Sutkowski: the epidemic depends on how we use the next six months
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– This could be the last episode of the pandemic this spring, provided that BA.2 does not spread, that there are no new variants, and that we use these six months between the end of March and the end of September to get well vaccinated. At least at the level of Western European countries – said the doctor. Michał Sutkowski, president of Warsaw Family Physicians.

Sutkowski, who was today Beata Tadla’s guest in the program “Onet Rano.” He explained that the pandemic is undoubtedly slowing down, but at a great cost. – At the cost of a huge number of deaths, a huge number of complications, a huge lockdown when it comes to other, non-sovid, healthcare structures – he explained. – Health debt is growing. These are huge challenges which, of course, are lost in the political path – noted the guest of Beata Tadla.

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The lecturer quoted the words of prof. Flisiak, who believes that Polish society has already achieved population resistance.

– We do achieve a certain resistance, but it varies. What about immunity if 200, 300 or 500 people die every day of an infectious disease? What is this immunity? We are after two vaccinations, but when it comes to Omikron, the third dose protects in a much more effective way, there are tests for that – said Sutkowski. – In Poland, 30% were infected with the third dose, and there are also people who were ill recently. Everything else is not immune – explained the guest of Beata Tadla.

Read also:

  1. COVID-19 in the unvaccinated. Doctors advise what to do and how to treat yourself
  2. End of restrictions in Great Britain. Huge savings in the background
  3. Who is dying from the Omikron variant? The latest data from Poland and the USA

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