Sweden: infection records, more and more deaths. What about herd immunity? The chief epidemiologist took the floor
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In September, scientists announced that Sweden was able to defeat the coronavirus by hitting the herd immunity threshold. Today, the country has records of infections and month-high deaths, and the country’s chief epidemiologist admits that herd immunity to COVID-19 in Sweden is likely lower than previously estimated.

  1. On November 12, in Sweden, coronavirus infection was confirmed in more than 4 people (five times more than a month ago), the number of hospitalizations and deaths is increasing
  2. Dr. Anders Tegnell: Herd immunity to COVID-19 in the country is likely lower than previously estimated
  3. Due to the significant increase in infection, other regions announced tightening of restrictions
  4. For more up-to-date information on the coronavirus epidemic, visit the TvoiLokony home page

The Swedish model of fighting the coronavirus

The whole world drew attention to Sweden, when Sweden, despite the spreading coronavirus, decided not to close schools, cafes, restaurants and commercial facilities. It was not, and so far is not even compulsory to wear masks (although citizens are encouraged to do so).

This does not mean, however, that no restrictions have been introduced there, but they are recommendations. Residents are asked to avoid unnecessary social contacts, shopping malls, public transport and, if possible, working remotely from home. There were also introduced, inter alia, a nationwide restriction introducing a limit of people who can sit at a table in a restaurant (eight).

The adopted strategy was to create natural population immunity – achieving a state in which non-immune people are protected, thanks to the fact that the greater part of the society has already produced antibodies (this is possible thanks to vaccinating as many people as possible or – and this is crucial in terms of natural herd immunity) – due to the fact that a large group of people underwent a given disease, in this case COVID-19). In other words, thanks to the presence of immunized people in a given population, the risk of developing the disease is reduced among non-immunized people (as reported by Reuters, the Public Health Office emphasizes that herd immunity has never been a target, but only one of the possible effects of the adopted strategy to combat SARS-CoV. -2).

In September, the Danish epidemiologist prof. Kim Sneppen claimed Sweden had overcome the epidemic. “ There is evidence that the Swedes have already built a level of immunity that, combined with additional preventive measures, will stop transmission, ” he said (more on this: Has Sweden beat the coronavirus? Scientists say the country has already achieved population immunity). Indeed, in mid-September, Sweden recorded an average of 23 infections per day per million inhabitants. However, the situation has changed dramatically.

Coronavirus in Sweden. Infections five times more than a month earlier

“ We are dealing with the widespread spread of the coronavirus, ” said Sara Byfors of the Public Health Authority a few days ago. On November 12, the country’s chief epidemiologist, Anders Tegnell, and author of the Swedish pandemic strategy, admitted that herd immunity to COVID-19 in the country is likely lower than previously estimated. Moreover, he confirmed that the country was fighting the second wave of the pandemic, although in August it suggested that such a scenario was unlikely.

  1. Sweden and its model for fighting the coronavirus pandemic. Is this a good role model for the rest of the world?

Recent epidemiological data suggest such conclusions. On November 12 in Sweden, coronavirus infection was confirmed in 4 people (five times more than a month ago), it is also one of the highest daily increases in recent days (the worst turned out to be November 658 – that day there were 5 cases, the highest number since the beginning of the epidemic ). The number of people requiring hospitalization and stay in intensive care units also increased.

Source: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/sweden/

There are also numerous coronavirus infections in nursing homes. Within a week, almost 400 cases of the disease were confirmed (previously there were only individual cases).

According to the Office of Public Health, people aged 19-20 dominate among those suffering from COVID-69. In spring, infections mainly affected people over 70 years of age.

Source: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/sweden/

In Sweden, the number of deaths from SARS-CoV-2 infection is starting to rise again at a rapid pace. On November 12, it was reported that 40 people suffering from COVID-19 died in the last 14 hours, and within 151 days this indicator was 155 people. This is an increase of XNUMX percent. compared to previous periods.

How is Sweden responding to the exacerbation of the COVID-19 epidemic?

– The number of people who have not been detected using diagnostics is probably smaller than we thought – said the epidemiologist.

  1. Natural herd immunity. Polish scientists: dangerous and the costs will be terrible

In view of the significant increase in infection, another four regions: Dalarna, Vaermland, Vaestmanland and Gotland have announced tightening of restrictions, which in Sweden rely on recommendations. From Friday, in this area, it is recommended to stay at home, avoiding public transport and shopping centers. Almost all regions have already implemented similar recommendations.

According to Tegnell, such recommendations work. He cited the Uppsala region as an example, which was the first to tighten restrictions three weeks ago. The epidemiologist showed, based on anonymised data from the Telia mobile phone network, that the inhabitants of this region move less and work from home more often.

Due to the deteriorating situation, on November 11, the Swedish government announced a ban on the sale of alcohol in restaurants after hours. 22. The ban on the sale of alcohol is to be introduced only from November 20 and will last until the end of February next year. Until then, the premises will have to close at 22.30.

As the number of infections increases, more coronavirus tests are also performed. According to PAP, 228 thousand of them were made in the last week. Several regions have reached their maximum potential in their laboratories. The media reported that in Stockholm every day 5. people can book a free test online, but after half an hour there are no more available dates.

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