Superman is a great exercise to strengthen back muscles and lower back and worked out abs and buttocks, correct posture. This exercise is very good for slender figure and a healthy spine. In this article we will talk about the use of “Superman”, the features and the correct technique, and the embodiment of Superman.
Superman: technology and implementation features
If you want to strengthen the back muscles safely and effectively, include in your training plan exercise Superman. This is a simple but very good exercise helps to work the muscles to improve the shape, strengthen the lower back and remove the slouch in the back. Most exercises for the back can be very traumatic-for example, deadlifts for errors in technique can injure your back. Superman is not only won’t harm your health, but will also help to stretch the spine, improve posture and strengthen the lumbar back muscles in the prevention of lower back pain.
Technique exercises Superman:
1. Lie with your stomach on the floor, face down, head slightly raised. Extend hands forward, palms face the floor, try to stretch out the entire body. This is the starting position.
2. On the exhale, lift arms, chest and legs off the floor and slowly raise them as high up as possible. The body should form a small bend in the back, all body is tight and fit. Try to lift arms and legs as high as possible for this switch to work the abdominal muscles and buttocks. Do not throw back the neck back, it should be a continuation of the back. Hold this position for 4-5 seconds.
3. On the inhale slowly lower to the floor to starting position and relax a little bit. Perform 10-15 repetitions in 3-4 approach.
How to perform Superman:
As you can see, the resulting position resembles Superman flying, hence the name of this useful lower back exercises and lower back. In addition, due to the constant tension of the legs is a good load on the gluteal muscles and the hamstrings. Superman will be an excellent exercise for all the muscles of the hind part of the body. Also Superman is a preparatory exercise for the execution of the deadlift – one of the most useful exercises for the back and buttocks, but requires trained muscles to avoid injury.
See also: How to correct POSTURE
The work of the muscles during Superman
The purpose of the exercise Superman is a study of the back and strengthen the spine, but additionally in the classroom are also included in the work of the muscles of the buttocks, the back of the thigh and the shoulder muscles.
So, when performing the Superman involves the following muscles:
- the extensors of the spine
- the gluteus Maximus
- the hamstrings
- muscle-stabilizers
- the deltoid muscle
It is not necessary to do the exercise during the aggravated or chronic back pain. Also, you should not perform Superman during pregnancy.
Superman for beginners
Exercise Superman, though it seems simple at first glance, but not all, even experienced working flawlessly will be able to cope with it. To complete the Superman need to have a pumped muscular and strong muscles of the lower back. If you aren’t able to carry Superman with full amplitude and a large number of repetitions, then you shouldn’t worry. This exercise is a simplified version, which will prepare your muscles to “full” Superman.
How to perform Superman for beginners? Lie on your stomach face down, head off the floor. Extend hands forward. Raise your right arm and left leg as high up as possible, hold for 4-5 seconds and then slowly lower them to the floor. Then raise your left arm and right leg as high up as possible, hold for 4-5 seconds and then slowly lower them to the floor. Repeat 15 repetitions per side, alternating between them. Perform 3 sets.
Superman: 10 various modifications
One of the advantages of Superman is a lot of variants of execution. You can always simplify or complicate this exercise depending on your fitness level.
1. Superman with divorced hands
This variant of the Superman exercise is very useful for posture and getting rid of stooping.
2. Superman simplified
If you have trouble to run Superman with outstretched arms, you can stretch them along the body. In this position it will be easier to tear the body from the floor.
3. Superman with a twist
This exercise will help you more effectively work out the rectus abdominal and oblique abdominal muscles.
4. Superman with dumbbell
For more advanced concerned, you can perform the Superman with the extra weight, in the manner of, for example, the dumbbell behind your neck. For starters, you can take a weight of 1-2 kg. you can Also perform the Superman with weights for legs, in this case, the more intense will be pumped to the lower part of the body.
5. Superman with a bench
If you have a bench, a comfortable chair or stool, you can perform this variant of Superman. For stability rest your feet on the wall.
6. Superman with fitball
If you have a fitball, it is very effective and useful to do exercises for the back on it.
7. Superman with chest expander
Expander is one of the most useful exercises for your back. You can perform a Superman exercise with him.
8. Superman with a fitness band for buttocks
But if your goal is to work the muscles of the buttocks and hamstring, then you can purchase a fitness band. This is the most useful tools for the muscles of the lower body.
9. Superman with the ring
Convenient and useful to perform a Superman with special equipment for the Pilates fitness ring. Just rest in his arms and lift your chest off the floor.
10. Hunting dog
This exercise can be performed those who find it difficult to perform the Superman exercise and its modifications due to problems with the loin. It also helps to strengthen the muscle corset to improve posture and tighten stomach.
For gifs big thanks to the youtube channels , The Live fit girl and FitnessType.
After performing a Superman it is possible to relax the back muscles from the exercise “cat”, which is in the trough and arching of the back. Slowly repeat this exercise 10-15 times after the run Superman.
The benefits of running Superman
- The perfect exercise to strengthen the muscles of back and waist
- Strengthen the muscles and tendons of the lower back
- Safe exercise with low injury risk
- Suitable even for beginners
- Helps to correct posture and get rid of slouching
- Extends the spine and is an excellent prevention of back pain and lower back
- Helps to strengthen the abdominal muscles and tighten the tummy
- To run you will not need additional equipment
- This exercise, which has many modifications, so you can always diversify or complicate
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Stomach, Back and waist