
Support scale (I) — the largest scale of the test (91 points) — measures the degree of independence of the subject’s values ​​and behavior from outside influences («internal-external support»). The conceptual basis of this scale was primarily the ideas of A. Reisman about the «inside» and «outside» guided personality. A person with a high score on this scale is relatively independent in his actions, strives to be guided in life by his own goals, beliefs, attitudes and principles, which, however, does not mean hostility to others and confrontation with group norms. He is free to choose, not subject to external influences (“directed from within” personality).

Scale questions

  1. I believe in myself even when I feel that I cannot cope with all the tasks before me
  2. I rarely get embarrassed internally when compliments are given to me.
  3. It seems to me that a person has little chance of living his life the way he wants.
  4. I always feel the strength in myself to overcome life’s adversities.
  5. I feel no remorse when I get angry at those I love.
  6. It is not too important for me that others share my point of view.
  7. It seems to me that a person should be calm about the unpleasant that he can hear about himself from others.
  8. I can without any remorse put off until tomorrow what I have to do today
  9. Sometimes I get so angry that I want to “throw” people.
  10. There are situations when a person has the right to be dishonest.
  11. I almost never need to find a rationale for my actions, which I do simply because I want to.
  12. I don’t always try to avoid disappointment.
  13. I would not want to deviate from my principles even in order to do something for which people would be grateful to me.
  14. I usually say and do what I think is right, even if it threatens to complicate relations with a friend.
  15. I rarely think about whether my behavior is appropriate for the situation.
  16. It seems to me that any person by nature is capable of overcoming the difficulties that life puts before him.
  17. It seems to me that it would be better if both men and women combined both traditionally masculine and traditionally feminine character traits.
  18. Two people get along best if each of them tries to express his feelings first of all, as opposed to the desire to please the other.
  19. The cruel and selfish acts that people commit are not manifestations of their human nature.
  20. I’m confident
  21. Sometimes I like to gossip.
  22. I put up with contradictions in myself.
  23. If a stranger does me a favor, then I don’t feel obligated to him.
  24. Sometimes it’s hard for me to be sincere even when I feel like it.
  25. Guilt often worries me.
  26. I don’t feel obligated to do everything in my power to keep those I interact with in a good mood.
  27. Critical remarks addressed to me do not lower my self-esteem.
  28. I often make spontaneous decisions.
  29. I strive to openly express my feelings, even if it can lead to some kind of trouble.
  30. I can say that I like myself.
  31. It seems to me that people should openly show their dissatisfaction with others in communication with others.
  32. It seems to me that I cannot judge how other people should behave.
  33. I try to determine for myself what is good and what is bad.
  34. I easily distinguish love from simple sexual attraction.
  35. I don’t care much about self-improvement.
  36. Achieving happiness cannot be the goal of human relationships.
  37. I think I can trust my own estimates quite well.
  38. In some cases, I consider myself entitled to let a person understand that he seems stupid and uninteresting to me.
  39. My feelings sometimes lead to bewilderment of myself.
  40. Observing from the outside, it is impossible to say how well relations between people develop.
  41. I am very passionate about my work.
  42. I don’t feel obligated to always tell the truth.
  43. There are many situations where I can afford to fool around.
  44. I don’t feel obligated to do what others expect me to do.
  45. Interest in oneself is always necessary for a person.
  46. I’m never afraid to be myself.
  47. Most of what I have to do gives me pleasure.
  48. Not only vain people think about their own merits.
  49. I can do things for others without asking them to appreciate it.
  50. I usually don’t need any reason to accept my feelings.
  51. In most situations, I first of all want to understand what I want myself.
  52. I allow myself to be a «black sheep».
  53. Even when I like myself, I understand that there are people who dislike me.
  54. It often happens that expressing your feelings is more important than thinking about the situation.
  55. I don’t always need others to approve of what I do.
  56. I trust the decisions that I make spontaneously.
  57. Perhaps I can say that I live with a feeling of happiness.
  58. I often show my affection for a person, regardless of whether it is mutual.
  59. Sometimes I find it possible to cheat.
  60. I am ready to accept my mistakes.
  61. I usually don’t feel guilty when I act selfishly.
  62. Children do not need to realize that they do not have the same rights and privileges as adults.
  63. I have not yet fully understood what feelings I can experience, and what not.
  64. I think most people can be trusted
  65. Sometimes I like people whose behavior I do not approve of.
  66. People naturally understand each other.
  67. I like dirty jokes sometimes.
  68. I am loved because I myself am able to love.
  69. It seems to me that the emotional and rational in a person do not contradict each other.
  70. I feel confident in relationships with other people.
  71. Protecting their own interests, people usually do not forget the interests of others.
  72. I can always rely on my ability to navigate the situation.
  73. I don’t usually get upset if I can’t be perfect at something.
  74. I’m never afraid to be too gentle.
  75. It is easy for me to come to terms with my weaknesses.
  76. I rarely have to justify my actions to myself.
  77. I can’t say that I like most of the people I know.
  78. Sometimes I don’t mind being commanded.
  79. I’m not shy about showing my weaknesses in front of my friends.
  80. I’m not afraid to make any mistake.
  81. It is never possible to say with certainty whether a person is good or evil.
  82. I almost always feel within myself the strength to do as I see fit, regardless of the consequences.
  83. People often annoy me.
  84. My sense of self-worth depends to a small extent on what I have achieved.
  85. A mature person does not necessarily have to be aware of the reasons for each of his actions.
  86. I perceive myself as others see me.
  87. I am never ashamed of my feelings.
  88. I like to participate in heated debates.
  89. I always manage to be guided in life by my own feelings and desires.
  90. I am rarely guided in solving my personal problems by conventional wisdom.
  91. I’m not afraid of failure.

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