Swearing dog
Laika in Our Country is a popular hunting breed. She has excellent external data, she is unpretentious in the conditions of detention and perfectly adapts to natural conditions. Puppies of this breed can be found in every city. ” Healthy Food Near Me” will tell you more about this breed and the care of its representatives
Name of the breedLaika
Country of originOur Country
The time of the birth of the breed1947 year
A typesled dog
The weight20 – 23 kg
Height (height at the withers)53 – 58 cm (male), 48 – 56 cm (female)
Lifespan10 – 12 years
puppies price10000 – 40000 rubles
Most popular nicknamesSquirrel, Storm, Blizzard, Haze, Winter, Tale, Taiga, Ugra, Utah, Alaska, Umka, Squirrel, Taiga, Gerda, Chuya

History of origin

This breed was bred in 1947 in the USSR on the basis of two types of huskies: Vogul (Mansi), which is common in the forest and taiga zones of Siberia and the Northern Urals, and Ostyak (Khanty), which lived to the east – in the taiga closer to the Ob River basin.

Laika is a universal hunting breed. When hunting fur-bearing animals, the husky is an indispensable assistant, although it also excels in hunting large game, diverting the attention of the animal and indicating to the hunter which way the prey is.

In general, Laika is a common name for several breeds. Scientists distinguish separately the East Siberian, West Siberian, -European, Yakut, Karelian-Finnish, Nenets shepherd and northeastern driving varieties. Three breeds are considered the most common: -European, East Siberian and West Siberian Laika.

During the Great Patriotic War, the husky was on the verge of extinction, because people had no time for hunting. But they continued to help their owners: they were used as demolition workers, mine detectives, liaison and ambulance dogs. Laika was also used to transport goods and ammunition.

Breed description

Chamomile – medium-sized dog, with a strong skeleton and muscular body and graceful bearing. The head of the husky is wedge-shaped, and the ears are erect and pointed at the ends. The tail is bent into a ring, and the color of the expressive almond-shaped eyes depends on the color.

The coat of the Laika is of medium length, thick and coarse, with a soft and dense undercoat. On the neck and chest, the hair is especially dense and long, forming a collar. The color is the most diverse – from white-gray to red, but most often mixed.



Laika is a companion dog, kind, reckless, caring towards its owners. Laika is ready to do a lot for the sake of the people she loves. A dog can easily sacrifice his life to save the owner, because their devotion has no limits. They will use their force only when there is a real threat and at the very last moment. With these dogs, you can safely walk at night – she will not let you offend. Laika is an excellent guard, you can safely trust her house under guard.

The breed is not suitable for those who work hard and are rarely at home. The dog requires attention and wants to always be close to the owner’s family. Likes are very sensitive to small children. They will not run to meet guests – huskies are usually indifferent to strangers, but in case of danger they can attack.

Thanks to their unique sense of smell, hearing and vision, huskies are considered professional hunters. But if these hunting instincts are not realized, then the dog may get bored and feel insecure.

Care and maintenance

Laika is not the breed that will be comfortable in an apartment and urban conditions. She barks loudly and needs constant exercise. The dog feels great in the cold, but it is very difficult to tolerate the heat. This is one of the reasons why a husky should not be taken into an apartment. Even in the most severe frost, she will be better in an aviary than in a warm room.

The Husky needs to be brushed every week to keep its coat in good condition. Since huskies often go hunting in the forest, after each hunt it needs to be washed, the coat cleaned of thorns and ticks, and the paws checked to see if the dog got hurt.

You need to immediately decide what to feed the dog – dry food or natural (meat and vegetables). If you choose dry food, then feed your dog strictly premium food. Natural foods include lean meats, offal, eggs, cottage cheese, and vegetables. It is better not to give cereals to dogs, they only get fat from them. In any case, it is always best to consult your veterinarian before choosing a feeding method.

Up to 6 months, the husky needs to be fed 5 or 6 times a day, from six months to a year – 3 or 4 times. Already an adult dog is fed twice a day – in the morning and in the evening. There should always be clean drinking water near the bowl of food. Eliminate peas and beans, potatoes, bread, sweets, flour, pasta from the dog’s diet.

From time to time, the husky needs to cut its claws, they interfere with it when walking and jumping. You need to do this with a special claw cutter, which is sold at any pet store. Be careful – there are capillaries on the claws, they should not be touched.

Once every two weeks, you need to clean your ears, but not with cotton swabs, but with a wet swab or a special solution that can be purchased at any veterinary pharmacy. The main thing is to act strictly according to the instructions.

Education and training

Laika needs to be trained from early childhood. It is very important to teach the dog the commands that it must follow unquestioningly.

First, get your puppy used to the collar. Put an accessory on it, stroke it and give it a treat. Then comes the leash – the dog should not chew on it. When the dog gets used to the collar, teach him simple but important commands: “sit”, “lie down”, “voice”, “die”, “close”, “fetch”.

Training of huskies takes place in the open air, best of all in a forest area. All training should be carried out in the form of a game – for the executed commands, the dog must be encouraged with treats, patted on the head. Do not yell at the dog: they do not understand aggression, and you will lose contact with the animal.

As for hunting, at first you need to take the husky on small animals, for example, on a squirrel or a hare. If the dog is perfectly trained to work on protein, then in the future it will be much easier to teach him to work on other animals.

From the age of two, you can take a husky with you on a large animal – a bear or an elk. Be careful and watch the dog – how it reacts to the tracks of the bear, to its smell.

Health and disease

Laika is a very strong breed that does not have hereditary diseases. Dogs live long and active lives, and their owners rarely complain of illness. But the dog can get sick in the process of communicating with other animals, so if you feel any discomfort, immediately take the dog to the veterinarian.

It is very important to get vaccinated and timely treat the dog from parasites. Laika must be vaccinated against rabies, Carre’s disease (“carnivorous plague”) and Lyme disease (borreliosis).

In summer, make sure that the dog is not bitten by a tick – use a special collar or tablets for this.

Popular questions and answers

Answered questions about the content of likes veterinarian, cynologist Irina Bezuglaya.

How long does it take to walk a husky?

A lot and for a long time! The dog needs activity, exercise and lots of obedience training.

Will a husky get along with a cat?

If the animals grew up together, then most likely yes. In other cases, the dog may take the cat for game and open a hunt for him.

How do huskies react to other dogs?

It all depends on the upbringing of the dog and proper socialization. But huskies tend to show aggression towards dogs of their own sex and easily respond to the provocations of other dogs. This is a working breed that has a strong character, and this must be reckoned with.

Is it possible to keep a husky on the street for permanent residence?

Yes, as long as the dog is well fed and has a weather shelter. They are very hardy.

Is it worth it to keep a husky in a city apartment?

No. This is a breed that requires huge loads, and in the absence of these will smash your house and show aggression due to the huge amount of unspent energy. The only exception is if you are a hunter and will often go to the forest, where the dog will be able to do what he was bred for.

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