Sweden is gearing up for the second wave of COVID-19 coming in the fall
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Sweden, unlike other European countries, is fighting the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. Social Affairs Minister Lena Hallengren said Sweden should start preparing now for the second wave of the pandemic in the fall.

The second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic could be local

The Swedish government has announced that four authorities – the Public Health Authority, the Medicines Authority, the Board of Health and Welfare and the Office for Civil Protection and Preparedness, are to prepare an action plan for a possible second wave of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infections, including country. All voivodship offices are also to join these activities.

Social Affairs Minister Lena Hallengren stated that the government realizes that other preventive measures will be needed in the fall, however, did not specify what it could be.

The Swedish government is hoping that the second wave of infections will be local, but authorities should look at different scenarios so that they can provide adequate support to regions and municipalities or otherwise effectively and quickly prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

Skeptical approach to Swedish tactics

The Swedish government has approached the fight against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus differently than other countries. The document on how the country should deal with the crisis, which was drafted in December 2019, when the epidemic was just beginning in China, outlines a skeptical stance on non-medical measures such as shutting down society. Indeed, Sweden made recommendations instead of a complete lockdown, hoping that the public would take them seriously.

Anders Tegnell, the chief Swedish epidemiologist who is largely responsible for the strategy adopted by Sweden, still defends Sweden, despite being criticized by some Swedish experts. Representatives of the Public Health Office emphasize that the fight against the coronavirus may take up to two years, and the country will most likely experience a possible second wave of the epidemic more gently.

See also: Tegnell defends his idea for fighting the pandemic. “Some countries should have thought twice”

To date, 73 cases of SARS-CoV-061 coronavirus infection have been diagnosed in Sweden, and 2 patients have died from COVID-19. In total, 5 tests for the presence of the SARS-CoV-433 coronavirus have already been performed, which is 519 tests per million inhabitants.

The editorial board recommends:

  1. Over 6 percent Sweden’s population has antibodies to COVID-19. “This is a weaker result”
  2. Coronavirus in Sweden is still dangerous. The heat doesn’t help
  3. We look favorably on the Swedish model of fighting coronavirus [LISTS TO MEDTvoiLokony]

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