Swaddling, is it really good for baby?

When to use swaddling? For what benefits?

Swaddling a baby involves wrapping the baby in a swaddling cloth or blanket to reassure him and help him fall asleep. The baby thus finds the cocoon of his mother’s womb. If swaddling babies has always existed throughout the world, this practice was popularized more recently in the West by the American pediatrician Harvey Karp, who continues to praise its merits. For him, the feeling of total envelopment helps calm the baby because he has the impression of perceiving the same things as in the womb. The toddler thus regains the position he had in utero and this feeling soothes and reassures him. Well swaddled, he also no longer has those uncontrolled arm movements (Moro reflex) which can wake him up suddenly. This technique makes it possible to reassure the child but also the parent in his parental competence.

Swaddling baby: a practice to limit

« In some babies, it is beneficial very quickly, assures Manuela Briand, pediatric nurse in home hospitalization (HAD). After a few sessions, they are calmer and sleep better. However, if this is a good way to calm baby, swaddling should be limited to when it is time to sleep. ” The rest of the time, it is important that the baby has access to his body, that he can enter into a relationship with the outside. If he is permanently enveloped, he will not be able to do so. »

Swaddling newborns: precautions to take

When we talk about swaddling, we immediately think of the newborn baby rolled up, like a mummy, in a very tight diaper. Swaddle baby in this way is practiced by many parents especially in Asia, but Manuela Briand strongly advises against it. “ The upright position is not physiological for the baby, explains the specialist. He must find the curl as in his mother’s womb. The baby’s upper body is grouped together and the hands stay close to the face. His legs and hips should remain mobile. Manuela Briand insists on this last point because, according to several studies, swaddling promotes dislocations of the hip from which newborns suffer at birth. “ If you squeeze your lower body hard, you risk making this problem worse. And if this anomaly is not detected and taken care of early enough, the child may have problems walking. », She indicates. Thus, it is recommended that you change your baby in making sure the fabric is loose at the lower body. The benefits of swaddling will not be diminished: ” It is especially the upper body of the baby, the bust that needs to be regrouped, specifies Manuela Briand. Sometimes even the simple act of the parents holding the child with their hands on their chest and placing a hand on their head can be enough to reassure them. »

Also, according to a study published in the scientific journal Pediatrics in May 2016, swaddling could be dangerous for the baby. The work, bringing together data from four studies on the subject carried out over the past twenty years in England, Australia and the United States, has shown that there is a relationship between swaddling and the number of unexplained deaths in infants aged one month to one year.

Swaddling a baby to sleep beyond the first three months is said to be at increased risk for unexpected infant death (UID), more commonly known as Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. The increase in risk would be doubled…!

Swaddling: respect the safety rules

To each his own wayswaddle baby. Nevertheless, certain safety rules must be scrupulously observed. Some experts say swaddled babies are often too hot and this can increase the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Manuela Briand warns: “ Be careful not to use a swaddle blanket too thick to roll up the baby. A thin jersey swaddle is ideal. If you swaddle the baby with his hands free, you are much less likely that the unraveling fabric will come up on the baby’s face. ” He is also no need to add a duvet or put the baby in a sleeping bag. “ Care is also taken not to cover the child underneath too much. If it’s hot, you can just leave it in a bodysuit », Adds our interlocutor. And to this we add the classic precautions against sudden infant death syndrome, namely, do not place a cot bumper, toys and pillows in the baby’s bed.

The technique of swaddling a baby

The swaddle should keep the upper body, shoulders and arms wrapped, leaving his hands free to go to his face, because the sensation of touch is important. Hips and legs remain mobile in the fabric so that baby can bend his legs and feel a support under his feet when he extends them. Click here  to discover the right gestures to swaddle baby with ease.

Swaddling the baby: until what age should it be practiced? When to stop

Swaddling is beneficial from birth, especially for a large baby who had no room to move in the womb, and has actually felt very contained. Likewise, for premature babies, because of their immaturity. It is generally advised to stop swaddling a baby around 8-10 weeks, as this is often counterproductive as it prevents him from moving. Keep in mind, however, that every baby is different. Some newborns will appreciate being able to finally move their limbs from birth while others will need the comforting feeling of swaddling for a long time. Watch your baby’s reactions and adjust accordingly. If he’s uncomfortable in his swaddle blanket, he’ll be able to show it to you.

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