Surgical removal of a lipoma

Surgical removal of a lipoma is a classic of the genre of neutralizing formations that are localized in fatty tissue. Despite the fact that the technique is the oldest used in medicine, it is actively in demand even today.

This adherence is explained by the fact that surgical removal is an effective method, which is confirmed not only by official medicine, but also by numerous patients. All of them were satisfied with the result, especially considering that the price of the intervention remains affordable compared to alternative technologies.

Why do you need to get rid of lipomas?

Lipoma is a medical term that has been remade by the people, calling benign neoplasms of this type simply wen. As the name implies, a tumor is an accumulation of fat cells, which are initially localized in the area of ​​adipose tissue.

In most cases, patients seek qualified help on a given issue only when the neoplasm begins to rapidly increase in size or change color. The reason why many do not make an appointment with a dermatologist immediately lies in the fact that initially people are rarely pursued by discomfort or a pronounced pain syndrome.

Some of the victims are ready to put up with the inconvenience caused by the growth of the wen, as well as the ugly aesthetic component, just not to go to the doctor. But in fact, the excision of the affected area is not only carried out in a matter of minutes, but also does not provide for a particularly long recovery period.

The operation is suitable even for those who are faced with rather large neoplasms that are located in not the most convenient places, such as the inguinal or axillary zone. To provide the patient with comfortable conditions in the implementation of the plan, specialists use anesthesia.

Almost always enough local anesthesia. But in order to negate the possible risks of developing anaphylactic shock, first a professional will conduct an allergic test. The approach is valid for those patients who have not succumbed to anesthesia before.

Despite the fact that some reviews of people living with lipomas for a long time speak of the safety of leaving them, from a medical point of view, the operation is a completely justified step. There is always a chance of degeneration of a generally harmless benign neoplasm into a malignant tumor. In order not to endure such a sad scenario, it is necessary, at the very first signs of the appearance of a wen, to register in a dermatological office, at least just for a consultation.

During the first visit, the doctor will tell you how much the surgery costs and how the manipulation itself will go. Also, the specialist will write out referrals for additional tests to eliminate the risks of contraindications and identify latent diseases.

Upon examination, the doctor will definitely ask if the victim has a hereditary predisposition to the formation of lipomas, and will also ask questions regarding the dynamics of the development of the wen. This is about:

  • the growth of education;
  • shape change;
  • associated pain.

If all of the above takes place, then this indicates an urgent need for excision. At the same time, the chances of a recurrence of a wen in the same place are practically minimized. The insurance against relapse is the operation by an experienced surgeon with experience.

The rehabilitation period takes only a couple of weeks, without being accompanied by increased trauma, as is the case with a large wound surface. But the main advantage of the surgical approach against the background of innovative analogues is the ability to get rid of the source of discomfort at absolutely any stage of its development. This means that excision will work even with extensive damage to adipose tissue, if the benign nature of the tumor is confirmed.

Do not think that a fat bump, even with an accumulation of fluid, is just an obstacle to external attractiveness. Due to the fact that it is not possible to control the growth of the subcutaneous ball, it is able to progress to the size of a chicken egg in a matter of weeks.

With active growth, the bump touches the surrounding muscle fibers, and can also inadvertently constrain the surrounding organs, which prevents their full functionality.

When is it time to see a doctor?

The removal of a lipoma, although it is a radical measure, is the most effective mechanism with minimal risks of a repeat of the situation. All sorts of alternative versions of help, like folk remedies or grandmother’s recipes, can at best work temporarily. In the worst case scenario, they will aggravate the course of the disease, which will be accompanied by negative consequences in the form of extensive inflammation or even suppuration.

Usually, the removal of a lipoma is performed according to a planned principle, which means setting the date of intervention for a certain day, when all the tests have already been passed. But sometimes, with increased risks of immediate damage to surrounding healthy tissue, the doctor may decide to immediately excise the affected area. Regardless of whether the manipulation is planned or emergency, you should not ignore the words of an expert who insists on removing a wen.

The main indications for administration “under the scalpel” are the following pathologies and conditions:

  • change in shape or color;
  • redness of the skin over the wen itself, or near it;
  • soreness not only with pressure, but also just touching;
  • tooth in the problem area;
  • even slight swelling;
  • suspicion of a malignant tumor.

Auxiliary markers of deviation from the norm can be violations in the work of individual organs located in the vicinity of the alleged affected area. The localization of wen in the zone of high trauma is also a reason to remove them as soon as possible.

