Surgery to remove hygroma

The operation to remove the hygroma is the only way to completely get rid of the neoplasm and minimize the risks of its recurrence. If the procedure was performed correctly, and the patient was carefully prepared, then the likelihood of complications will be minimal.

Features of the operation

Surgery to remove hygroma

Cutting out the hygroma is an effective way to remove the cyst. You can try to cope with it with the help of a puncture or physiotherapy, but no specialist can guarantee a 100% recovery.

Many patients are interested in whether it is possible to remove the hygroma without health consequences. It must be understood that any operation is associated with a risk of complications, but they will be minimal if the patient undergoes thorough preparation, and the procedure itself is carried out by a professional. Therefore, it is necessary to select a medical institution where it is necessary to remove the hygroma with special care. Doctors must have the necessary qualifications and have permission to conduct operations of this kind.


Before the patient will undergo surgery, he must undergo a series of examinations, which include:

  • Palpation of the hygroma by the surgeon. The doctor determines the size and condition of the tumor, evaluates its structure, etc.

  • Ultrasound. This study before the operation is carried out without fail. During its implementation, it is possible to accurately determine the size, shape and structure of the tumor, as well as its localization in relation to other tissues and structures (nerve fibers, joints, tendons, blood vessels).

  • MRI prescribed in the event that the doctor has doubts about the nature of the tumor, or when it is in hard-to-reach places.

  • Hygroma puncture. The procedure is reduced to taking the contents of the tumor, which is sent for histological analysis. The puncture allows you to exclude the presence of malignant cells in the neoplasm.

General preparation for the operation comes down to taking a blood test for biochemistry, for assessing the coagulation system. They also donate blood for HIV, hepatitis and syphilis.

How is the operation to remove the hygroma?

Surgery to remove hygroma

Preparing for surgery is not difficult. However, hygromas are often located in close proximity to the nerve endings, tendons and joints, so the surgeon requires high skill.

In fact, a hygroma is a cyst that is located on the synovial bag. Before deciding on an intervention, a person should ask the doctor in detail about how the operation is going. The doctor must remove not only the body of the tumor itself, but its isthmus, after which the synovial bag and the edges of the wound are sutured.

Some difficulty is the operation to remove the hygroma, located on the wrist joint. There are many blood vessels and nerve endings concentrated in this place. Their damage threatens to impair the function of the limb. Therefore, the procedure should be performed by a specialist practicing in the field of hand microsurgery. General surgeons are not always aware of all the nuances of how to remove the hygroma on the arm, so they do not undertake the operation.

Hygromas are most often located in the area of ​​​​the wrist joint, although sometimes they are found on the feet. At risk are athletes who significantly load the lower limbs. Such an operation has certain features of its implementation, but its scheme has been worked out. Therefore, if the doctor has sufficient qualifications, then the risks of complications are minimal.

Stages of the operation to remove the hygroma

Surgery to remove hygroma

After all the preparatory measures are completed, the doctor will tell the patient the date when the surgical removal of the hygroma will be performed. Most often, the procedure is performed using local anesthesia. However, in severe cases, a person may be given general anesthesia. It is indicated when the hygroma is large, located in a hard-to-reach place and the operation will be extended in time.

The average time for the procedure is 30 minutes.

The main stages of how the operation is done:

  1. The doctor makes an incision in the skin over the cyst.

  2. The doctor then carefully separates the tumor from the surrounding tissue.

  3. It is important to find the place of attachment of the hygroma to the synovial bag and dissect it. Sometimes surgeons remove the tumor along with its contents, and sometimes they first perform a hygroma puncture, pumping out the fluid inside.

  4. It is important to remove the tumor to the very base. If this is not done, then after a while it will again fill with fluid and a second surgical intervention will be required.

  5. The final stage of the operation is the suturing of the tissues of the synovial bag and the wound itself, through which access to the hygroma was made.

A bandage is applied over the stitches. If necessary, the doctor additionally fixes the joint with a splint. The bandage will need to be changed every day. The stitches will be removed after 7-10 days. Langet is worn a little longer.

Laser hygroma removal

Surgery to remove hygroma

Laser hygroma removal is an innovative technique that minimizes the risk of complications. Instead of a scalpel, the surgeon uses a laser beam, which allows more precise control of the depth of the incision. During its execution, the vessels are cauterized (coagulated), which prevents the development of bleeding. High temperatures contribute to the destruction of the bacterial flora, so the risk of tissue infection is minimal. However, the doctor must act carefully so as not to violate the integrity of the cyst and prevent its contents from entering the surrounding tissues.

There is another way to remove hygroma with a laser. In this case, the neoplasm is punctured with 2 needles. A laser LED is inserted into one puncture. With its help, the tumor is burned from the inside. Through the second needle, the doctor pumps out the fluid. Such an intervention is less traumatic. After the operation, a pressure bandage is applied to the limb.

Removal of hygroma with a laser, as well as its excision with a scalpel, requires careful preparation of the patient for surgery.

The main advantages of using a laser include:

  • The operation time takes about 20 minutes.

  • The procedure is practically bloodless, as the laser cauterizes all vessels.

  • The scar after such a dissection of the tissues is hardly noticeable, heals faster.

Full recovery occurs after a week. However, some experts are of the opinion that the classic excision of the hygroma with a scalpel reduces the likelihood of its recurrence than when it is removed with a laser. The fact is that in the latter case, the hygroma gate is not sutured (the gate is the place where the tumor connects to the joint).


Surgery to remove hygroma

Since the surgeon performs all manipulations in the immediate vicinity of the joints, the rehabilitation period should be scheduled in stages. Otherwise, the scar tissue will grow strongly, which can impair the mobility of the joint.

The sterile dressing that covers the suture will need to be changed every day. The splint should securely fix the joint, but at the same time it should be positioned in such a way that it does not interfere with the change of the bandage. The splint is worn for 21-30 days. Specific terms depend on the complexity and massiveness of the surgical intervention.

During the recovery period, it is necessary to minimize the load on the joint, but they are not completely limited. The doctor recommends to the patient certain exercises that will allow the development of the limb and quickly restore its former functions.

Contribute to the restoration of joints and tendons of physiotherapy.

They include:

  • Warming.

  • Electrophoresis.

  • Magnetotherapy.

  • ultrasound therapy.

These methods are used both by themselves and in combination.

Complications after removal of hygroma

Surgery to remove hygroma

The operation to remove the hygroma is associated with the risk of developing complications such as:

  • Introduction to the wound infection.

  • Excessive growth of scar tissue on the synovial bag.

  • Hygroma recurrence.

To reduce the likelihood of complications, it is necessary to carefully prepare for the operation, and after it is completed, follow all medical recommendations.

The cost of surgical intervention varies widely and depends on the technique of its implementation, the location of the hygroma, the massiveness of the procedure. The smaller the tumor, the easier it is to get rid of it. Therefore, do not delay in contacting the doctor.

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