Turmeric, broccoli, acai berries — every year the list of foods that are recognized for their special properties is growing. But what? Is the prefix “super” a guarantor of longevity or is it just a marketing ploy?
Today, this term is often heard from the lips of those who speak and write about health, nutrition and beauty. “The very word superfoods in English-speaking countries began to be used back in the late 1990s,” says nutritionist Lidia Ionova, head of the medical nutrition center “Dr. Ionova’s Clinic”. — However, it sounded mainly in advertising or the press, often in support of some next sensation, and due to not always conscientious use, it was largely compromised. Thus, since 2007, in the EU countries, it has been forbidden to write “superfood” on packages — unless such naming is confirmed by serious scientific research.
What, exactly, are we talking about? We know that «ordinary» vegetables and fruits are good for health, but some of them can also protect us — from cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, oncology … All plant products are saturated with valuable nutrients — vitamins, minerals, antioxidants. “There is a lot of fiber in plants, and like a sponge, it absorbs and removes toxins that have entered the body with food and air,” says nutritionist Anna Belousova. “In addition, plant fibers are food for the “good” bacteria that live in the intestines and on which 70% of our immunity depends.” The hallmark of a «superfood» is an incredible amount of bioflavonoids. Behind this name are several hundred substances (catechins, polyphenols, isoflavones…) with different properties, but they all have one thing in common: they are all powerful antioxidants that help our body fight oxidative stress, which provokes premature aging and cell mutation. The richer the color of the fruit, the more bioflavonoids it contains, the nutritionist notes.
Goji berries, guarana, acai or acerola — many «superfoods» come to us from afar and impress with their name alone. Yes, sometimes we want to believe that a wonderful fruit from the other side of the earth can solve all our health problems or make us 10 years younger … but it doesn’t happen! Nutritionists insist: there is no particular reason to rely on exotic berries, fruits, or dietary supplements based on them. Goji or acai berries are really healthy, they are full of vitamins and antioxidants, but the well-known cranberry is no worse — not to mention the fact that a fresh seasonal berry is certainly healthier than a dried powder or an industrially produced extract. “The concentration of nutrients is always higher in farm products grown no further than 100 kilometers from the place where we are going to eat them,” says Anna Belousova. — The fact is that vitamins and bioflavonoids are easily destroyed. When dried, crushed and transported, their amount in fruits, berries and vegetables is significantly reduced. Therefore, instead of Brazilian acai powder, it is better to eat a handful of blueberries, a couple of apples, or a serving of vegetable stew.
And indeed: spinach, sweet peppers, beets, black currants, garlic grow well in our area! It is only important to remember that not a single — even the most useful — vegetable or fruit will become a magic potion for us. “The use of such products is not a panacea, but part of a healthy diet,” emphasizes Anna Belousova. – Seasoning a steak with turmeric once, we get only a delicious dish. And only with daily use of this seasoning does it become a “superfood”. In addition, those whose menu is not balanced, monotonous, who have many bad habits or who lack movement will not get a good effect. So, green tea really contributes to weight loss, but if you drink cakes and pastries with it, then it is unlikely that it will help you build weight. Do not expect an instant effect from our food — it accumulates gradually. If the first changes, perhaps, we will feel in a few days, then stable results should be expected no earlier than in 3-4 months. So what does health taste like?
Familiar superheroes
Shiitake — This tree fungus contains a substance that fights cancerous and regenerating cells. It also stimulates the reproduction and activity of immune cells, lowers cholesterol and regulates both male and female hormones. There is reason to believe that oyster mushrooms and wild mushrooms, which are more familiar to us, have similar properties — it’s just that shiitake mushrooms are much better studied.
Soy — its protein composition is as close as possible to the animal. Soy contains phytoestrogens, which help maintain hormones in women over 35 and reduce the risk of developing uterine and breast cancer.
You can use it little by little, but every day: add sprouted beans or tofu to the salad, use soy sauce, milk or yogurt.
Turmeric The yellow seasoning in curry contains curcumin, the most powerful anti-inflammatory agent known to science today*. This natural antibiotic stimulates the activity of the immune system, improves digestion and intestinal microflora, and prevents the formation of cancer cells. Ayurvedic medicine actively uses turmeric to eliminate any intestinal diseases. In India, it is considered an aphrodisiac for both men and women.
Every day at lunch and dinner, you can add a pinch of turmeric powder to rice or potatoes, vegetable stews, salads, soups, season fish or meat with it. Its beneficial properties are manifested only with long-term daily use — among the Indians, it is in use all their lives. Mix a pinch of turmeric with a pinch of ground black pepper and a teaspoon of olive oil to help your body absorb curcumin better.
* D. Servan-Schreiber “Anti-cancer. New way of life” (Ripol Classic, Moscow, 2010).
Garlic contains the most powerful natural antiseptic alicin, which kills most viruses and bacteria, including influenza and SARS. Garlic strengthens the walls of blood vessels, improves blood circulation, restores potency, reduces any inflammatory processes in the body and helps control blood sugar levels. We need at least a clove of fresh garlic a day — preferably in the evening. The active substances are better absorbed if the garlic is crushed and mixed with a small amount of oil. Parsley, dill and lemon juice help to neutralize its specific smell.
Spinach — the record holder for the content of vitamin B9, vitamin C and provitamin A — this is a trio of defenders of the health of our heart. Spinach is also a source of lutein, which has antioxidant properties and is good for eye health. By the way, lutein is better absorbed if you add spinach to an egg dish.
Broccoli contains substances (sulforaphane, indole-3-carbinol and glucosinolate) that remove certain carcinogens from the body, prevent the transformation of precancerous cells into tumors and destroy existing cancer cells. Also, broccoli contains a lot of vitamin C — even after heat treatment it is 2 times more than in oranges — and beta-carotene.
Green tea supplies our body with catechin, a powerful antioxidant and anti-carcinogenic substance. Most catechins are found in Japanese varieties of sencha, gyokuro, and matcha. In addition, it improves metabolism, regulates blood pressure and stimulates the detoxification process. Thanks to the amino acid L-theanine, it also lowers stress hormones, helping to relieve tension and focus at the same time.