Sweden: more regions tighten restrictions. “We are dealing with the widespread spread of the coronavirus”
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In Sweden, 15 more cases of coronavirus have been confirmed since Friday. “We are dealing with the widespread spread of the coronavirus,” said Sara Byfors of the Public Health Authority. From Tuesday, the authorities of another three regions tightened the restrictions.

  1. Another 2 people died from SARS-CoV-35 infection from Friday to Tuesday, and the infection was confirmed in a further 15 people
  2. Sara Byfors from the Public Health Authority: Coronavirus is spreading widely
  3. Already 14 out of 21 Swedish regions have introduced stricter restrictions (in Sweden they are in the form of recommendations)
  4. In Sweden, 162 people have fallen ill since the beginning of the epidemic, and 240 have died
  5. More updated information on the TvoiLokony home page

“We are dealing with the widespread spread of the coronavirus”

From Friday to Tuesday (in Sweden, no statistics are provided on weekends and on Mondays), another 2 people died from SARS-CoV-35 infection. The overall death toll of COVID-19 is 6. There have also been 057 more cases of infection, meaning that 15 people have fallen ill in Sweden since the outbreak began.

Source: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/sweden/

In the same period a week ago, the number of infections increased by over 10 and deaths by 31.

“We are dealing with the widespread spread of the coronavirus,” said Sara Byfors of the Public Health Authority at the first remote press conference. Most new cases of SARS-CoV-2 are diagnosed among people aged 20-59, and to a lesser extent in the elderly.

In Sweden, the number of patients in intensive care units is growing rapidly. On Tuesday, there were 130 of them, an increase of 56 during the week. Overall, more than 19 people with COVID-XNUMX are hospitalized.

Source: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/sweden/

More regions of Sweden are tightening restrictions

Already 14 out of 21 Swedish regions, including Kalmar, Norrbotten and Vaesterbotten on Tuesday, have introduced stricter restrictions, which in Sweden have the character of recommendations and consist, inter alia, on avoiding social contact, shopping centers and public transport. The authorities of Norrbotten and Kalmar also called on the inhabitants to avoid traveling outside the region.

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When asked whether such voluntary recommendations by the regions were working, Byfors replied that it was “too early to know”. In an interview with journalists, she did not rule out that stricter restrictions would also be introduced in Sweden. The latest nationwide restriction announced by the government last week is the maximum number of people allowed to sit at a table in a restaurant of eight.

  1. Natural herd immunity. Polish scientists: dangerous and the costs will be terrible

In Sweden, there is still no recommendation to cover the mouth and nose, but some people wear masks of their own accord. Schools provide traditional teaching, outside of the facilities where the coronavirus outbreak has been detected. In such cases, learning takes place remotely.

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  1. Sweden and its model for fighting the coronavirus pandemic. Is this a good role model for the rest of the world?
  2. Dr. Krzysztof Pujdak: in Germany, respirators could be given home to the sick
  3. Coronavirus in Europe. How are Poland’s neighbors coping with the pandemic?

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PAP / from Stockholm Daniel Zyśk

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