Sweet cherry: health benefits and harms, medicinal properties.

Sweet cherry: composition, calorie content, useful properties

Cherry is a tree belonging to the Pink family, it grows mainly in the Crimea, the Caucasus, and the southern European regions.

It has a different size and shape of the fruit, dense and juicy pulp, different colors from light yellow to dark red, almost black.

Sweet cherry: health benefits and harms, medicinal properties.

These wonderful fruits ripen from late May to early July, depending on the variety, and in this short period are able to charge the body with the necessary nutrients. Sweet cherries are good and bad for the body. Consider from all sides.

They have a very rich composition of vitamins C, B, A, PP microelements: magnesium, potassium, iron, calcium, copper and many other microelements useful for human health and good nutrition. Cherry is also rich in pectins, sugars, organic acids, and dietary fiber. 

Sweet cherry: health benefits and harms, medicinal properties.

This tasty, aromatic, juicy fruit has a low calorie content of about 52 cal / 100g, which can help you lose extra pounds. Berries, which contain dietary fiber, help accelerate metabolic processes in the body, and the fruits have a mild diuretic property, help to “cleanse” the liver and kidneys.

What are the differences between cherries and cherries

Sweet cherry: health benefits and harms, medicinal properties.

Visually, both fruits and trees are similar, but it is not surprising that both fruits belong to the same family, although cherries are more cold-resistant and can grow in temperate latitudes, and cherries are thermophilic.

They differ in the shape of the fruit – cherries have a rounder berry and only a dark burgundy color, cherries have a flattened or oblong shape, pulp density – cherries are juicy, soft, and cherries are dense juicy, and taste – sourness prevails in cherries, cherries are sweeter or neutral the taste. In terms of chemical composition, the berries are very similar.

It is customary to cook jams, jams, compotes from cherries, but cherries are mainly consumed either fresh or frozen.

Why cherries are useful

Sweet cherry: health benefits and harms, medicinal properties.

An early berry, which has a lot of useful substances and properties, due to its balanced chemical composition, is useful in the treatment and prevention of various diseases:

  • It contains a large amount of vitamin C, which is also a natural antioxidant. Supports immunity, general health and prolongs youth.
  • The content of B vitamins in fruits helps to maintain and restore the nervous system, improve mood.
  • Pectins and dietary fiber actively contribute to the normalization of the digestive tract, normalize the stool.
  • Red varieties of berries are able to lower blood pressure, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, thin the blood, and prevent the formation of thrombosis.
  • One of the number of useful properties of sweet cherries is strengthening the cardiovascular system and clearing cholesterol.
  • Another substance in the composition of sweet cherry is coumarin, which is an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent, and also prevents cell division, which is a good prevention of cancer.

For woman’s health

Sweet cherry: health benefits and harms, medicinal properties.

A glass of cherries contains only about 90-95 kcal, so you can safely eat berries for those who are worried about their figure.

  • The berry has a mild diuretic property, so the use of fruits and decoction from the leaves, color helps to “drive out” excess fluid from the body, get rid of edema.
  • Iron in the composition of the fruit stimulates the production of hemoglobin, improves the process of hematopoiesis, for this reason it is recommended to use it during menopause and menstrual cycle.
  • Cherry speeds up metabolism, normalizes bowel function, helps to fight frequent constipation, therefore it is recommended for weight loss.
  • Helps remove waste and toxins from the liver.
  • Thanks to vitamins A and C, the condition of the skin and its color are improved.

During pregnancy and lactation

Sweet cherry: health benefits and harms, medicinal properties.

Sweet cherry is, without exaggeration, a storehouse of vitamins for pregnant women and breastfeeding women. Just a handful of berries with daily consumption can replace the consumption of multivitamin complexes and dietary supplements.

  • Folic acid in drupes stimulates the production of cells to form the neural tube of the fetus.
  • Fresh or in compote easily copes with the removal of manifestations of toxicosis and helps to tame the gag reflex.
  • The increased iron content prevents the development of anemia in the mother and the fetus.
  • Relieves puffiness and has a mild laxative effect.
  • Breastfeeding improves the quality of milk and increases its fat content. Lactation also increases.

However, red berries should be used with caution for women prone to allergies and individual intolerance. When breastfeeding, consume in moderation, excessive consumption causes flatulence and colic in the baby.

For a man’s body

Sweet cherry: health benefits and harms, medicinal properties.

Cherry fruits have a beneficial effect not only on the female and child’s body:

  • Regular consumption of berries helps fight baldness in men. The blood supply to the hair follicles is stimulated and the blood flow to the scalp is improved.
  • The presence of B vitamins helps to cope with cardiovascular problems, improves psycho-emotional state, helps to fight stress and depression.
  • For people leading an active lifestyle, the berry is simply irreplaceable, the elasticity of the muscles improves, the bone tissues are strengthened, and the ability to work and endurance are significantly increased.
  • The use of berries has a very positive effect on men’s health, prevents reproductive diseases and is a prophylactic agent in the fight against prostate diseases.
  • Helps lower blood pressure, fights cholesterol. dilates blood vessels.

For the elderly and children

Sweet cherry: health benefits and harms, medicinal properties.

Sweet cherry is a delicious and healthy seasonal berry that is loved not only by children, but by adults, and for good reason! The main thing when using is to observe the measure. Excessive use can lead to intestinal upset, allergies and bloating.

For the elderly and children, sweet cherries are useful for a large amount of iron – for the production of hemoglobin and improving the composition of the blood.

Vitamins that are practically not destroyed during heat treatment in jam, compotes in winter are used with seasonal vitamin deficiency, to stimulate immunity.

Children should be given seeds without seeds, since the seeds contain hydrocyanic acid, it affects the teeth, stomach and can cause poisoning.

