Supination and pronation and the choice of footwear. Methods of preventing traffic problems

Supination, like pronation, are two concepts related to movement. Supination is also known as external rotation, i.e. turning the limb outward in relation to its axis. Pronation is internal rotation, i.e. turning a limb inward in relation to its axis. Supination and pronation occur while running, the phenomena can also affect the upper limbs, most often the elbows and forearms. Can excessive supination and pronation be prevented? If so, in what way?

Supination and pronation – what is it?

Supination i pronationthat is, turning the limb in or out about the axis is the natural effect of the movement. Down supination i pronation it results from the weight of our body shifting from the heel towards the toes, so these are the natural effects of movement. It happens, however, that the deviation is too large in relation to the norm – then we are talking about unnatural supination or pronation.

Excessive supination and pronation

When there is a pathological situation and an excessive, unnatural one can be observed supination or pronation, you should immediately go to a specialist – physiotherapist. Excessive supination leads to frequent contusions of the ankle joint, increased risk of ankle sprains, Achilles tendonitis, frequent strains of the peroneal muscles and the occurrence of numerous inflammations of the plantar fascia. Excessive supination can be ascertained by examining the soles of shoes – in people supining the soles of your shoes will be much more rubbed along the outer edge of the shoes.

Research shows that you are much more likely to supination people with a high instep show, however, it is not a rule that supination it only affects such patients.

Excessive pronation it can lead to inflammation of the tendon and its tissues, and thus – painful ailments. Pathological pronation is also the cause of the so-called Heel spurs, which are bony growths in the heel area.

Supination and pronation – how to prevent?

Supination i pronation they are not irreversible phenomena. Appropriate exercises and the selection of a special one footwear can inhibit their development.

To prevent pronation, first of all, you should work on changing your way of walking and running. It is worth remembering that physical activity, such as regular jogging, enhances the development of phenomena supination i pronation in people prone to their unnatural form. In case of pronation it is worth taking the load off the heel while walking and running and lowering the weight of the body more on the metatarsus. A good way to fight against pronation there is also running barefoot on the grass – but remember to choose places where you will not risk stepping on glass or other objects dangerous to your feet.

Z pronation you can also fight by appropriate work on the muscles of the lower limbs – especially the muscles that stabilize our gait.

The simplest, but also the least effective way na pronation is the selection of appropriate footwear and insoles. The choice should be made by trained sports shop staff, it is also worth seeking advice from physiotherapist.

The same is the case supination. To prevent unnatural development supination, you need to control the way our body weight is distributed over the foot. You also need to work on the muscles that stabilize the gait and choose the right insoles for footwear.

Specialist orthopedic insoles have been developed for children to stabilize the foot and prevent its supination and pronation. The FootWave brand offers:

  1. FootWave KIDS orthopedic insoles for valgus feet and knees for children,
  2. Orthopedic insoles for valgus and flat feet in children FootWave KIDS SUPI,
  3. Orthopedic insoles for valgus and flat feet in children FootWave KIDS SUPI 3/4,
  4. Orthopedic insoles for squamous foot and heel pain in children FootWave KIDS SUPI PRO.

Supination and pronation – shoe selection

If you suspect the phenomenon supination or pronation affects you in an unnatural form, consider investing in specialized insoles, and if you regularly train running, be sure to buy the right shoes.

People experiencing excessive pronation should look for shoes with reinforcement on the inside. Usually such shoes have a special foam or sponge on the inside. In the case of people suffering from excessive supination you should look for shoes with very good cushioning and an upper that provides stabilization, because the risk of twisting the ankle joint and overloading the iliotibial band is much higher than in the case of people with natural supination Stop.

The footwear can be fitted with special gel wedges for the heel slants – valgus and varus heel, which help to properly position the foot while walking and increase the comfort of movement.

Supination and pronation of the elbows

Phenomenon supination and pronation can also affect the upper limbs, often occurring in an unnatural form, especially in the area of ​​the elbow joint. While, as in the case of the legs, supination or pronation is something natural (without supination it would be impossible, for example, to drink from a cup with an ear or write), sometimes it happens that a pathological form of phenomena occurs.

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