Sweet cherry: benefits and harms for the body, facts, video

😉 Hello everyone! In the article “Sweet cherry: benefits and harms for the body, facts” – about the beneficial properties of sweet cherries and contraindications. Related videos.

Why cherries are useful

The ancient Greeks were convinced that cherries have excellent healing properties. It is often referred to as a treasure trove of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Its caloric content is 50 kcal per 100 grams, it is in demand in dietetics.

It is interesting that the cherry does not ripen at the end of summer, like most of the fruits, but at the beginning of June. Therefore, it grants getting rid of hypovitaminosis earlier than other berries.

It contains a fairly large amount of known organic matter, which is necessary for the normal functioning of all body systems. It is vitamin A that is famous for its antioxidant properties.

Vitamin A

This natural compound, invisible to the human eye, has a whole range of beneficial properties. With the help of vitamin A (retinol), it is possible to prevent diseases of the eye tissue. It must be taken by children in order to grow normally. Normal metabolism is impossible without retinol.

Sweet cherry: benefits and harms for the body, facts, video

Vitamin C

Each berry contains medicinal and healing vitamin C. It helps the gland to be absorbed, improves the condition of blood vessels, and lowers bad cholesterol in the blood. Recommended for chronic fatigue, lethargy, pale skin color and frequent colds.

The high content of ascorbic acid allows this widespread berry to be adopted as an excellent universal means of raising the protective forces. It helps with acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections.

No one doubts that vitamin C alone explains the beneficial effect of the berry. It contains phytoncides, or biological antibiotics.

Vitamin E

Also, experts have found useful vitamin E in the pulp of sweet cherries. With its help, proteins are synthesized in the human body. It protects skin cells from damage in every possible way. For example, it softens the effects of excessive tanning.

Diet experts believe that this scarlet berry can sometimes work wonders. Vitamin E can, with regular use, delay the aging of the body. Or to push aside old age, at least outwardly. Indeed, with the help of masks based on cherries, you can significantly rejuvenate the skin.

It improves the structure of the hair and epidermis. It is generally accepted that cherries are also excellent at curing anemia (since they are quite high in iron). It is no secret that cherries prevent the occurrence of diseases such as thrombosis, salt deposition, depression.

Vitamins of group B

Cherry contains life-giving vitamin B complexes, which are needed for the nervous system. They heal the digestive tract and perform many more useful functions.

Vitamin B3, or niacin, performs, according to biochemists, a number of important functions. It accumulates energy from various substances, ensures a normal metabolism.

Useful minerals

The minerals in berries are represented by many elements. For example, magnesium helps the cardiovascular system and controls appetite. Essential for heart failure.

There is also sodium in cherries. Sodium, along with potassium, provides an osmotic balance of fluids in the body. Scientists have found in the berry and calcium.

Cherry contains a lot of potassium, it is good to treat inflammation of the kidneys or bladder with it. It is a first-class natural remedy for cystitis.

In cosmetology, you can also get great benefits from cherries. She, as a rich vitamin material, is successfully used in folk and official cosmetology.

If a woman has skin problems, cherries will even out the complexion and relieve acne. Found in the medicinal berry, inositol has a fruitful effect on the metabolism.

Sweet cherry: harm

There are few contraindications, but you should pay attention to them:

  • with adhesive disease in the abdominal cavity, cherry is strictly prohibited;
  • allergy;
  • idiosyncrasy;
  • regular upset stomach;
  • it is necessary to observe the measure, not to overeat, otherwise expect diarrhea;
  • the norm per day is no more than 300 grams.

It should be noted that a relative of this berry – cherries, has a lot more nutrients and vitamins.


In this video additional and informative information “Sweet cherry: benefits and harms for the body”

CHERRY – benefit and harm! How does sweet cherry affect the body of adults and children?

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