Elderly people with diabetes should use cherries with caution, because of the large amount of sugar in the composition.

When losing weight

Sweet cherry: health benefits and harms, medicinal properties.

Sweet cherry is a low-calorie product with a lot of pectin. Drupe contains a large amount of fiber, dietary fiber, for this reason, the berry is actively used in dietetics. 

Most often it is used for fasting days, since it has practically no contraindications. It has a mild diuretic and laxative effect. During fasting days, the use of low-fat kefir and green tea is allowed. In one such day, it is possible to lose from 1,5 to 3 kg.

Berries can be consumed on such days from 1 kg to 1,2 kg. It is important to drink enough water on such days. Which is very convenient for a cherry diet, no additional intake of vitamins is required.

The benefits of yellow cherries

Sweet cherry: health benefits and harms, medicinal properties.

The yellow berry has a number of beneficial properties:

  • Can be used by people and children with allergies.
  • The yellow berries contain more ascorbic acid, for this reason, light-colored fruits are better for stimulating immunity.
  • For women of childbearing age, the presence of folic acid has a beneficial effect on the reproductive functions of the body.

The benefits of red cherries

Sweet cherry: health benefits and harms, medicinal properties.

Red berries are widely used in cosmetology, for anti-aging masks. The pulp of the fruit has a lifting effect, anti-inflammatory properties.

It is advisable to use red berries for people with high blood pressure, problems with blood vessels, the presence of cholesterol and for the prevention of atherosclerosis.

The benefits of black cherries

Sweet cherry: health benefits and harms, medicinal properties.

Polyphenols contained in black fruits prevent cell aging, improve brain function.

Also, in the composition of dark cherries there is more iron than in other varieties, which allows you to fight anemia and anemia.

Black cherries contribute to the production of melanin for a good, beautiful tan.

Dried cherries

Sweet cherry: health benefits and harms, medicinal properties.

A very tasty, aromatic and healthy snack. Cherries are harvested by pre-boiling them in syrup. You can dry it both naturally and in the oven or electric dryer.

Dried or dried berries are extremely healthy. In winter, the berries are used as an antiseptic. Can be used as an antiviral or expectorant.

Due to the large amount of vitamin B, it stabilizes blood pressure, helps to normalize the functioning of the heart and nervous system.

Works great as a prophylactic against atherosclerosis and iron deficiency anemia.

Frozen cherries

Sweet cherry: health benefits and harms, medicinal properties.

In winter, you can also eat cherries, albeit frozen.

Frozen fruits practically do not differ in taste and chemical composition; after freezing, useful substances are preserved almost in full.

The berries are harvested at the height of the season, only ripe ones are selected, without damage or rot.

How to freeze cherries for the winter

Sweet cherry: health benefits and harms, medicinal properties.

For the winter, berries can be harvested in several ways.

  • With a bone: ripe berries with dense pulp are selected. Wash thoroughly, then dry on a towel. Lay out on a surface such as a cutting board covered with cellophane in one layer and freeze.
  • Seedless: pre-washed and dried berries are pitted. And they freeze it in the same way as with a bone. To remove the bones, use a special device or an ordinary pin.
  • In syrup: for this method of freezing, it is necessary to remove the seeds from the fruits, if there are a lot of overripe fruits, they can be parried with a blender, mixed with sugar and pour this syrup over the berries in a container.

Cherry leaves and seeds: how to use, useful properties

Sweet cherry: health benefits and harms, medicinal properties.

It is not surprising, but the leaves and seeds and stalks are very useful. They are used both for general strengthening agents and for medicinal purposes. Decoctions from leaves, teas, tinctures are used. Such diseases are treated:

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Treatment of colds.
  • Diseases of the liver.
  • With flu and bronchitis.
  • With anemia and thrombophlebitis.

Sweet cherry: what are the benefits and harms of this berry.

Cherry leaves can be infused both fresh and dry. This infusion can be used as an antiseptic.

The bones are used as a decoction, as a diuretic.

Sweet cherry: health benefits and harms, medicinal properties.

The use of cherries in cosmetology

Cherry fruits can be used not only for food and medicinal purposes, but also in cometology. Fresh berries and their juice are added to masks. Cherry has anti-inflammatory effect, soothes skin inflammation, redness, acne.

Sweet cherry: health benefits and harms, medicinal properties.

Also, the fruits have a slight whitening property, help smooth out fine wrinkles, nourish the skin with vitamins and essential microelements. Lighten age spots and cleanse the epidermis.

Features of the use of cherries for various diseases

Sweet cherry: health benefits and harms, medicinal properties.

Sweet cherries are eaten not only as a delicacy, but also used for various diseases as a means of traditional medicine. Of course, you shouldn’t rely only on traditional medicine. First, you should consult with a specialist doctor.

With diabetes mellitus

Since the berry is very sweet, it is not recommended for people with diabetes mellitus to use it. Cherry is useful only for people with diabetes in remission and only of the second type. 

With pancreatitis

Sweet cherry: health benefits and harms, medicinal properties.

With this disease, berries are used baked, as well as in compotes, fruit drinks, baked goods. Fresh berries with pancreatitis should not be consumed categorically. 

With gastritis and stomach ulcers

With ulcers and gastritis, the fruits can not only be eaten, but also necessary. The berry has a positive effect on the digestive tract, does not cause heartburn, is rich in vitamins and promotes the production of niacin.

Sweet cherry: what are the contraindications, harm

Sweet cherry: health benefits and harms, medicinal properties.

Sweet cherry is contraindicated for people with high acidity.

Limited consumption for diabetics.

Excessive use develops flatulence and bloating.

When losing weight, you need to follow the rate of consumption of cherries, due to the large amount of sugars, a reverse reaction may work.

You can not use red and black cherries for allergy sufferers and people with individual intolerance.

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