Sweet cherry in the Moscow region – the best varieties


Gardeners in Our Country and neighboring countries are well acquainted with cherries, sweet cherries, and apple trees. These trees do well in these climatic conditions. In order for cherries to grow in the Moscow region, as in other regions, you need to know which variety to choose, how to care for it.

Do cherries grow in the Moscow region

Cherry is a hardy tree. It grows in almost all parts of Our Country, Ukraine, Belarus. But despite the fact that it does not require special conditions, you still need to take care of it, like any other plant. Feels good in the suburbs. Here the climate is temperate, there are no cold weather, as in the north, and droughts, as in the south of the country. However, the variety must be chosen correctly, and then in the summer you can reap the benefits of your choice.

When cherry blossoms in the suburbs

Cherries start to bloom depending on the temperature. Therefore, in different regions of Our Country, the first flowers are expected differently. But in the Moscow region, this period mainly begins in the last weeks of April and ends before the second decade of May. The timing varies depending on the variety of sweet cherries and weather conditions, if spring does not come for a long time, or, on the contrary, it came quickly early.

Sweet cherry in the Moscow region - the best varieties

Cherry ripening dates in the Moscow region

Gardeners recommend certain varieties for growing in the Moscow region, which are most suitable for the climatic conditions of the area. There are more than ten titles on this list. Each variety has its own ripening period. According to them, the varieties are divided as follows:

  1. Early – middle – end of June. Less often the beginning, the first decade.
  2. average end of June, beginning of July. Less often the middle or even the end of July.
  3. Late – middle, end of July.

Cherry varieties for the Moscow region

Professional gardeners recommend several species for growing and large yields that top the rating:

  1. Folk Syubarova – the variety is notable for the fact that its branches protect from snow and wind, and the tree itself takes root well.
  2. Iput – withstands weather conditions, bears a lot of fruit.
  3. Ovstuzhenka.
  4. Fatej.

Next are the varieties that survive well in the winter periods in the region:

  1. Iput.
  2. Homestead yellow.
  3. Gronkavaya.
  4. Red hill.
  5. Ovstuzhenka.
  6. Raditsa.
  7. Chermashnaya.
  8. Valery Chkalov.
  9. Fatej.
  10. Revna.
  11. Tyutchevka.
  12. Knowledge.
  13. Oryol pink.
  14. People’s Syubarova.
  15. Michurinka.
  16. Bryansk pink.
  17. Gift to Stepanov.
  18. Leningrad black.

Sweet cherry in the Moscow region - the best varieties

Types of cherries for the Moscow region

In the Moscow region, in most cases, self-fertile cherries are grown, some of the common species are self-fertile. If we talk about the size of the tree, then most of the species are medium-sized, there are tall ones.

Sweet cherry in the Moscow region - the best varieties

Winter-hardy varieties of sweet cherries for the Moscow region

It is very important to choose a variety that can withstand a harsh winter. Despite the fact that the microclimate of the Moscow region is special and relatively warm, the number of abnormally cold winters is growing. So that the tree does not die in the first years of growth, without starting to bear fruit, you need to know which varieties deserve attention:

  1. Iput.
  2. Homestead.
  3. Gronkavaya.
  4. Red hill.
  5. Ovstuzhenka.

The best self-pollinated sweet cherry varieties for the Moscow region

If a gardener chooses one variety that will grow in the garden, then one must choose one that will self-pollinate.

The first places in the ranking were:

  1. Fatej.
  2. Valery Chkalov.
  3. Iput.
  4. People’s Syubarova.
  5. Cheremashnaya.
  6. Ovstuzhenka.
  7. Revna.
  8. Tyutchevka.

Sweet cherry in the Moscow region - the best varieties

Sweet cherry varieties for the Moscow region

If children will feast on the berry, or they prefer to cook compote from it, then it is better to choose sweet varieties. It will be nice to eat such a berry without adding sugar. Sweet varieties include Iput, Gronkavaya, Raditsa, Valery Chkalov, Tyutchevka, Veda, Bryanskaya Pink, Gift to Stepanov.

The best varieties of undersized cherries for the Moscow region

In the region near Moscow, mainly medium-sized varieties are grown. Although dwarf trees are very convenient. You can easily pick a berry from them. But such a tree is not so strong. Its branches cannot withstand strong winds for a long time. Relatively low varieties: Iput, Gronkavaya, Krasnaya Gorka, Raditsa, Tyutchevka, a very low tree of the Veda variety, Michurinka, Bryansk pink, Gift to Stepanov.

