
Together with the Swedish writer Mats Wahl, the artist Sven Nordqvist* created a book that has both a narrative narrative and an encyclopedic afterword. In 1743, two boys fulfill their dream of traveling around the world by hiding on board the Gothenburg ship bound for China.

Together with the Swedish writer Mats Wahl, the artist Sven Nordqvist* created a book that has both a narrative narrative and an encyclopedic afterword. In 1743, two boys fulfill their dream of traveling around the world by hiding on board the Gothenburg ship bound for China. The journey turns out to be full of dangers — storms, hunger and disease, the death of friends. On every page there are illustrations in the unique manner of Nurdqvist, and at the end of the book there is a detailed history of the Swedish East India Company. It shows both the routes of voyages, and the arrangement of ships, tells about the life of sailors during many months of voyages.


* Author of a series of books about the adventures of Petson and Findus (Open World, 2011).

Daria Rybina

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