Surgical methods of weight loss

Every year, more than a hundred thousand people go to the operating table to get rid of extra pounds. Despite the fact that surgery can be recommended for people with a BMI >40 without contraindications for health and with a referral from the attending physician, many take this step voluntarily. Surgical methods of weight loss look attractive, but they carry a considerable risk and do not guarantee a long-term result.

Popular surgeries include: liposuction, gastric balloning, gastric banding, and gastroplasty.


This is a cosmetic procedure, which is the pumping of subcutaneous fat from problem areas through small incisions in the skin. It is considered the fastest operation, since the patient is in the hospital for only a few days, and the rehabilitation period lasts an average of five weeks.

However, recovery will require a strict diet, exercise, and regular visits to a massage therapist. The combination of these measures will help reduce the risk of side effects, including the rapid appearance of fibrous cellulite, sagging and necrosis of the skin. After the operation, there are scars, not to mention severe pain and bruising at the sites of incisions during the recovery period.

Gastric balloning

The method is reduced to the installation of a silicone balloon in the stomach through the esophagus. Since the balloon fills the space of the stomach, the patient eats a smaller amount of food, thanks to which he rapidly loses weight. A second operation is prescribed after 3-6 months to remove the balloon, after which the patient is advised to eat properly and move more.

This method of losing weight is attractive, because while the balloon is in the stomach, you can not limit yourself in the choice of food. But after the second operation, a collision with the cruel reality is inevitable – the need to comply with the diet and possible side effects.

Among the complications – the development of gastritis, nausea and vomiting for two weeks, as well as a return to the previous weight, if after removing the silicone from the stomach, the patient increases the portions of food.

Gastric banding

Another way to reduce the volume of the stomach, but this time with the help of a bandage-a silicone ring that is put on the stomach directly under the esophagus. First, the food enters the upper small part, filling the volume and causing a feeling of satiety, and then it is digested in the lower part.

The installation of a bandage requires the patient to separate liquid and solid food for many years and in no case to wash down the food. Among the possible complications – intolerance to a number of products (fibrous vegetables and fruits with peel), displacement of the bandage, which can be corrected by repeated surgery.

Vertical gastroplasty

The volume of the stomach is reduced due to the vertical stitching of its walls and the imposition of titanium clips. Patients lose weight due to the rapid saturation of small portions of food.

Complications after vertical gastroplasty are as follows: anemia, inflammation of the esophagus, narrowing or expansion of the”small ventricle”.

What you need to know before you go under the knife:

  1. Any surgical intervention has a number of contraindications, make sure that you do not have them;
  2. Despite the anesthesia, recovery after surgery will be very painful;
  3. Scars remain after any surgical intervention;
  4. There is a high risk of complications, so check out the list of side effects and ask yourself if you are ready for this;
  5. To maintain the result, you will have to change your lifestyle and diet.

Surgical methods of weight loss are indicated for overweight people, provided that other methods of treating obesity have not helped them. Any operations must be performed with the consent of the attending physician. It is impossible to lose weight without doing anything. To maintain the results after the operation, you will need to adhere to the principles of a healthy diet and physical activity.

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