Sweet cherry in the Moscow region - the best varieties

Varieties of yellow cherries for the Moscow region

Yellow cherries are not as bright in taste, not as sweet compared to bright red and even almost black berries. But yellow varieties have gained their popularity and are actively grown in the open spaces of the Moscow region. What are these varieties:

  1. Home garden yellow, the most common.
  2. Orlovskaya Amber.
  3. Drogan.
  4. Denissen.
  5. Leningradskaya.

Red, black, pink cherries for Moscow region gardeners

Everyone is used to seeing red berries, but some varieties are lighter pink, distinctly red or even black. Usually black varieties have a brighter taste, honey-sweet shade, meatiness.


  1. Michurinka.
  2. Fatej.
  3. Valery Chkalov.
  4. Ovstuzhenka.
  5. Iput.
  6. Gronkavaya.


  1. Leningradskaya.
  2. Gift to Stepanov.
  3. People’s Syubarova.
  4. Tyutchevka.
  5. Revna.
  6. Raditsa.


  1. Red hill.
  2. Fatej.
  3. Oryol pink.
  4. Bryansk pink.

Sweet cherry in the Moscow region - the best varieties

Early cherry varieties for the Moscow region


  1. Iput.
  2. Homestead yellow.
  3. Gronkavaya.
  4. Red hill.
  5. Ovstuzhenka.
  6. Raditsa.
  7. Chermashnaya.
  8. Valery Chkalov.

Sweet cherries of medium ripening for the Moscow region


  1. Fatej.
  2. Revna.
  3. Tyutchevka.
  4. Knowledge.
  5. Oryol pink.
  6. People’s Syubarova.

Late sweet cherry varieties for the Moscow region


  1. Michurinka.
  2. Bryansk pink.
  3. Gift to Stepanov.
  4. Leningrad black.

Sweet cherry in the Moscow region - the best varieties

Bush cherry in the Moscow region

Bush varieties are not grown in the Moscow region. All options that are able to withstand weather conditions and soil features are medium-sized. The most common variety of bush cherries is Melitopol. However, it grows in the south of the country, and the weather of this region is beyond its power.

New sweet cherry varieties for the Moscow region

Relatively recently, Iput, Raditsa, Fatezh are grown in the Moscow region. But Narodnaya Syubarova has always taken root in all regions of Our Country. Thanks to the miracles of selection, a lot of other varieties have been adapted to this area.

Sweet cherry in the Moscow region - the best varieties

What kind of sweet cherry is better to plant in the suburbs

Of the proposed options, it is difficult to choose the variety that will be more suitable for the Moscow region. Each of them has its own positive qualities and disadvantages. Fatezh and Narodnaya Syubarova are the strongest and most frost-resistant trees. Varieties are distributed in all regions of Our Country. Strong branches resist winds and snowfalls. But Iput resists fungi, and its yield is one of the highest – up to 35 kilograms.

Planting cherries in the suburbs in the spring

In the Moscow region, as in other regions of Our Country, gardeners plant cherries in spring or autumn. Each season has its own characteristics, weather conditions. Therefore, the landing must be carried out according to certain rules. Then the tree will take root and bear fruit.

Advice! Professionals prefer spring planting.

Sweet cherry in the Moscow region - the best varieties

When to plant cherries in the suburbs

Spring planting has a number of advantages. The gardener can easily observe the growth of a tree for half a year, if anything, take action. In addition, there is enough moisture in the soil. And before the first frosts, the sweet cherry has another 6 months in order to get stronger.

Landing times also vary by region. So, in the south they start at the end of March. In the Moscow region, it is advised to do this from mid-April. It is important that the temperature does not fall below 5 degrees.

Site selection and soil preparation for planting

You can not plant a tree where you have to. Yet the cherry is a southern plant. Therefore, the place where it will bear fruit well should be warm, southern, sunny. The tree should not be shaded, and it should not be placed on a strong hill, since the winds are useless. In the neighborhood, it is desirable to plant a plum, an apple tree. Groundwater should not flow under the landing site, this will lead to death. The soil must be made loose, breathable, containing clay and sand.

Sweet cherry in the Moscow region - the best varieties

Choosing a cherry seedling for the Moscow region

The right choice of seedlings is the key to a large harvest and delicious berries. It must be vaccinated. This is a mark of quality. So the tree is not rootless. The conductor must be massive, broken and damaged branches are a bad sign. The tree must be at rest.

How to plant cherries in the spring in the suburbs

The tree has a developed root system, there should not be neighbors nearby at a distance of 5 meters. It is not necessary immediately after the hole is dug, put a seedling in it. It is worth preparing a place 14 days before strengthening the tree. The height of the pit to the bayonet of a shovel. All grass and even roots nearby are removed. Width approximately 90 cm. The walls narrow towards the bottom. It is advisable to make a support for the tree.

