load on top and keep in a cool place for about 15 hours.
  5. Drain the resulting liquid and repeat the procedure, reducing the time by 3 hours.
  6. It remains only to cook pumpkin juice syrup by adding a little sugar.
  7. Blanch for a quarter of an hour and drain in a colander.

Next, use the oven.

Dried pumpkin in the oven without sugar

Sweet dried pumpkin in the oven

For those who do not like sweet foods or in the future, the use does not involve the use of sugar, this method is suitable. The calorie content of dried pumpkin will be much less.

Products calculation:

  • 10 g salt;
  • 2 kg vegetable.

For an excellent result, you should follow the algorithm of actions:

  1. First of all, prepare the vegetable itself and cut it.
  2. Place 2 pots on the stove. One of them should contain ice water.
  3. Boil the second and add salt.
  4. First, blanch the cut in a hot composition for 5 minutes, and then transfer it to a very cold composition for a couple of minutes.
  5. Drain in a colander and wait for all the liquid to glass.

You can cook dried pumpkin without sugar in an electric dryer or oven.

How to make Sun Dried Pumpkin with Cinnamon

This option will help prepare a fragrant product and be saturated with vitamin pieces of a bright vegetable all winter.


  • granulated sugar – 0,6 kg;
  • pumpkin – 3 kg;
  • water – 3;
  • cover – 3 tsp.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Pumpkin requires a different way of preparation. It is necessary to wash the vegetable, cut into several parts. Put on a baking sheet with the skin down and bake at 180 degrees for 1 hour.
  2. After it cools down, get rid of the seeds and the top layer. Chop into slices no more than 2 cm thick.

    Sweet dried pumpkin in the oven

  3. Lay out on a sheet covered with parchment, sprinkle with sugar. Put in the still hot oven all night.
  4. Boil the syrup from water and sugar, pour the pieces folded into a refractory dish. Mix.
  5. Heat at 100 degrees for 10 minutes in the oven, drain the sweet liquid. Spread out again on a baking sheet and dry at the same temperature.
  6. Reduce the temperature to 60 degrees and dry for another 6 hours, but sprinkled with cinnamon.

The process will be considered completed after 3 days of being in a ventilated room without sunlight.

Dried pumpkin like mango

With this recipe, dried delicious pumpkin in the oven will turn out like a real mango. You can use the detailed description of the preparation.

Delicious dried pumpkin in the oven. Like mango.

In addition to 1,5 kg of pumpkin, you will need 400 g of granulated sugar.

All manufacturing steps:

  1. Prepare the vegetable, peel, remove the seeds and cut into strips.
  2. Place in a bowl and sprinkle with 1 cup of sugar.
  3. Leave at room temperature overnight.
  4. Pour 350 ml of water into a saucepan, add a glass of sugar and bring to a boil.
  5. Pour the pumpkin pieces along with the juice into a deep baking sheet and place in the oven at 85 degrees.
  6. Pour in hot syrup.
  7. Put in the oven for 10 minutes.
  8. Drain the syrup.
  9. Place the pumpkin evenly on the non-stick baking sheet again.
  10. Dry at the same temperature for another half an hour.
  11. Reduce the temperature to 65 degrees and hold for another 35 minutes.
  12. The next barrier will be 35 degrees, you need to leave the door ajar.
Important! Sweet syrup can serve as the basis for the next batch of blanks or compote.

It will take a few more days for the pieces to dry.

How to make oven dried pumpkin with garlic, rosemary and thyme

Sweet dried pumpkin in the oven

Dried pumpkin at home according to this recipe is incredibly tasty and fragrant.

Composition of products for 1 kg of product:

  • dried thyme, rosemary (needles) – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic – 3 tooth;
  • oil (preferably olive) – 1 tbsp.;
  • black pepper, salt.

Stages of preparation:

  1. Prepare pumpkin. To do this, wash, peel and remove the inner pulp with seeds. Cut into large cubes (approximately 2,5 cm thick).
  2. Arrange on a sheet covered with parchment paper and greased with oil.
  3. Each piece must be salted, sprinkled with thyme, pepper and drizzled with a little olive oil.
  4. Put on the very top of the oven, heated to 100 degrees, dry for 3 hours. Make sure the cubes don’t burn.
  5. Get it, chill it.
  6. Wash the jar thoroughly with baking soda, dry.
  7. Put peeled and chopped garlic on the bottom, sprinkle with rosemary.
  8. Move the pumpkin into this dish, press it a little and pour in the rest of the oil so that it completely covers all the pieces.

It remains to close the lid and rearrange in a cold place. The product is already completely ready for use.

How to dry pumpkin with oranges and cinnamon at home

Sweet dried pumpkin in the oven

According to this recipe, dried pumpkin turns out to be a ready-made vitamin dessert that you can treat your family to.


  • prepared vegetable – 700 g;
  • Orange – 2;
  • granulated sugar – 100 g;
  • cinnamon – on the tip of a knife;
  • lemon.

Necessary actions:

  1. Place the pumpkin slices on a greased baking sheet first.
  2. Sprinkle with sugar, previously mixed with cinnamon.
  3. Arrange peeled and chopped oranges on top.
  4. Grind the lemon on a coarse grater and transfer to a sheet.
  5. Cover the form with a large piece of foil.
  6. Bake at 180 degrees for a quarter of an hour, then remove the foil and leave to dry for another 20 minutes.
  7. Mix everything on the sheet and leave in the switched off oven for another 5 minutes.
  8. Cool the dried pumpkin at home at room temperature.
Important! Be sure to check the readiness of the pumpkin at this stage. There is a pierce with a toothpick, the product should be soft.

You can serve this dish garnished with whipped cream.

How to store dried pumpkin

Sweet dried pumpkin in the oven

It is recommended to store the finished product in glass jars, which must be washed and dried well in advance. Pieces should not be pressed down unless the recipe calls for it. The container should be tightly closed with a lid and placed in a cool and dark place.

They often choose bags made of natural fabrics (canvas) for storage, where vegetable strips are folded and placed in a dry place. In rare cases, a freezer is used.


Sun-dried pumpkin will become a favorite dessert that will help you get the necessary vitamins in the winter. From a large number of methods, you can choose the best one that is suitable for harvesting a vegetable for the future, and use it as an additive in other recipes.

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