An almond tree or bush has very beautiful flowers with a pleasant scent reminiscent of warm countries. But you need to know that fruits are not always useful. In decorative varieties, bones cannot be eaten – they are poisonous. This type of almond is often used to decorate the site, as it tolerates winter frosts well.
Almonds are bitter and sweet. Sweet is eaten, and bitter is used for production, for example, almond oil, perfume compositions. But by their appearance, they cannot be distinguished from each other. The only thing that can be guided by is the shell. In bitter varieties, it is very hard and can only be broken with a hammer. And sweet varieties have several types, ranging from paper-shell, in which the nucleoli are easily removed with your fingers, ending with thick-shell ones, which require special tongs for cleaning.
Sweet almonds, like bitter ones, are successfully used in medicine and cosmetology due to the high content of vitamins and other useful substances.
The bitterness in almonds is due to the glycoside amygdalin, which is part of it. Without processing, such a fruit cannot be eaten. Only 10 pieces will lead a child to death. But this substance volatilizes after heat treatment.
In addition, the use of bitter varieties, of which there are about 40, is not recommended due to the narcotic effect. Which is expressed in hallucinations, drowsiness, toxic poisoning.
Since the gene that gives bitterness to the fruit is recessive, when pollinated with a sweet variety, only 1 out of 4 bushes will be bitter
Almond oil is made from bitter varieties. It is used in many industries.
- In cosmetology, it is added to creams and ointments to achieve anti-inflammatory and therapeutic effects. It has regenerating and healing properties, and also normalizes the water and fat balance of the skin.
- In medicine, it is added to injectable solutions, ointments. In this case, such properties of the oil as antispasmodic, vasodilator, analgesic, narcotic, antihistamine and hypnotic are appreciated. Preparations based on it have choleretic and diuretic properties, and also help with anemia, skin diseases, exhaustion, neurosis and psychosomatic disorders.
But it is necessary to use preparations and oils based on this oil with caution, since it still contains a large amount of a dangerous substance, which, at high doses, can cause not only an allergic reaction, but also poisoning.
Sweet almonds are just as healthy as bitter ones. In addition, it can be eaten raw without fear of intoxication.
In addition to the strength of the shell, it is very difficult to distinguish sweet from bitter almonds without trying it. And you need to remember that the bitter the taste, the more poisonous substance is in the core.
The fruits have a very high content of vitamins and minerals. Eating almonds helps break up small kidney stones and remove sand. The composition of the blood also improves. Other useful properties include:
- concentration of attention improves due to the content of iodine and calcium;
- the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, and the work of the heart is normalized;
- potency increases;
- painful sensations during the menstrual cycle are eliminated;
- maintains healthy teeth, hair and skin due to the content of iron, phosphorus, protein and B vitamins;
- improves vision;
- helps with the healing of stomach ulcers;
- prevention of cancer due to the content of vitamin B17;
- indicated for diabetes, as it normalizes sugar.
Vegetarians use it as a source of protein for normal body function.
But, despite the fact that almonds are very useful, its daily dose should not exceed 10 fruits for adults and 5 for children. And it is better to store it in a shell, in a cool, dark room.