Sweet cherry in the Moscow region - the best varieties

Growing and caring for sweet cherries in the Moscow region

After planting, you need to monitor how the seedling grows. A meter from it, you need to periodically loosen the ground and clean it of grass and especially weeds. Watering is carried out from 3 times per season. If the yield has fallen, then anti-aging pruning is carried out. Annual runs are shortened, buds are not affected, new shoots are stimulated.

Attention! In case of damage, sanitary pruning is carried out. Damaged areas are painted or whitened with a special solution.

Cherry formation in the Moscow region

Periodically, you need to form a crown. And this is done not for beauty, but so that all branches receive light and heat, do not obscure each other. The procedure is carried out a year after planting the seedling. The arrangement of branches is tiered. 6-8 main branches are left in the crown.

Top dressing of sweet cherries in the spring in the suburbs

Often sweet cherries have enough substances that nourish them immediately after planting. After the first year of growth, top dressing is done in the spring. The procedure is also carried out in the fall. In spring, the tree needs nitrogen fertilizers. They stimulate growth.

Sweet cherry in the Moscow region - the best varieties

Cherry varieties for central Our Country

In central Our Country, sweet cherry feels good. However, not all varieties are adapted to the characteristics of climate and soil. In general, gardeners in this area have plenty of choice. Most popular:

  1. Drogan.
  2. Leningradskaya.
  3. Oryol.
  4. Homestead.
  5. Chermashnaya.
  6. Adelina.
  7. Gronkavaya.
  8. Italian.
  9. Lena.
  10. Ovstuzhenka.
  11. Odrinka.
  12. Rechitsa.
  13. Sadko.
  14. Tyutchevka.

The most winter-hardy varieties of sweet cherries for the middle lane

Gardeners note the most winter-hardy varieties:

  1. Knowledge.
  2. Bryansk pink.
  3. Iput.
  4. Odrinka.
  5. Revna.
  6. Pink pearl.
  7. Fatej.

Sweet cherry in the Moscow region - the best varieties

Self-pollinated sweet cherry varieties for central Our Country

Most cherries are cross-pollinated trees. But self-pollinating varieties also exist, and some of them are suitable for growing in central Our Country. The most unpretentious variety is Narodnaya Syubarova. She has plenty of any soil and sometimes a harsh climate. Ovstuzhenka independently forms up to 10% of flowers, it is advisable to plant Iput, Raditsa nearby. A good self-fertile choice is Revna.

Low-growing varieties of cherries for the middle lane

Low-growing varieties bred by breeders not so long ago. They are very handy for harvesting. Such trees bear fruit earlier than tall counterparts. Such a cherry is formed under the shape of a bush. It is advisable for them to make a support. However, these varieties do not survive winters so well. But you can also name an advantage – they are grown even from a bone. Gardeners offer Helena, Sylvia, Black columnar.

Sweet cherry in the Moscow region - the best varieties

Varieties of yellow cherries for central Our Country

Yellow cherries are inferior in popularity to red cherries throughout Our Country, but if such varieties are still attractive, then in the middle latitudes it is recommended to try:

  1. Drogan
  2. Leningradskaya.
  3. Orlovskaya.
  4. Homestead.
  5. Chermashnaya.

Sweet varieties of cherries for the middle lane

Sometimes you want to taste a berry as sweet as honey. Children especially love to eat these. If the gardener plans to use it fresh, then you should choose the following varieties:

  • Adeline;
  • Bryansk pink;
  • Ипуть;
  • Jealous;
  • Ovstuzhenka;
  • Chermashnaya.

These are the main varieties with a bright sweet taste, without sourness. But Tyutchevka is considered the winner in this rating. In addition to taste, this variety is frost-resistant, unpretentious and bears fruit well.

Sweet cherry in the Moscow region - the best varieties

Early varieties of sweet cherries for the middle lane

Many have a desire to get sweet juicy fruits at the beginning of summer. Early varieties also grow in the middle lane, which will make it possible to do this at the end of June. These include Homestead yellow, very winter-hardy and productive sweet cherry with a sour taste. Gronkavaya, it needs pollinators, for example, Revna, Raditsa. Red Hill also requires pollinators, but it is disease resistant. Ovstuzhenka early will give good fruits for compotes, simple use.

Late cherry varieties

But there are not so many late varieties for this area. These include Michurinka and Bryansk pink. Michurinka is a low tree, very resistant to weather conditions, as well as pests. The taste qualities of berries are highly valued. Bryansk has pink berries, requires pollinators: Iput, Revna, Tyutchevka.

