Supporter for the athlete. Whey – waste or health itself?
Supporter for the athlete. Whey - waste or health itself?Supporter for the athlete. Whey – waste or health itself?

Usually, we thinklessly pour it out, e.g. when straining the curd, thus making a big mistake. Whey is a by-product of cheese production that has long been treated as waste. Today, there are technologies that enable the separation and extraction of valuable proteins from whey. These types of proteins have extremely high nutritional values, thanks to which our body easily digests and assimilates them. Whey proteins have a beneficial effect, e.g. on the cardiovascular system and blood cholesterol levels.

Whey does not make a dizzying career in Poland, although it has long been appreciated by the Germans. It’s still hard to find on store shelves here. For many years, cheeses called servites have been produced, which contain only 0,3% fat and contain numerous vitamins, trace elements and milk proteins.

Health secret properties of wheyand lies in the proteins contained in it. They contain amino acids that are absorbed into the bloodstream and are essential in nourishing the body. Their biological value is much higher than, for example, in a chicken egg.

Why should you reach for whey?

Whey is something for you if you want to take care of your health, but also if you suffer from various diseases and want to get rid of them. Its consumption has been shown to effectively lower blood pressure, which is confirmed by studies conducted on young men and women who were given it whey drinks. As a result, the subjects significantly reduced their blood pressure and total cholesterol and its “bad” fraction.

Except that, whey supports the body’s immunity due to the content of lactoferrin. It has antiviral, antiparasitic, antifungal, antioxidant and anticancer properties. What’s more, it binds calcium, iron, copper, manganese and aluminum ions and supports the production of cells of the immune system.

Lactoferrin is also used in the cosmetics industry, the production of dairy products, and infant formulas.

Consumption whey it also prevents the formation of cancer, mainly thanks to the already mentioned lactoferrin, but also cysteine ​​and methionine, which are found in large amounts in it. They effectively protect the body against the harmful effects of free radicals.

Good for athletes and bodybuilders

Due to the fact that whey proteins affect the stimulation of muscle protein synthesis, they are often used by people who want to gain muscle. Whey protein isolate perfectly complements the body’s needs of athletes for nutrients that must be supplied from the outside.

What whey to buy?

First of all, pay attention to the lactose content. Dried whey is available on the Polish market, which has 95% dry matter, including as much as 70% lactose. Unfortunately, such a product has a reduced nutritional content. There are also whey protein concentrates available, which have only 50% lactose and a maximum of 12% fat, so they will be suitable for post-workout supplementation.

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