Surinam cherry is an exotic plant native to South America that can grow equally well both in the garden and indoors. It is widespread in its homeland – Suriname and in many other countries, some gardeners know the culture in Our Country.
What is this plant
Suriname cherry is one of the types of fruit trees belonging to the genus Eugene of the Myrtle family. Another name for this culture is pitanga or Brazilian myrtle. It is grown as an ornamental plant and as a fruit tree for its edible berries.
Biological plant description
Suriname cherry pitanga is an evergreen tree up to 7 m high or a shrub with drooping branches. For cultivation in room conditions, a variety with a small growth force was bred. The upper side of the leaves of the plant is dark green, the lower side is lighter, the young leaves and shoots have a bronze or reddish color. The leaf blades are shiny, opposite, oval-lanceolate in shape, their length reaches 5 cm. They have a light resinous aroma, which is felt when rubbed in the hands.
The flowers are small, about 1 cm in diameter, with 4 petals, arranged singly or collected in inflorescences, which are located in the axils of the leaves. Blooming flowers are creamy white, with a large number of long stamens. A variety of cultivars blooms from late March to early May, can produce 2 crops per season. The plant is pollinated and sets fruits easily even in artificial conditions. What the Surinamese cherry looks like can be seen in the photo.
Description and taste of fruits
The fruits of the Surinamese cherry are medium-sized (only 2-4 cm in diameter) ribbed (on average, 8 pieces of ribs) berries. As they mature, their color changes from green to yellow-orange, orange, red or burgundy. Their skin is thin, the flesh is juicy, tender, similar in color and structure to an ordinary European berry. The taste of Suriname cherry is harmonious sweet and sour, with some bitterness, the aroma is a bit like coniferous. The berries contain 1-2 inedible bitter seeds. Ripe fruits come off the stalks easily, one has only to touch them.
What is useful Surinamese cherry
Its fruits contain some proteins (0,8 g), fats (0,4 g) and carbohydrates (7,5 g), organic acids and fiber, but 90% is water. Vitamins are represented by ascorbic acid, retinol, compounds from group B, minerals – calcium, potassium, iron, manganese, phosphorus, sodium. The calorie content of Surinamese cherries, like all fruits, is small – only 33 kcal per 100 g of product.
If you use the berry regularly, it will have a general strengthening and immunomodulatory effect on the body, normalize cholesterol levels, prevent thinning of blood vessels and their blockage by blood clots. Due to the fiber content in this berry, it will be useful for those who have problems with the intestines. Minerals will help strengthen bones, nails, hair and teeth, prevent the development of anemia, even contribute to the restoration of vision, strengthen the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Not only pitangi berries are useful – teas can be prepared from the leaves, which will be useful for colds.
It is not recommended to use it for people with individual intolerance, gastritis and stomach ulcers. Pregnant women can eat pitanga, but to a limited extent, children – only from the age of 3.
Scope of fruits
Pitang cherries are mainly used for eating fresh, but you can also prepare sweet preparations from it: jams, jams, sweet pasta, compotes, wine, juices, stuffing for pies. To eliminate the bitterness inherent in these fruits, they need to be held for some time in sugar.
The use of pitangi in cosmetology
The use of berries has a good effect on the skin – it retains youth and freshness longer, becomes clean and smooth, damage heals faster on it. Surinamese cherry is a part of industrial care products, you can add its juice to creams prepared according to homemade recipes.
Where does the Surinamese cherry grow?
The plant, both wild and cultivated, is found in a number of countries in South America – Suriname, Paraguay, Brazil, Uruguay, etc. Cultivars are also grown in Venezuela, India, the Philippines, Colombia, South China, and Israel. In Europe, the plant is not very popular, although there are many who would not refuse to try its exotic fruits. In Our Country, it grows in the southern regions, in a dry climate, as it is a thermophilic culture.
Features of growing Surinamese cherries in the garden
This plant, unusual for s, is quite resistant to unfavorable growing conditions, is undemanding to the soil, tolerates short frosts and long droughts well.
Site selection and soil preparation for planting
The culture grows best in sunny areas protected from wind and drafts. Although the cherry is undemanding to the soil, it still needs to be prepared: clear the site of plant debris, dig up the ground and apply organic or mineral fertilizers.
How to plant a Suriname cherry
Seedlings are planted in a permanent place in spring or mid-autumn. The place where the tree will grow is chosen sunny, with a small shadow that forms during the hottest time of the day. Ash and a source of nitrogen are poured into the planting pit – humus – the Surinamese cherry grows normally only on fertilized soils with a neutral or slightly acidic soil reaction. If the selected area is wet, a layer of drainage material is poured at the bottom of the pit, because this plant does not tolerate wetting the roots. The depth of seedlings should not be lower than the root neck.
Suriname cherry care
Pitanga or Suriname cherry begins to bear fruit already in the 2nd year. It does not require special personal care: it needs to be watered, especially in the heat, and in order to retain moisture, mulch the soil around the plant with hay, straw or agrofibre. Plants need to be fed once a month with complex fertilizers. You can use both organic and mineral fertilizers. Formative pruning is carried out in the spring, if necessary, you can remove excess growing branches in the summer.
The plant can bloom and bear fruit twice a year, 3 weeks pass from the completion of flowering to the ripening of berries. In the autumn, before the onset of cold weather, you need to cover the soil on the trunk circle with fallen leaves, straw, hay, spruce branches.
Reproduction of the Surinamese cherry
The pitanga plant reproduces well with seeds that have a high germination rate. It is enough to plant a fresh seed in fertile soil, and it will germinate. The germination process takes approximately 1,5-2 months. A young seedling is planted in a permanent place in October.
How to grow Suriname cherry at home
This exotic plant is able to decorate not only the garden, but also the room, so it is quite possible to grow it at home. To do this, you need a sufficiently voluminous container, fertile land and a good young seedling. A flowerpot with a planted plant should be installed in a sunny place. Care is about the same as for cherries growing in the garden: frequent watering during the day and moderate in winter, spraying on the leaves in the heat. The houseplant should be transplanted into a new container the following spring after planting, and then every 2 years. Branches should be pruned in the spring, at the beginning of the new season.
Diseases and pests
Due to improper watering, the tree can become ill with root rot. Control measures – transplant into a new soil, after cutting off the roots and sprinkling the sections with coal powder. Of the pests, the plant can be affected by aphids, scale insects, whiteflies, mites, slugs. They are destroyed with suitable insecticides and acaricides.
Surinam cherry or pitanga is an exotic and rare plant, but interesting for many gardeners. It is undemanding to growing conditions and decorative, it can decorate both a garden and a residential building, and at the same time get a harvest of tasty and juicy fruits, the taste of which is somewhat reminiscent of the familiar ordinary cherry.