Rating of cherry varieties for central Our Country

An experienced gardener will not recommend many varieties for the middle lane, but they have the best qualities and deservedly entered the rating:

  1. Bryansk Pink.
  2. Gronkavaya.
  3. Iput.
  4. Large-fruited.
  5. Ovstuzhenka.
  6. Oryol amber.
  7. Homestead yellow.
  8. Revna.
  9. Fatej.

Sweet cherry in the Moscow region - the best varieties

How to choose cherries for the middle lane

You should not buy a seedling from a reseller or summer resident. They cannot guarantee the quality of the wood. The manufacturer must sell it in specially designated places. A good viable tree also has a passport. The seedling should be no more than three years old. The bark is uniform, without damage. There are at least three roots in the root system. The cut of the root should not be brown.

Planting cherries in the spring in the middle lane

Spring planting must be done on time. Frosts should have passed by now, and the buds should not bloom. Basically it is the end of April. In the spring, there is a lot of moisture in the soil, and this is one of the main advantages. In addition, the gardener can monitor the growth of the tree. There are those who prefer to plant a tree in the fall, and also prepare a hole this season, and strengthen the tree in the spring.

Dates of planting cherries in central Our Country

On average, a tree is planted in mid-late April. But you need to focus not on the prescribed time, but on the weather. If it is hot at the beginning and middle of the month, then there is no point in waiting for the end. It is important not to miss the moment. In autumn, this period is the beginning of September – October.

Site selection and soil preparation for planting

In whatever lane and terrain a tree grows, the principles for choosing a place are the same. Other trees should grow no closer than 5 meters to it. The place should be chosen bright, sunny, not high. It should not have a shadow, wind, groundwater.

Selection and preparation of planting material

The soil for sweet cherries should not be carbonate, contain saline, not be swampy. It should have an equal content of sand and clay. The earth is periodically pushed, made loose and permeable. Before planting, the soil is dug up 30 centimeters.

Planting cherries in the spring with seedlings in the middle lane

In the spring, it is recommended to plant cherries in a hole that was prepared in advance, in the fall. So the soil is saturated with the necessary substances. But it is possible to land in a place that was prepared two weeks ago. In the spring, as elsewhere, the soil is fertilized with nitrogen fertilizers, the pit is cleared of foreign roots and plants.

Sweet cherry in the Moscow region - the best varieties

Planting cherries in autumn in the middle lane

In autumn, the soil is fertilized with manure, compost, and the pit is also prepared in advance. 180 grams of superphosphate, 100 grams of potash fertilizer are added to the soil. Acidic soil is quenched with lime. In addition, potassium and ash are added.

Important! Nitrogen fertilizers and lime are applied after the tree has taken root, so as not to injure its roots.

Growing cherries in central Our Country

During the season, cherries are watered three times, in total 30 liters of water are consumed. But you can’t overwater the tree, because it will rot. To pollinate it, the branches are sprinkled with water and honey. The first three years, the cherries are not fertilized, later in the spring they are fed with compost and mineral fertilizers. In the year of planting, the side branches are cut by 40 centimeters. For the winter, the tree is wrapped up and protected from rodents. Carry out preventive measures and spray from pests.

Sweet cherry in the Moscow region - the best varieties


Sweet cherry grows well in the Moscow region. Such varieties as Iput, Raditsa, Ovstuzhenka especially took root. The mild climate, moderate frost and drought make it possible to grow more than a dozen varieties. In order for sweet cherries to bear fruit well, it is important to choose the right variety, seedling, plant and care for it in the future.

Reviews of gardeners about cherries in the suburbs

Skvortsova Vitalina Sergeevna, Podolsk
A couple of years ago I decided to plant not only flowers, but also fruit trees on the site. Much more benefits. First of all, I found information that not all varieties can survive in our conditions. But there are plenty of choices. I chose the grade Leningradskaya black. I ran into problems choosing a seedling, but I also chose in the nursery, you can’t take anything! I planted in the spring, prepared the pit in the fall. Proper care – and in the future the tree will please with fruits.
Nedelin Igor Stanislavovich, Istra
A neighbor advised me the Fatezh variety. He said that the other two varieties did not take root with him. Later I read that these two varieties simply do not take root in our area. I realized that it is important to make the right choice. After all, a tree also does not grow in any soil. It was scary that the seedling would not survive our winter. But everything went well. The main thing is to choose winter-hardy varieties.
Sweet cherry in the suburbs: Iput, Odrinka, Revna

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