Sweet diets: “for” and “against”»

A slim figure and sweets are two incompatible things. Most people who have at least a vague idea of the principles of a healthy diet are sure of this. And only true experts can tell you that sweet diets are not a fantasy, but quite a working weight loss system.

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What is a sweet diet?

A sweet diet does not mean that you need to eat only sweets, cakes and cookies, washing them down with sweet soda or juices. Here, too, it is important to adhere to special principles, to observe a balanced diet, but at the same time you can not deny yourself your favorite treats. First of all, you need to adjust a strict diet: from three to five meals a day, modest portions and no snacks. If hunger is still pressing against the wall, it is recommended to drink a cup of unsweetened tea or a glass of mineral water without gas.

Breakfast should be dense and varied – it is here that you are allowed to taste sweets. Of course, not cakes with pies, but something less high-calorie, like marshmallows, marmalade or oatmeal cookies. You can prepare a diet charlotte with apples or cottage cheese casserole with dried fruits. Fresh fruit, fruit salads with light dressings, and natural juices made with your own hands will also be good. The lion’s share of the lunch should fall on proteins: boiled meat, lean fish or seafood. As a side dish, you can take any vegetables. But mayonnaise, hot spices and butter will have to be excluded from the diet. Dinner is low-calorie and moderate. In the evening, you can eat fresh and boiled vegetables, low-fat cottage cheese and fermented milk products, all the same fresh fruits and salads from them. It is allowed to drink tea with a spoonful of honey.

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Sweet Marathon

Some sweets can be included in the menu of fasting days. Chocolate fans will be the first to rejoice, because their favorite delicacy is just on the allowed list. One of the options is a three-day mono-diet, during which you need to drink 4-5 cups of sweet cocoa on skimmed milk every day. At the same time, boiled and mineral water without gas can be drunk in unlimited quantities. In the second version of the diet, it is allowed to eat a bar of bitter chocolate with a cocoa bean content of 75%, without nuts, raisins and other additives. Of course, this amount of chocolate is evenly distributed throughout the day. It is not recommended to sit on such a diet for more than three days.

The autumn season with the first frosts is not quite conducive to eating ice cream. Meanwhile, this product is perfect for monodiety. A portion of your favorite milk sweet, rich in calcium, can be eaten for breakfast, lunch and dinner. At the same time, you need to choose a creamy ice cream without fillers and glazes, as well as preservatives, dyes and flavor enhancers. If you dare to try out any monodiet on yourself, be sure to study the possible side effects and get the approval of a doctor. And at the same time, get ready for the fact that the increased eating of the adored delicacy is fraught with the fact that it may well go into the category of hated.

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What are the benefits of sweet diets? The most important and obvious plus is the ability not to limit yourself to your favorite sweets, thereby avoiding stress, the risk of “breaking down” and destroying a mountain of forbidden products at once. The effectiveness of sweet diets has found many confirmations. For three fasting days, you can lose up to 5 kg of excess weight. And for 5-6 weeks of a sweet diet in combination with other products, you can part with 10-12 kg.

However, most nutritionists are against such a system of nutrition, since it is not balanced and can lead to metabolic disorders. The so-called “fast” carbohydrates are absorbed by the body rapidly, charging it with energy and a feeling of elation. However, this state passes as quickly as it comes. The body requires a new portion of sweet “fuel”, and we rarely refuse it. In addition, to process carbohydrates and lower blood sugar levels, the pancreas begins to actively secrete insulin. Excessive and frequent loads can seriously exhaust her, which will eventually lead to diabetes, which means that you will have to say goodbye to your favorite sweets forever.

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Of course, sweet diets have many contraindications. With diabetes, they are out of the question. Such diets are also strictly contraindicated in people with inflammation of the duodenum and pancreas, with gastritis, colitis and stomach ulcers. Chocolate and any of its derivatives are strictly prohibited for hypertensive patients, people with heart diseases, as well as kidney and liver failure. Hypersensitivity and allergic reactions to various food components are another good reason to give up sweet diets.

It is also important to note that the ineradicable and constant craving for sweets indicates some violations in the work of a particular system of the body. This may be a sign of the onset of type 2 diabetes or stress, which has every chance of turning into depression. That is why it is necessary to listen carefully to the needs of the body before obediently satisfying them.

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Anyway, before you buy the allowed treats and sit down on a sweet diet, you need to weigh all the pros and cons. And as in any serious case, you can not do without the help of a specialist here.


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