Surgical removal of genital warts

Ugly growths on the skin with sharp tops, which are called warts, have long been known to physicians around the world. Previously, there was an opinion that they were transmitted exclusively sexually. But back in the last century, scientists made a discovery and proved that the disease belongs to the group of viruses.

The main route of infection is sexual contact, but infection with the virus by household means is not excluded.

In the last 10 years, according to statistics, the number of patients with manifested warts has increased dramatically, today it is 7% of the total world population.

Symptoms of the disease

The occurrence of genital warts provokes papillomavirus, the presence of which the patient may not even be aware of. He just becomes a carrier, and the virus is waiting for at least a slight weakening of the immune system. The virus is not harmless, because by infecting cells, it disrupts their normal functioning, their mutation is provoked, and as a result, growths appear.

In men, condylomas are most often localized on the genital organ, on its frenulum and on the neck of the head. There are also cases when condyloma blocks the urethra. To eliminate the formations, surgical intervention is the norm.

In women, benign neoplasms first appear on the back of the vestibule of the vagina, then the labia minora is affected, and they also pass to the vagina, cervix and other areas of the vulva.

Very often, the areas affected by warts itch and bleed. The human papillomavirus (HPV) settles inside the cells, and its reproduction occurs deep under the skin, gradually affecting the epithelial cells. As soon as the virus reaches the upper skin membranes, it manifests itself in the form of papillary growths, and they are contagious. HPV has one feature – it can be inactive, “sleep”, in which case it is impossible to get infection from such people, and it will also not work to determine the presence of the virus in the laboratory.

But do not be too scared, warts are benign formations, and are more of a cosmetic defect. But if the growths are constantly damaged, there is a possibility of infection getting into them, which is fraught with serious complications.

Only a specialist should remove condylomas, no independent attempts at removal can be made. The disease belongs to the viral group, therefore, along with surgical intervention, it is necessary to select an effective drug antiviral and immunostimulating treatment.

Treatment methods for genital warts

Among the methods of treatment of genital warts, it is worth noting:

  • chemical coagulation;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • cryodestruction;
  • laser therapy;
  • radiosurgery;
  • removal of condyloma with a scalpel is the most reliable, but less gentle method when compared with the rest.

Complications of condylomatosis

If the disease is not treated in a timely manner, the following complications can be provoked: infection of the child during childbirth; proliferation of growths throughout the body and mucous membranes; narrowing of the foreskin in men – paraphimosis and phimosis; injury with further formation of ulcers; formation of inflammatory processes. It should be understood that the disease prevents the possibility of becoming pregnant.

Surgical method of removing genital warts

After discovering neoplasms on their bodies, men should seek advice from a venereologist, and women from a gynecologist. The doctor examines, prescribes a variety of blood tests, ultrasound diagnostics and a biopsy. Based on the results obtained, selects an effective drug therapy. Only after this comes the period of preparation of the patient for surgical intervention.

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, therefore, no special preparations of the body are required. Scalpel removal is an outdated, but very effective method, which is usually used when large volumes of lesions are detected. After the excision has been made, the skin is sutured. It is important to understand that one session will not be enough.

Among the more popular and modern methods of surgical treatment of genital warts, it is worth noting laser surgery and the radio wave method. These methods are more expensive, but have their own number of advantages: bloodless methods, the recovery time is shorter than after excision of condyloma with a scalpel, there is no possibility of infection.

Recovery after excision of condyloma

After the doctor has stitched, the excised surface is carefully treated with antiseptics and covered with an antibacterial bandage. In the future, the patient must follow certain rules in order not to provoke manifestations of side effects, complications and relapse.

During the recovery period, physical activity and heavy lifting are strictly prohibited. It is worth refusing to visit beaches, saunas, baths, pools. It is important to avoid hypothermia and overheating. Antibacterial therapy should be carried out several times a day, everything should be sterile. If condylomas were localized in the genital area, for the period of treatment and until complete recovery, intimacy should be abandoned.

It should be noted that antiviral therapy is prescribed in parallel to the sexual partner.

According to the schedule, you need to visit the doctor’s consultations in order not to miss the appearance of possible side effects.

If, during the healing period, edema develops at the site of the excision, redness, suppuration, pain, itching and other uncomfortable sensations are visualized, it is important to urgently consult a doctor.

preventive measures

In order to protect yourself from papillomavirus, it is recommended to follow the following recommendations: sexual contact should be with only one partner; regularly follow the rules of personal hygiene; vaccinate against papillomavirus; keep the immune system at a high level.

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