Sweden’s chief epidemiologist warns about Omikron
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There is a dramatic increase in the number of infections due to the Omikron variant ahead of us, the country’s chief epidemiologist Anders Tegnell said on Thursday. In Sweden, at the end of January, the number of new cases could reach 70. per day.

Coronavirus: Sweden. The number of cases is increasing

– We have a very rapid increase in the spread of infection. This is a scale we haven’t even come close to before, Tegnell said at his weekly press conference.

According to the updated scenario of the development of the pandemic in Sweden, published on Thursday by the Public Health Authority, at the end of January, the daily number of registered infections may reach an average of 47 thousand. or 69 thou.

In the optimistic version, it was assumed that vaccination with three doses protects against Omicron in 70%. On the other hand, the pessimistic forecast assumes that this ratio is 30%.

“It is clear that with the spread of infection so tremendously, even if Omikron produces milder symptoms, the healthcare system will have to deal with more patients,” emphasized Tegnell.

Meanwhile, as Mattias Fredricson of the National Council for Health and Welfare admitted, “health care preparedness in the event of a major crisis is less than usual due to staff exhaustion from previous waves”.

For several days, laboratories have not kept up with the evaluation of PCR tests, it happens that you have to wait up to three days for the result. Authorities in some regions have changed recommendations to discourage people who are asymptomatic from being tested for COVID-19 in this way.

  1. The COVID-19 Real-Time PCR test can be performed at selected drive thru points of the Diagnostics network

According to estimates, up to half of the approx. 10 million inhabitants of Sweden may become infected with the coronavirus by March.

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Emergency Situations Office (MSB) expert Svante Werger expressed concern about the possibility of a “collapse of social functions” if many people are dismissed at the same time.

In Sweden, the royal family fell ill with COVID-19 in recent days, and after Wednesday’s parliamentary debate, also the leaders of two groups: the Center Party and the Environmental Protection Party – the Greens.

In Gothenburg, the public transport company restricts bus and tram journeys due to high employee absenteeism. Problems with the lack of staff are experienced by the SJ state railways, which translated into changes in the train timetable.

In Stockholm, the National Museum was closed due to sickness of workers.

In recent days, the number of coronavirus infections in Sweden has drastically increased to 20-25 thousand. during the day. No new statistics were released on Thursday due to IT system overload.

From Stockholm, Daniel Zyśk (PAP)

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