No less dangerous is the formation that has taken root near the accumulation of blood vessels and nerve cells, which can result in their extensive damage.

Therefore, as soon as the negative impact on the surrounding tissues emanating from the lipoma is proven, then it’s time to sign up for the procedure for its excision with a scalpel and local anesthesia.

Preparatory stage

To make sure that manipulation can be carried out, the doctor must first conduct a diagnostic examination. This applies not only to palpation and visual assessment.

The specialist studies the history to determine the optimal technique for getting rid of a benign formation. A number of diagnostic measures at the preparatory stage can help determine this. The reception begins with the fact that the doctor determines the exact shape, structure and softness of the wen, recording the information collected from the medical card.

Next, the victim is sent to hand over:

  • blood test;
  • biopsy;
  • ultrasonography;
  • MRI;
  • CT scan;
  • histology.

Classical ultrasound helps to determine how quickly the problem area increases and whether it even takes place. Also, a detailed peculiar picture will tell you the general scale of the spread of the disease in adipose tissue.

In disputable situations, it will not be superfluous to involve images obtained using a magnetic resonance tomograph. Due to the resulting imaging through MRI or computed tomography, it is possible to determine whether the lipoma is in a life-threatening area.

The biopsy is designed to reveal the nature of the formation before the operation, and the histology tells whether there were metastases after the completion of the surgical intervention.

Regardless of how extensive the lesion turned out to be, it is possible to get rid of it only in the conditions of an inpatient hospital department, when the test results are already on hand.

The scheme of the operation

You can cut a wen with several types of equipment, ranging from a laser beam to a radio wave knife. But although the presented techniques are innovative, they have a number of contraindications that are not characteristic of classical surgical intervention.

To exclude the slightest possibility of a possible recurrence or infection on the open wound surface, it is extremely important to carry out the intervention under conditions of absolute sterility. With this approach, it will be possible to achieve a high efficiency of treatment.

Typically, patients are offered to use local anesthesia, the action of which is enough to relieve pain in a relatively small area of ​​surgical activity. But if you have to remove an impressive wen, then it is better to use the service of general anesthesia. The final decision is made by the doctor on the spot, taking into account all the features of his ward.

But there is one caveat. If the lipoma turned out to be small, and the victim is simply afraid of the operation, then you should not risk asking for general anesthesia. Extensive anesthesia will not justify itself, only causing significant damage to the cardiovascular system.

For the extraction of adipose tissue, only sterilized instruments are used. And before the immediate start of the manipulation, the junior medical staff disinfects the skin.

First, the doctor makes a small incision, after which he adheres to the following standard step-by-step instructions:

  • cuts out adipose tissue along with the capsule, which is called husking;
  • sutures the tissues in layers, using self-absorbable threads for this;
  • fixes the scar with an antiseptic bandage.

If it is necessary to involve thin drains, then this indicates that the neoplasm had a significant size. The suture should be removed approximately a week after the intervention, but if we are talking about self-absorbable threads, then the timing may be shifted.

In order to protect the wound from the possible entry of pathogenic microorganisms, the doctor will prescribe ointments or creams. They will not only become a reliable protector against the likely ingress of pathogenic microbes, but also act as a cure for extensive inflammation or swelling.

Separately, wound healing compounds can be prescribed to speed up the recovery process after extensive excision.

Postoperative period and possible side effects

Usually, being in a hospital under the supervision of doctors lasts no more than three days, which is enough even when an extensive fatty lesion is removed. If we are talking about a small wen, then the victim, under personal responsibility, can generally be allowed to go home on the same day, offering to come for an examination every day.

It is worth preparing for the fact that the victim will expect a scar, but usually it smooths out after a while. To speed up this process, it is enough just to observe the regime of work and rest, as well as pamper the weakened body with vitamin supplements.

The most common side effect of surgery is relapse. This is the case if the removal was performed incorrectly, or the patient was diagnosed with lipomatosis.

To correct the situation, it is better to seek repeated help from another surgeon, having previously familiarized himself with his achievements in his professional activities.

Other possible side effects include hematoma, which usually resolves quickly on its own. But when an infection is introduced, it is strictly contraindicated to delay the course of treatment. As well as engage in further self-treatment.

You should also consider possible contraindications that affect pregnancy and the lactation period. In this situation, it is most effective to wait until more favorable circumstances come. But diabetes is a relative prohibition, which means that it can be ignored if the positive effect of the operation outweighs the possible harm.

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